Indiana University Purdue University Neurodevelopmental Disorders Assessment

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Indiana UniversityPurdue University Fort Wayne



As you have learned from several of your readings, diagnosis of a variety of psychiatric illnesses is not always an easy or straightforward process. Multiple observations and assessment methods are often employed to reach a diagnosis. This approach can include the use of standardized assessment instruments.

Each week, you will be tasked with identifying a standardized assessment instrument to measure the disorders about which you will be reading. You will keep these instruments in the form of a “notebook” that you can use in your clinical practice to assess clients who present with a variety of symptoms.


For each assessment, you are tasked with selecting, you will identify an instrument and:

  1. Identify a scholarly, peer-reviewed article that addresses the use of the instrument.
  2. Discuss if the instrument is appropriate for diagnosing the condition it is designed to assess or if the developers of the instrument reported that the instrument is only part of a comprehensive assessment for the disorder.
  3. Describe whether or not the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment.
  4. Discuss the psychometrics of the instrument, including reliability and validity.
  5. Discuss any limitations associated with the use of the instrument

For week two, you will identify three (3) different assessment instruments-one used in the assessment/diagnosis of:

  1. Neurodevelopmental Disorder
  2. Disruptive, or impulse-Control disorder
  3. Conduct disorder.

Grading Criteria:

Your assignment will be graded according to the rubric.


Semester-long project: The Psychiatric Assessment Notebook Rubric

Semester-long project: The Psychiatric Assessment Notebook Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstruments Assessed Using Scholarly Sources

1.0 pts


Identified scholarly/peer-reviewed articles for each instrument per assignment instructions.

0.5 pts


Information obtained from a mixture of scholarly and non-scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.

0.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Information obtained from non-scholarly/peer-reviewed sources.

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content

4.0 to >3.0 pts


Discusses all attributes of all instruments required for this assignment: 1- Is it designed to diagnose the condition, or is it to be used as part of the diagnostic process 2- Is the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment. 3- Psychometrics of the instrument, including reliability and validity. 4- Limitations associated with the use of the instrument

3.0 to >1.0 pts


Discusses several attributes with one point being lost for each element omitted: OMITTED: 1- Is it designed to diagnose the condition, or is it to be used as part of the diagnostic process (minus 1 point) OMITTED: 2- Is the instrument can be used to measure patient response to therapy/treatment (minus 1 point) OMITTED: 3- Psychometrics of the instrument including reliability and validity (minus 1 point) OMITTED: 4- Limitations associated with the use of the instrument (minus 1 point)

1.0 to >0 pts

Needs Improvement

None of the required attributes of the instruments have been discussed, or not all instrument(s) assigned were submitted (e.g., only submitted 2 out of 3 required assessment instruments, or 1 out of 2 required assessment instruments)

4.0 pts

Total Points: 5.0

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: MENTAL HEALTH


Mental Health


Neurodevelopmental disorders

The article by Uddin et al. (2019) delves to the use of the Rapid neurodevelopmental
assessment (RNDA) as an instrument for assessing and diagnosing neurodevelopmental
disorders among kids. Notably, the RNDA is an effective tool that is used on looking into the
gross and fine motors skills, speech, and cognition among kids who are aged between 0 to 24
months. Therefore, it is not used as a part of a comprehensive examination of a
neurodevelopmental disorder. Apart from that, the use of this tool does not require extensive
training but only experience in child development.
In assessing the Rapid neurodevelopmental assessment, it is also an instrument that can
be used to measure patient response to a particular intervention or therapy. Uddin et al. (2019)
reiterate that it has the provision of giving the details youngsters who have been previously
tested and assess if there is any form of improvement after a particular therapy has been used. It
even goes to the point of evaluating a child who has previously been tested to confirm if he or
she indeed has a specific neurodevelopmental disorder.
In terms of the psychometrics, the RNDA can be termed to be reliable, that is because it
has high internal consistency. Therefore, in the case the same test is administered to a single
person, there is no likelihood of getting any additional information. That is unless the test is at
different developmental periods. As for validity, RNDA excels given its ability to have
specificity and sensitivity. For example, differences in neurodevelopmental disorders between
kids from urban and rural areas. Such a capability ensures that interventions are effective given
they are altered to fit a certain context.



Even with all the capabilities that have been mentioned above, RNDA has some
weaknesses. For instance, its application has been restricted to huge populations in low-income
countries. That brings an element of uncertainty with its applicability in high-income countries.
Therefore, more use is needed to that it can have a universal appeal.
Impulse-Control disorder
The article by Chamberlain & Grant (2018), looks into the use of Minnesota Impulse
Disorders Interview (MIDI) in the process of diagnosing impulse control disorders. According to
the authors, it is an effective tool that is used in assessing the presence of the disorder mentioned
above and hence it is not a part of a comprehensive assessment of impulse control disorders. In
many cases, this test is used in the process of diagnosing disorders, such as binge eating and
gambling issues.
In assessing the effectiveness of the Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview, it is purely a
screening tool which is used in the process assessing for the presence of impulse control
disorders. For that reason, it cannot be used in the process of determining whether a person is
responding positively to a certain treatment or therapy.
As for the assessment of the psychometric properties of the MIDI, they are very
favorable. To give an illustration, Chamberlain & Grant (2018) assert that it has good concurrent
validity when compared to other instruments that are used for the same purpose. In addition to
that, it has good discriminant validity which means that there is low association symptoms which
can be termed to be non-compulsive. As well, looking at the retest reliability, it stands at 0.95,
which is very good. Over and above, the psychometric properties of this test are excellent.



Nevertheless, this test still has several limitations; for instance, it has mainly been used
for samples which have been enriched with impulse behaviors. Therefore, there might be issues
with its applicability in a normal sample. Additionally, it has not been tested widely for all the
impulse control disorders apart from gambling addiction. That is because there is a low
prevalence in the general population.
Conduct Disorder.
The article by Sanches, Gouveia-Pereira, Marôco, Gomes, & Roncon (2016) looks into
the manner the deviant behavior variety scale is utilized in the process of measuring the
occurrence of conduct disorders. In specific, the model looked into the involvement of
adolescents in deviant activities which is one of the symptoms of conduct disor...

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