Brand Analysis

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Grand Canyon University


Brand selected is Adidas. Task 1 -500 words -• Drawing on the analysis write a 500 word feature article on the brand identity and why you think the brand qualifies as ‘cool’. This is a creative piece of writing using your own words and does not require academic references• Free style journalistic approach; articulate the brand identity; what brand stands for & represents; to whom; why it is considered cool. The content of this article has to reflect, to an extent, your analysis.

Task 2 800 words.-Discuss the concept of customer based brand equity (CBBE) using referenced academic sources. Apply this concept to your selected brand and critically evaluate the key dimensions (building blocks) of the brand using the CBBE pyramid. Support your application with relevant secondary data and evidence

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Task 1 Compulsory • Undertake secondary research in order to fully understand the brand and to uncover insights. Using this develop (i) a brand map which fully captures points of difference (ii) brand mantra • Research > secondary data reports, newspapers, online, social media, primary research not needed. The analysis, including the cited references, in the Appendices. Brand Map Derivative: Suns and Satellites • Drawing on the analysis write a 500 word feature article on the brand identity and why you think the brand qualifies as ‘cool’. This is a creative piece of writing using your own words and does not require academic references • Free style journalistic approach; articulate the brand identity; what brand stands for & represents; to whom; why it is considered cool. The content of this article has to reflect, to an extent, your analysis in the Appendices. Task 2: Customer Based Brand Equity • Discuss the concept of customer based brand equity (CBBE) using referenced academic sources. Apply this concept to your selected brand and critically evaluate the key dimensions (building blocks) of the brand using the CBBE pyramid. Support your application with relevant secondary data and evidence • Relates to customer‐based equity only • Academic literature review – use journal sources • Discuss dimensions of CBBE (including Associations). Frameworks available • Evaluate strength of CBBE in application • Illustrative evidence for some blocks of the pyramid • Brand value (equity) is derived from the actions of consumers • The true significance of brands can only be seen through the eyes of the beholder • Customer‐based brand equity means measuring the consumer mindset or brand knowledge Brand Knowledge Brand Awareness + Brand Image = Brand Knowledge Sub-Dimensions of CBBE Pyramid [Adapted]  Task 3: Brand Extension [Optional] • Review the case for brand extension using referenced academic sources. Identify and justify two extensions which could take the brand forward. If the brand currently has extensions consider how these could be further extended. Essentially brand extension involves an innovation which is not in the core market of the brand. The brand stretches out of this core market. • Academic literature review • Critical and creative application to brand > fit, transferability, capability • Reflect CBBE analysis Task 4: Celebrity Endorsement [Optional]  • Outline the role played by celebrity endorsement in brand communications using referenced academic sources. Identify and conceptually justify a celebrity who could be used in future to endorse the brand. • Any individual who enjoys public recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it in an advertisement (McCracken, 1989) • Academic literature review – use journal sources • Critical & creative application to brand > meaning transfer, match‐up, credibility, trust, attractiveness. • Reflect CBBE analysis Task 5: Logo [Compulsory] • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of your selected brand mark (logo) and provide a detailed explanation of its expressive attributes. Ensure that you support your interpretations with references. • Application grounded in both literature and evidence • Explore key design aspects: colour, shape, imagery, typology, font • Support with literature • Reflect CBBE analysis
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Explanation & Answer is the paper i have really tried my level best in case of anything kidly let me know.. thank you


Task 1



Logo and

Figure 1 showing Adidas map that captures points of difference
Adidas Mantra
Brand mantra is the "core brand promise" or else the "brand essence." Keller 2013.p. 93
defines a brand mantra as the spirit of brand positioning. An organization opts to use the brand
mantra to austerely ensure that different partners, both internal and external, can understand what
the corporation offers to its customers. This will play a critical role in that the partners can have
an appropriate room for making decisions on what to provide to its customers. Adidas mantra,
therefore, is “One can go the extra mile." This means that the sportsperson will enjoy the
corporation's products. The products will offer him/her comfort throughout the exercise period.
Adidas mantra motivates those sportspeople in their activities.
Research on Adidas Brand



Adidas is a corporate organization dealing with manufacturing and designing accessories,
clothing, and shoes. The Company, over many years, has been considered as most significant in
manufacturing sportswear in Europe. The Company has also been categorized as the second
largest in manufacturing all over the World. This is after Nike Corporation. The Company also
has been branded as the allotment firm precisely for the Adidas group. The group consists of a
composition of the Reebok Casualwear Company as well as the Austrian fitness technological
concern. The primary aim of starting the firm was to ensure that multiple athletic activities were
adequately conducted. Adidas logo is visual in that it is composed of three stripes. The Company
uses the strips as marketing aids of its products. In my research about the Adidas brand, I have
decided to introduce the Adidas map. The map will effectively help us to capture existing points
of difference.
Adidas Brand Identity and the Reasons Why I Think the Brand Qualifies As “Cool”
Adidas brand has a logo "impossible is nothing," which acts as an identity. The corporation
has effectively come into the minds of many individuals hence becoming integrity. From my
point of view, Adidas has widely created a strong brand concept specifically for potential
customers and its customers. Adidas brand qualifies as "cool" due to different distinctive features
despite the presence of its competitors. The existence of the Company in the field of
manufacturing its product is organized and set of activities among workers in the corporation.
Some of Adidas competitors who are Under Armour and Nike struggle with their sales losses in
the United States sportswear markets. Reasons that make Adidas brand qualify as cool are;
Firstly, the brand strictly focuses on the strengths- For Adidas to gain inspirational needs on its
products, it looks at how the competitors behind it are operating. The brand does not set the
appropriate tones for development. Through competitors' availability, the Company can arrange



the best measures towards success. Secondly, Adidas Corporation uses the past as an
inspirational instrument towards the future. The presence of the company History Management
department helps the corporation to be considerate of aiming hire. The department plays a vital
role in ensuring that the managers who are newly hired understand the Company's core values.
Adidas, in its operation, effectively regularly focus on innovation means, which are usually
prevalent in the sports areas.
The reason why Adidas brand can be considered as "cool" is the ability to adequately keeping
up with its customers. At this point, Adidas aligns the existence of different strategies with the
appropriate needs of its customers. The corporation ensures full utilization of modern
technological know-how. Adidas puts its focus on existing data analytics specifically to meet

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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