What can teachers do to facilitate meaningful discourse among peers in the classroom?, Writing Question help

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What can teachers do to facilitate meaningful discourse among peers in the classroom? Give an example of an experience a student may have outside the classroom that may help his or her peers understand a newly introduced concept.

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Explanation & Answer

Facilitating meaningful discourse among peers in the classroom;

Nurture a Logic of Competence

This a student's constant personal evaluation of whether he or she can prosper in a learning
activity or contest.

Provide Independence Support

Independence support means promoting the students' sense of control over their behaviors and
goals. When a teacher gives control to the students, rather than encouraging compliance with
orders and instructions, student commitment levels are likely to increase as a result.

Encourage Collaborative Learning

When students work well with others, their engagement may be improved due to experiencing
some sense of connection to others during the activities.

Teacher should create a positive relationship wit...

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