NPU Project Management Discussion

User Generated



Northwestern Polytechnic University


Answer the following questions in 300 words

  1. Consider a medium-sized company that has decided to begin using project management in a wide variety of its operations. As part of their operational shift, they are going to adopt a project management office somewhere within the organization. Make an argument for the type of PMO it should adopt (weather station, control tower, or resource pool). What are some of the key decision criteria that will help it determine which model makes most sense?
  2. Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google. Imagine if you were in charge of a project team at both companies. How might your approach to managing a project, developing your team, and coordinating with different functional departments differ at the two firms?

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Project management has led to dominance in business across fields in organization
thanks to its excellent technique to control them. Companies ought to adopt project management
to mine maximum returns from their projects while minimizing cost and time wastage. Every
organization adopts a system that is suitable for their level of operation. For medium-sized
organizations, their services include having numerous activities happening simultaneously...

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