American Public University Problems Facing HCA or SCO Discussion

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Business Finance

American Public University


Read the required readings and lesson. Write a short paper on the issues or problems facing the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA)  or the Senior Contracting Official (SCO) responsibilities. Are there any ethical issues? Do research in trade journals and peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings to find what issues are being discussed this year and one year ago. Do not go further back than five years in your research.

Please remember, the focus is on the HCA and/or the SCO. Please do not make this a paper on ethical issues in contracting.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) located at

Universal Commercial Code (UCC) located at

Learning objective: 3 Explain the contingency contracting officer’s authority and command flow of that authority.  The following is a reprint from the DP  Contingency contracting officer responsibilities.  The goal of the CCO is to acquire the supplies and services needed by the warfighter to support essential missions in response to a crisis, contingency, or declaration of war.  The CCO has the following duties and responsibilities:    Ensure      that contract files are documented, prepared, maintained, and closed out  Maintain      contract oversight over contract performance by the contractor  Provide      training and monitor performance of CCO-appointed representatives,      including ordering officers and contracting officer’s representatives      (CORs)  Ensure      that contingency contracting is accomplished in accordance with area of responsibility procedures  Develop      an accountability plan, with the commander and appropriate supply office      for contracted property (leased and purchased) brought into the theater      via contract, in accordance with DoDI 5000.64, “Accountability and      Management of DoD Equipment and Other Accountable Property”; request that      the Joint force commander (JFC) establish policy, guidance, and a      fragmentation order (FRAGO) on the tracking of government-furnished      property and government-furnished equipment to ensure accountability of      assets  Ensure      that contracts are competed among, and when appropriate awarded to, local      bidders to the fullest extent possible to support the development of the      local economy while ensuring fair and reasonable prices  Regularly      record and report on contractor performance  Establish      contact with local or reach back representatives of DCMA for contract      administration support  Engage      DCAA auditors to provide audit support for CCOs in awarding contracts to      responsible bidders that have acceptable business systems to deliver goods      or services and hold sufficient capital to carry out contractual      obligations  Abide      by host nation, inter-Service, status of forces, or      other authoritative agreements that apply within the appropriate theater      of operation  Ensure      that CCO efforts are synchronized with the guidance provided by the      commander and contingency mission.   Contracting officer’s representative. Described in 201.602-2 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS 201.602-2), CORs are the eyes and ears of the CCO. CORs are instrumental in ensuring that products and services provided to the warfighters comply with contractual requirements. The COR is a Service member (or a civilian assigned to the supported unit) who has specialized knowledge about a piece of equipment, service, or civil construction that the contractor is required to provide or support. The supported units are responsible for identifying and nominating CORs and shall do so by using the Contracting Officer’s Representative Tracking (CORT) Tool. The CCO defines COR duties in writing in a letter of appointment. The COR conducts quality assurance inspections on the services and supports that the contractor provides. If applicable, CORs make recommendations to the quality assurance representative (QAR), who delivers inspection results to the CCO and the contractor. To summarize, the COR is an assigned member of the supported unit, appointed by the CCO to make quality inspections of contractors, whose technical expertise and contributions ensure the safety and well-being of Service members" (DPAP).  Senior contracting official. The SCO establishes policies and procedures for developing, reviewing, and managing the contingency contracting process, including:    Managing      administrative plans to control documents, maintain records, and conduct      audit trails of procurement actions for simplified acquisitions (e.g.,      imprest funds, Standard Form 44, and governmentwide commercial purchase      cards) and for large contracts  Overseeing      and assessing the effectiveness of contracting programs  Issuing      warrants and determining delegated warrant authorities  Participating      in the Joint Acquisition Review Board (primarily the SCO for forces      support)  Chairing      the Joint Contracting Support Board as directed  Managing      and executing procurement management reviews  Developing      and providing oversight management control programs  Conducting      special reviews as required  Managing      the contract audit follow-up program  Coordinating      Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) audit and financial advisory support      with the appropriate DCAA point of contact (POC), depending on the site of      the contingency or humanitarian operations taking place  Managing      suspension and debarment actions  Coordinating      inter-command agreements that detail contracting support relationships      among US military services  Coordinating      operational plans or requirements originating with the Joint Staff and      providing host nation support, the status of forces agreements,      assistance-in-kind agreements, or any treaties for CCO review. 

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Problems Facing SCO – Outline
Thesis Statement: The SCOs face numerous problems while executing their professional
responsibilities. Some of these problems are beyond their control.

Transparency Issues
A. The greatest problem that the Senior Contracting Officials are facing is transparency
issues in the contracting department


Lack of Information
A. Senior Contracting Officials oversee the effectiveness of the contracting programs





Problems Facing SCO


Problems Facing SCO

Contingency contracting is a fundamental activity within the Department of Defense.
This is where the resources and all essentials required by the military in their day to day
operations are planned. More importantly, contingency contracting is done to facilitate military
activities during wartime. It is the work of the contracting officers to ensure that contracting of
essential supplies have taken place smoothly. Essentially, the...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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