CJ 211 Monroe College Success Story on A Troublesome Situation Essay

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cj 211

Monroe College



Write a success story that explains a troublesome situation during your

employment, how you reacted to the situation, and the results of your

actions. If you have never encountered such a situation describe how you

would handle such a situation.

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Explanation & Answer

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Title of Assignment

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(Department, University)
(Course code: course title)
(Professor’s name)

As a summer job, I worked as a cashier at a local retail store. One day, my manager had
to leave early because of a pressing matter. An hour after he left, a customer came in wanting
to return an item. However, the customer did not have the receipt. I explained to her that it is
not possible for me to issue a refund without a receipt. So, she demanded to see my manager.
At this time, she was already yelling, cursing, and threatening to have me fired. I knew that my
manager had an urgent matter to attend to, and it would be impolite to have to call him back.
The first thing I did was thank the customer for her patience and patronage of the store’s
products. Next, I calmly listened to all her concerns. I made sure that I was actively listening,
and I repeatedly apologized as I was not in a position to offer her a refund. As an alternative, I
offered to compensate her stor...

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