SMC Sociology Discussion

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Santa Monica College


As you learned in this chapter, socialization is a lifelong learning process that reoccurs as we enter different life stages such as adolescence or adulthood. Several factors influence the way that we are socialized, including gender socialization patterns. For this discussion, please respond to the following questions: 

1) How does social media (or any media in general) influence how young people are socialized in terms of gender? Please explain using at least one example. (i.e. Jaden Smith's clothing line MSFTS is a gender neutral clothing line, and is opening up space for the idea that young people do not need to conform to gendered clothing norms. However, most of the time, what we see on social media reinforces gender norms.)

2) How do parents and other adults reinforce gender roles? Explain.

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200 words
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I recall watching a movie with my little niece and there was one actor who had a nic...

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