BCJ340 - Criminal Behavior

User Generated




California Coast University


Discuss Green’s occupational crime typology, and give an example of a crime which falls into each of the four categories.

Criminal Behavior

Curt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol, 2014

ISBN.13: 978-0-132-97319-9

350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

  • Sources are listed in two places.
  • The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
  • The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
  • All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.

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Explanation & Answer





Occupational crime
Occupational crime is the antisocial behavior of people while in their occupations. It
entails any crime that is committed while at work and can involve activities such as
embezzlement of funds, stealing the company’s properties, misuse of the company’s information,
vandalism, and fraud activities. Occupational crimes entail any illegal activity that is done in the
course of occupation and is punishable by the ex...

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