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Business Finance


Bow Valley College


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MGMT1201: Business Communication Individual Assignment 3: Persuasive Email Total Value = 15% Due Date: ___________________________ Assignment Instructions: Step 1: Read the provided background information regarding a business situation. Background Information You work for IT Works Alberta and are responsible for organizing a fall fundraising event to take place on Thursday, November 21, with proceeds once again going to Children’s Cottage Society, a non-profit organization that provides services and programs to support families and children during times of crisis. Last year, at a similar event, your company raised over $12,000 – money that was donated to Children’s Cottage Society’s Crisis Nursery. This year, the event will take place at the Country Hills Golf Club. In addition to a four-course dinner for the guests, there will be a draw for two days of golfing on Country Hill’s award-winning course, along with other prizes, and a silent auction. You have already secured the support of local retail businesses, which have donated numerous items to be used in the silent auction and as prizes for the draw. Tickets for the event are nearly sold out, so you aren’t concerned about that. However, you do need five or six committed individuals from your organization to help with the auction setup during the day on November 21. You also need another four or five individuals to oversee the auction from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM and at least six colleagues to help with the takedown at the end of the evening – they’ll probably need to stay until at least 11:00 PM. Step 2: • • Compose an email to all employees asking for their assistance. You may include whatever information you deem necessary (be reasonable); however, do not use word-for-word text from the scenario. Develop and write your persuasive message using the AIDA model (page 240 of your textbook). To be effective, you need to build credibility, construct a logical argument, and appeal to the emotions of the reader. Your persuasion will include at least one emotional appeal from Robert Cialdini’s principles: reciprocity, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. Persuasive Letter Assignment © Bow Valley College 2019 pg. 1 MGMT1201: Business Communication Step 3: • • • • The email is no more than one page in length and includes APA format for citation of references. Edit your email using the General Checklist for Business Communication and the Checklist for Persuasive Messages. Save your file with your name in the following format LASTNAME__FIRSTNAME and be sure to keep a copy for yourself. Upload it to the appropriate folder in the D2L Dropbox. Marking Rubric: Marks will be determined using the rubric in the assignment Dropbox. Persuasive Letter Assignment © Bow Valley College 2019 pg. 2
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Hello, the paper is ready and well done. It was great working with you. All the best and welcome again. I have formatted in APA as requested. Since it is an email, I have not used any reference. Thanks.

Running Head: MANAGEMENT


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Persuasive Email

To: Employees of IT Works Alberta

Subject: Requesting Assistance during Fundraising Event ...

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