Logic Model and Water For All
Oliver Bailey
BPA 361: Grant Writing
Leroy Hendrix
May 11, 2020
Project summary
Water For All is an organization whose primary objective is to provide sufficient clean
water that has a clean bill of health for the vulnerable and the less fortunate people in society.
Water is essential in supporting life for both plants and animals, and its scarcity can be
catastrophic in the long-term. We understand this, and it is the best reason for coming up with a
project to solve the water problem to avert the looming future problem. Our project will achieve
its purpose through the drilling of boreholes and, where necessary, install water harvesting
equipment and systems to ensure rainwater is not wasted whenever possible. However, the
project's completion and success are dependent on a number of factors and resources is the major
constraint. We are seeking a $ 300,000 grant from the United Nations to facilitate our activities
and achieve our intended goals.
Elements of the Water For All project
This project is undertaking the activities of drilling boreholes and the installation of water
harvesting equipment. We have brainstormed, and we have unanimously agreed that the best
option to seek for funding would be from the public sector and the UN in particular. The
elements of our project are detailed below.
Strategic Plan and objectives
We have developed a strategic plan in which we are committed to following the latter in
order to succeed in the execution of the overall project. Our strategic plan is in line with
SMART, and we are confident it will lead to the achievement of our organization's commonly
agreed objectives. Water For All is specific about our aim of the provision of water to the
vulnerable and less privileged in the community. Additionally, our project will also enlighten
people on the need and importance of using and conserving clean water, which eventually
improves their hygiene and health.
Project deliverables
Project are always geared towards the provision of either a specific product or service,
and Water For All is not an exception. The project aims to provide clean and healthy water that
is fit for human consumption and water harvesting resources to the less fortunate in the
community. The completion of the project will reduce cases of outbreaks of water-related
diseases and the mortality rate of water-borne diseases. This improves the health and output of
individuals leading to the overall availability of local manpower hence a higher output.
Communication plan
The project is designed to benefit a specific range of people in society, and that is
vulnerable and less privileged in the community. The project will, however, affect other people
during its execution because of the environmental impacts that are associated with the drilling of
boreholes. Our organization has and will continue to communicate the benefits, which obviously
outweigh the demerits to all stakeholders, including business organizations, the state authorities.
They have no objections, and they are even ready to offer assistance in kind.
Project expenses
Our project requires resources that will be used according to the priority calculated by the
use of the critical path method because of their limited nature. We have some of the storable
resources within the organization. We have prepared a budget detailing what we require in terms
of finances, people, time, and equipment. The estimated project expected can be indicated as
Amount ($)
Human resource
Machines and equipment
Cost of funding
Project stakeholders
The most essential resource in any given venture is people, and I recognize that people can
be the difference between success and failure. We are working hand-in-hand with stakeholders
who include various government agencies, local authorities, the community and businesses,
individuals, and all who have a vested interest in the success of the project. We have the services
of project managers and project team members who include members of departments, subject area
professionals, and external experts such as hydro-geologists.
Logic model of the project
Project: Water For All. Project to provide water for the vulnerable and the less fortunate in the community.
Goal: Provide sufficient clean water.
What we What we do
Reach out to
where there
access to
supply of
water and
boreholes for
Reach out to
in places
where there
is a scarcity
of water due
and inferior
methods and
help them by
systems and
we Why
and the
in the
who are in
dire need
of an
supply of
clean water
People will
on the
of having
People will
be trained
in ways of
this Why this project: longproject:
term results
People will
use and clean
healthy water
their future
People will
contact our
provision in
places where
will request
our experts to
Improved health of people
in the community
Improved levels of locally
available labor due to
good health
Improved community
support for water
train them on
better water
provide them
about the best
methods of
External Factors
The vulnerable and the less fortunate will be easily identified
Rainfall patterns will not change by a very big
People will be encouraged to learn and practice better water conservation methods
Our subject area experts will always be
available for consultations
The community will diligently assume the
responsibility of maintaining the boreholes and
installed equipment. The community will also
provide security to prevent vandalism.
Resources for project implementation
Resources refer to anything that is limited and scarce, which is essential for the project
completion leading to the attainment of the objectives for which the project was meant to achieve.
The project will require resources to execute because various project activities have to be
undertaken. Project implementation is first jotted down on paper showing the vision, project
timelines, and plans. The point where whatever is written down is referred to as the project
implementation or project execution. One of the significant obstacles in the implementation of a
project is resources and their prudence in allocation. Resources can be categorized into storable
and non-storable resources.
Storable resources
These are the resources remain at the disposal of the organization. This kind of can only be
depleted through usage and can always be stored again if they partially used. Our organization has
allocated some of these resources for the implementation of this project. They are not renewable
in nature. The most vital equipment for this project is construction equipment, which includes
excavators, shipping trucks, and welding machines, among others, coupled with an adequate
supply of materials such as steel, bricks, cement, concrete, gravel, and water treatment chemicals.
Additionally, our project requires labor, tools, equipment, materials, vehicles for
transportation of materials, office supplies, accounting, and planning software, measuring devices,
work clothing, surveying equipment, fence, design reports, inspection reports, environmental
mitigation supplies, and safety supplies.
Non-storable resources
These are the resources that we need for project execution, but many of them are lacking
since they inexhaustible, renewable, and in most cases, indivisible. The general nature of these
resources makes it difficult for our organization to have them ready to use the form because they
must be renewed each time they are needed, even when they were not used previously.
The project requires provisions for office space overheads, compensation for the
executive director's time, staff, and consultant benefits. There are also other costs relating to the
project that have to be catered for to make it a success. They include transport and
communication expenses, boarding and lodging expenses, electricity, and water expenses, among
others. In broader terms, non-storable resources encompass particularly items pertaining to the
time and management aspect, especially by consumption. The logical model for the project is as
shown below.
O'Neal-McElrath, T. (2013). Winning Grants Step by Step: The Complete Workbook for
Planning, Developing, and Writing Successful Proposals (4th ed.). Retrieved from
Need Statement and Management Plan
Oliver Bailey IV
BPA 361: Grant Writing
Leroy Hendrix
May 4, 2020
Water is one of the basic needs of any human survival, and it is becoming harder and
harder to obtain enough water necessary for the needs of people across the world. The issue of
water scarcity is becoming more and more critical, with increased climate change and global
warming. Among the most affected places have been rural and low-income neighborhoods from
all across the country. These are the places that are most vulnerable to water shortages and to
droughts that are occurring more and more often.
Water For All is an organization that is aiming to help these vulnerable populations by
sustainably providing water from all the different sources. The two main processes that the
organization is involved in is to drill boreholes and provide water harvesting systems for
different people from all across the country. Boreholes can be useful in rural places where there
is a lot of water underground that is underutilized. The water sourced from groundwater could be
for drinking alongside many other daily uses. The second process will provide water harvesting
systems to different people from all across the country to help them capture and store rainwater
for future use (Berliner, Carmi, Leake, & Agam, 2016). Water for All can help solve the problem
of water scarcity for a sizeable vulnerable population using the two programs that have been laid
Possible Sources of Funding
The sources of funding that could be utilized in this case include both public and private
sources of funding. In the case of public sources, the first source of funding will be the United
Nations. The united nation has a distinct mandate that allows it to fund projects that are aimed at
providing water and sanitation help to different people and the agencies. The agency could be
used as a source of funding for some local projects that are aimed at the most vulnerable groups
of society. The United Nations is also able to fund projects that are international in other nations,
meaning that this could hold the key for having the organization also undertake international
projects in other countries where work is done effectively over time.
Another source of funding is seeking to use government grants that are focused on
improving the lives of people that are poor in society. Both the federal and state government
have programs that are aimed at improving the lives of people that are less fortunate in society.
These are programs that directly fund infrastructure programs that contribute to the improvement
of lives in poor communities, and it is correct to say that the plans could help fund water
programs. The process will likely consider the impact on the community as a whole and will also
take into consideration the cost (Miles, Miles, Hubbard, Quincey, Rowan, & Pallett, 2019). Both
the United Nations and the Government funding consider the beneficiaries who have to be the
vulnerable people in the community, and they also consider the long term benefits. In this case,
there are plenty.
Lastly, the organization could use grants and funding from private companies and
individuals that are willing to contribute to the efforts of helping to provide water to the most
vulnerable communities. Organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford
Foundation, and MacArthur Foundation have all been known to contribute to nonprofit
organizations that undertake projects that are helpful to the community. These foundations have
strict considerations, such as showing the impact that the various programs will have directly on
the community. The foundations also consider the geographic locations of the various programs
and the expected impact on the community in the long term. The activities that Water For All
will undertake will directly aid in improving the lives of people and will also be in line with the
considerations that these foundations make when deciding whom they should fund.
Needs Statement
The process of climate change and global warming has had some significant impact on
the water cycle that occurs in the natural world. It is essential to consider the effect that these
changes have had on the development of people and the ability to access water. Many places are
experiencing desertification, and these processes are directly leading to people having lesser
access to water resources. Governments are coming up with innovative solutions that allow for
more water to be filtered, and that directly impacts the development of people and communities
in different parts (Cha, Cho, Kim, Lee, Choi, Asuming & Jin, 2018).
The program is aimed at making water available to these vulnerable communities through
two strategies. The first is tapping the resources underground through the digging of boreholes.
This can help many people, especially in rural places, with proven underground aquifers to get
access to cheap water. The second is the installation of a water harvesting system in the homes of
as many people as possible (Bagheri, 2018). This is a strategy that could allow people to capture
water that could have been runoff water and put it to good use when helping the lives of many
different people. These two programs will directly make water accessible to more people over
time, and as climate change gets even worse in the coming days.
Management Plan
In order to get the work done, there will be a need to undertake proper planning of the
whole process. This process starts with the ability of the various program managers to identify
the most vulnerable communities that can directly benefit from the program that is undertaken.
The process directly influences the ability of different people to get the most qualifying
beneficiaries of the program. The second will be having a team dedicated to sourcing funding
from various organizations and institutions. There is interest in many people to guarantee that the
funding is used well enough, and it is the duty of this team to undertake this process and bringing
in as much money for contribution as possible.
To be as effective as possible, I will be making use of teamwork to guarantee efficiency
in the activities that we are involved in, as well as maximize the impact that the organization can
have on people. This is critical in helping increase the effectiveness when assisting individuals to
gain access to one of the essential resources that are necessary for human survival. I will strive to
have the best communication strategies that could benefit the workforce as well as all the other
stakeholders that are involved in the various processes. Lastly, I will have clearly defined
responsibilities and goals; for each member who could directly impact the delivery and even the
job satisfaction for the team members.
Bagheri, F. (2018). Performance investigation of atmospheric water harvesting systems. Water
resources and industry, 20, 23-28.
Berliner, P., Carmi, G., Leake, S., & Agam, N. (2016, December). Design of runoff water
harvesting systems and its role in minimizing water losses. In AGU Fall Meeting
Cha, S., Cho, Y., Kim, S. J., Lee, Y., Choi, S., Asuming, P., & Jin, Y. (2018). Cost-benefit
analysis of water source improvements through borehole drilling or rehabilitation: an
empirical study based on a cluster randomized controlled trial in the Volta Region,
Ghana. Global health action, 11(1), 1523303.
Miles, K. E., Miles, E. S., Hubbard, B., Quincey, D. J., Rowan, A. V., & Pallett, M. (2019).
Instruments and methods: hot-water borehole drilling at a high-elevation debris-covered
glacier. Journal of Glaciology, 65(253), 822-832.
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