Columbia University Artwork Reflection Paper

User Generated



Columbia University


1 page reflection with 2 questions to answer. Fit both answers onto 1 page. Available to submit on blackboard at 2 p.m today

1. Look once again at the picture we interpreted at the beginning of the course, Rene Magritte's "The Lovers." It is a picture of two masked lovers, kissing. Previously we analyzed it as the painter's reinterpretation of the ordinary understanding of love. How can it be interpreted again, under the circumstances of our current pandemic? What is the painting saying about love--or relationships in general--in the time of the coronavirus?

You can answer how you like. Try to be creative, or humorous, or philosophical, or straightforwardly analytical about the situation depicted and discuss how present circumstances might have changed the way you see the painting today.

2. How did the course help you with improving your writing, especially with regard to improving your writing argumentative or analytical essays? And which essay did you like the best, the one on the cell phone and technology; the one on Thoreau's relevance today; or the one on pandemics? And why?

Explanation & Answer:
One page
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: REFLECTION


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1. This is a painting that shows the frustration among lovers due to the coronavirus
pandemic. The fabric or the mask on the faces of these true Lovers resembles the
coronavirus pandemic. It is because coronavirus pandemic has demanded isolation
among individuals leading to frustration a...

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