Strayer University Speech on Acceptance of Best Employees Award Paper

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Strayer University


please see the attachment. I will be needing you to do Topic B. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Thank you for all that you do.

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Scroll Lock Assignment 4.1 Special Occasion Speech Outline Due Week 8:45 points 1) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your special occasion speech. Home Topic A: Who Inspires You? Deliver a speech of introduction in which you introduce a person who inspires you. End Topic B: Employee of the Month You have been given an award for "Employee of the Month" and must give an acceptance speech at an awards banquet. Deliver your speech of acceptance. 2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word. Download the Microsoft Word template in the "Assignment 4.1" section located in Week 8 of your course. O Structure and organize your speech so you'll stay within the 2-minute time limit. 3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from your speech/self-review). 4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only required to submit an outline. Assignment 4.2 Special Occasion Speech and Self-Review Due Week 9: 100 points 1) Part 1: Record or upload your speech. Refer to your outline or speaking notes to deliver your speech. Do not read your notes word for word. Follow the technical instructions for recording your video in the "Assignment 4.2" section located in Week 9 of your course. O Remember to watch your recording. Do you want to submit it, or do you want to record another version? O 2) Part 2: Complete the self-review questions. O After you have recorded your speech, address the self-review questions in the "Assignment 4.2" section located in Week 9 of your course. This reflection helps you step back and take a second look at your work, with an eye on improvement and highlighting your achievements! 3) Submit your speech and self-review in Blackboard. See next pages for grading
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Acceptance Speech


Speech on acceptance of best employees’ award
Good evening everyone.
I am truly grateful and humbled to accept this award as offered by the company. I want to extend
my hand of congratulation to the others who have received awards in different categories. I am
truly honored to be recognized among outstanding staff. I am very grateful to the Almighty God
because achieving such an award is such a big blessing. I am also very delighted with the
management in the company headed by our very able CEO, Mr. John who has been very
influential and inspiration when working in the organization.
Mr. John was very optimistic ab...

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