IDS 402 Southern New Hampshire University Obesity Epidemic Discussion

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Health Medical

IDS 402

Southern New Hampshire University



Introduction: You will compile a series of critical analyses of a single issue/event in wellness through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences.

Lens Connections: In this section of your assignment, you will describe the connections between your issue/event and each of the four general education lenses.

  1. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of history for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
  2. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the humanities for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
  3. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
  4. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
  5. Explain how integrating the four lenses helps understand how problems in wellness impact both professional and personal context.
  6. Analyze how social practices have been shaped by issues and events in wellness in modern culture.
  7. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in wellness. Explain how analyzing wellness can help interactions with those of a different viewpoint, culture, and perspective.

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Explanation & Answer

Hello, I'm done, I chose obesity as the wellness issue.

Running Head: OBESITY




Obesity and History

Obesity has been present in society for a very long period. However, the concern for being
obese was not widespread until the mid-nineteenth century (Taylor, 2017). Before then, the global
society was functioning on preservative ways of life, and as such, the condition was not as loud as
it is today. Again, the period involved significant dynamics such as a growing population, which
reduced food supply in society. Limitations contributed by social growth, and reduced food
production decreased the possibilities of individuals getting obesity. In the eighteenth century,
having a big body was also not perceived as a challenge or as a concern. The big body was
appreciated and even appreciate in art, through drawings and paint works.
Obesity, however, gained popularity and stigmatization towards the twentieth century.
People with a big body were now being perceived as a disease. During this period, civilization and
dockets such as medicine and research had grown. The condition was associated with chronic
diseases such as chronic nephritis (Taylor, 2017). Later on, the condition was associated with an
increased mortality rate. Therefore, the perception of the beauty of being fat changed and started
being perceived as an undesirable phenomenon. The understanding of the obesity phenomenon,
such as contributing factors, was also established over this period. Furthermore, the condition has
today changed the mentality of people and even social institutions. The majority today work hard
on lifestyles and eating behaviors to reduce the chances of being diagnosed with obesity.
Obesity and Humanities
Culture plays a crucial role in communicating about obesity in society. For instance, in the
traditional art, appreciation, and acceptance of was evident through drawings and paintwork. The
creativity expressed how society the norm of being big or fat. However, today the culture has
changed with people focusing on avoiding obesity. The increase in obesity in the twentieth century,



primarily through research and mortality contribution, people have changed lifestyle (Harris,
Kotwal & Kisuule, 2018). Today, people continuously remain cautious about what they eat. An
increase in weight-cutting business as well shows the change of lifestyle in society. Gym business
and health meals businesses have been booming for the past several years, hence showing the
changes in lifestyle among members of the society.
Again, the overall culture in society has changed significantly. The art in society includes
the stigmatization of people suffering from obesity. Obese people are typically perceived as
irresponsible of ''foodies'' (Cano et al., 2020). Stigmatization has also increased due to changing
culture and perception. The same phenomenon includes discrimination in society due to weight
and body size. Similarly, ...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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