Monash University How Globalization Has Affected the E Learning System Paper

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Monash University


Educational paper.

My proposal is missing out of the centre ideas. The ideas is Globalization. Pleas related to the globalization in education perspective for my paper.

4000words Inquiry , please use APA 6th reference

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Master of Education Paper 2: 4000 words. 80% of total mark. Negotiated Inquiry. Three criteria rated by score (Presentation 10; Literature review 30; Analysis and discussion 40). Integrative comment: Criteria Presentation: formats/sequences content; provides abstract; demonstrates conventions of presentation i.e. clarity of expression; spelling; punctuation; grammar; sentence structure; coherence of arguments. (10/80) Literature Review: includes relevant and seminal areas of the professional issue(s) and shows that you have studied existing work in the field with insight. Thus, you will present (i) a comprehensive review in light of the available evidence raising questions and identifying areas to be explored; (ii) incorporate sufficient primary and secondary source material; and (iii) adopt a critical stance to the issue(s) by for example, comparing and contrasting different authors’ views on it and noting areas in which they are in dis/agreement. Information is sought from a minimum of 20 sources. Your review might be structured thematically or with regard to key concepts. NB: The inquiry does not involve fieldwork where you collect information directly from people. (30/80). Analysis and discussion: critically analyses and discusses the evidence and information collected. Thus, you will (i) reference the question(s) guiding the inquiry; (ii) present concepts and theory with clarity and fully referenced; (iii) adopt an interpretive/analytic stance (not an overly descriptive one); (iv) provide sufficient evidence of findings to make a case or carry an argument or claim about the issue under investigation; (v) incorporate information that places the inquiry in a ‘real world’ context (eg. illustrative material such as case examples, personal observations, extracts from policy/curriculum material, visual or other material in the public domain (screen shots); (vi) discuss the significance of the findings (eg. contribution to personal learning/professional practice); and (vii) draw out implications for education/policy and future development as a member of the education/teaching profession. (40/80) Mark: Overall: /80 (Indicative Grade = H1 H2A H2B H3 P … ); Assessor:…..………………………………………..……………… E=Exceptional; VH=Very High; H=High; So=Sound; Sa=Satisfactory; NS=Not Satisfactory Subject: EDUC90619 Leading Educational Ideas Assignment 1:Proposal The challenge of Online Education in higher education students during the COVID-19 Student Number:1127040 Purpose In this inquiry, the goal is to discover the challenge of online education in higher education during the COVID-19. Many countries shut down educational institutions for protecting student's safety due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is shown that around 72% of students are impacting by the policy in the world(COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response, 2020). The critical feature of challenges in online education for college students will be discussed. It will be included in this investigation. This inquiry will mainly focus on the difficulties that undergraduate and graduate students experiencing during the off-school time. Introduction In 2020, the COVID-19 has changed the way of how people working and studying. As an international graduate student at the University of Melbourne. I had never had a challenge like this before. I have no opportunity to meet my lecturer, tutor, and classmate as a new graduate student. The new pattern of teaching and studying is running online since the lockdown policy carried on Melbourne. The schooling was moved online within a few days after the policy published. As a graduate student, I am experiencing a new way of teaching and studying. However, as an education student, it was taking a new education. Which is how could I learn running normally online like the face to face class? Therefore, this paper shows the challenges of a college student having when accepting this new educating pattern. Literature review A recent study found two ways of new pattern teaching, which are Asynchronous and synchronous Synchronous methods (Moonrhouse, 2020). These two methods were operated through the online course. The definition of asynchronous is the lecturers put the slides and reading materials on the 1 university website. The lecturers typically put their pre-recorded lecture videos before the online seminar discussion. Also, some tasks could be required individually In this way. To some degree, students were required by self-study the course. Moreover, task activities usually were individual preview reading tasks. The synchronous refers to the online live section running by the video presentation software such as Zoom or DingDing. The instructor host a group of students to having a seminar discuss activities. This way is more close to the face to face class in reality. To be compared with synchronous learning, students more likely to be more engaged by having an academic peer discussion. In the different subjects and contexts, these two methods combined used for online teaching and studying. Base on the (Ali & T Smith, 2015) study, they brought social isolation in academia into the table. As a student, isolation in the online study means that a lack of relationship builds up with tutors and other students. But also the peer academic communications. Drawing on literature study, Self-discipline and technical literacy are essential factors that determine whether a student can take an excellent online course(Peachey,2017). A case study from Peking University associate professor pointed out that base on the study of (LI, WU, Yao,&Zhu,2013), many Chinese college students lack persistence in online studying. It reduces their studying effectiveness (Bao, 2020). It is difficult for students to think about how to improve their concentration in online classes. Once they find the solution and therefore, they can improve their study effectiveness. And I guess that the phenomenon is widespread in many colleges student at the moment. As an online student right now, this is the most annoying issue that needs to be solved. The personal factor is also a challenge for online studying(Gillett-Swan, 2017). It refers to the quiet space for students to have the classroom. When students having class at home, there are many unpredictable factors such as the baby is crying, or other family members were in the home. One benefit of having a classroom is providing an appropriate space for studying. Methodology This inquiry that I aim to undertake will draw mainly from the online education literature on the challenge that students were facing through online studying. Based on the critical futures of student's challenges in online learning (Peachey,2017) and other educational authors such as Ail&Smith(2015) and Moorhouse (2020), etc. Furthermore, related to the Covid-19 pandemic, the educating is in taking under the policy documents published by different 2 governments. And one case study data were collected by Peking University in China indicated by Bao(2020). To be more specific, in this inquiry, it will be running by allocating data through the focus group of higher education students. The target participants will be my classmate and the students that I observed who has the same experience. For safety concerns, the data collecting will be operating in electronic methods such as online surveys or interviews. This inquiry may include personal information. Thus the ethical problem needs to be confirmed in the investigation. This inquiry will instruct by the following questions: 1. What is the challenge for online education as a college student under the pandemic context? 2. Could the challenge be solved? 3. What are the implications of online education after the pandemic is over? Impact This study may represent the progress of some students' online learning during the COVID-19. This inquiry slightly shows the challenge of college students' online studying experience. Recent research involved that educational institutions will go back to the traditional way of education. However, this particular educational pattern will keep on a long term horizon(Daniel, 2020). Also, connect to future work, my research subject could be educational ideas of online education and comparison with traditional education. Moreover, to be more deep thinking, and the COVID-19 brought online education an opportunity into the world's attention. 3 Reference List Ali, A., & T Smith, D. (2015). Comparing Social Isolation Effects on Students Attrition in Online Versus Face-to-Face Courses in Computer Literacy. Issues In Informing Science And Information Technology, 12, 011-020. doi: 10.28945/2258 Bao, W. (2020). COVID ‐19 and online teaching in higher education: A case study of Peking University. Human Behavior And Emerging Technologies, 2(2), 113-115. doi: 10.1002/hbe2.191 COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response. (2020). Retrieved 9 May 2020, from Daniel, S. (2020). Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. PROSPECTS. doi: 10.1007/s11125-020-09464-3 Gillett-Swan, J. (2017). The Challenges of Online Learning: Supporting and Engaging the Isolated Learner. Journal Of Learning Design, 10(1), 20. doi: 10.5204/jld.v9i3.293 Moorhouse, B. (2020). Adaptations to a face-to-face initial teacher education course ‘forced’ online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal Of Education For Teaching, 1-3. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1755205 Peachey, N.2017.“Synchronous Online Teaching.”InDigital Language Learning and Teaching, edited by M. Carrier, R. M. Damerow, and K. M. Bailey, 143– 155. New York, NY: Routledge. 4
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Hello there,I hope everything is going fine. I just finished your requested paper. The title is "How Globalization has affected the e-learning system when it comes to international students". I followed your professor guideline and retrieved resources that focus on general students but applied them mostly to international students. Thus, you will see a lot of elements of culture and isolation being referred too as that's one of the things globalization might affect. The entire paper was written based on your example and includes the following:1. Abstract: 254 words2. Introduction: 999 words3. Terms: 178 words4. Methodology: 391 words5.Social Isolation: 210 words6. Adaptability Struggle: 182 words7. Technical Issues: 193 words8. Time Management: 120 words9. Self Motivation/ Self Discipline: 161 words10.History: 604 words11.Issues: 67212. Limitations of the study: 116 words13. Implications after COVID 19 : 417 words14. Conclusion: 247 wordsAs you can see, this is a very complex paper and various references were needed in order to write it. In terms of originality, the content checker report is also attached which states that " Results: 0 matches in 0 sources". This further confirms this is fully original work as everything was written by me.It was a real pleasure to offer my support with this task.

Running Head: OUTLINE


Institutional affiliation




Integrative comment:

Possible approach

Presentation: formats/sequences

Introduction: In my inquiry, I am going to

content; provides abstract;

interrogate the idea of e-learning and how it is

demonstrates conventions of

affected by globalization. I am going to examine

presentation i.e. clarity of expression;

the challenges that international students in high

spelling; punctuation; grammar;

education are facing during the COVID-19

sentence structure; coherence of

pandemic. E-learning, which is also known as

arguments. (10/80)

online education is a learning system that is run
through the use of electronic resources based on
formalized teaching. E-learning has necessitated
changes in the delivery and development of
instructional content such as altered instructional
approaches and the expansion of support services
that enable e-learning activities. Globalization has
impacted communication systems and educational
technology, changing how education is delivered
and the roles students and teachers play. A lot of
colleges and universities have transferred their
face-to-face classes to be taken online, so the
spread of COVID-19 can be controlled.



There are guiding questions of my inquiry. a)
What are the challenges that international students
are facing through the transformation of online
learning? b) What are the implications of elearning after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic?
c) Can e-learning challenges be solved? d) Will it
affect the cultural mentality of the international
Literature Review: Includes relevant

Literature overview: A recent study carried out

and seminal areas of the professional

by Daniel, J (2020), found that COVID- 19 is a

issue(s) and shows that you have

huge problem that is facing education systems all

studied existing work in the field

over the world as it has disturbed the lives of

with insight. Thus, you will present

students in many ways. This challenges depend on

(i) a comprehensive review in light of

the course and the level of study and also the point

the available evidence raising

at which students have reached in their different

questions and identifying areas to be

programs. Research shows that some students

explored; (ii) incorporate sufficient

might not complete their school curriculum and

primary and secondary source

assessment typically. Students have also be torn

material; and (iii) adopt a critical

from their social groups as they can no longer

stance to the issue(s) by for example,

meet and interact with fellow course mates. In my

comparing and contrasting different

research, we shall look in details on the long-term

authors’ views on it and noting areas

disadvantages that the students will face in their

in which they are in dis/agreement.

course, their assessment schemes from one level of

Information is sought from a minimum study to another, and also in the labor market.
of 20 sources. Your review might be



structured thematically or with regard

Online classes can either be asynchronous,

to key concepts. NB: The inquiry does

synchronous, or both combined.

not involve fieldwork where you

Some studies have stated that internet self-efficacy

collect information directly from

has negatively affected academic performance,

people. (30/80).

while others indicate that they improve students'
performance. Although e-learning has brought
changes in the education system, the use of these
methods alone without "normal" classes is a
challenge to the development of international
students' social skills and the student's
performance, especially of courses that require
practicals and experiments.
In terms of these international students who
actually rely on social interaction in order to adapt
to the new environment, it is believed that the
migration of all the classes to the e-learning
system might actually limit their capacity to get
used to this new setting.

Analysis and discussion: critically

Discussion and analysis: E-learning is facing a

analyses and discusses the evidence

lot of challenges now as COVID-19 found that

and information collected. Thus, you

many high-education institutions are unprepared to

will (i) reference the question(s)

fully transform their learning online. Thus

guiding the inquiry; (ii) present

adapting to this method of learning is challenging

concepts and theory with clarity and

to both teachers but especially to international



fully referenced; (iii) adopt an

students. According to the behaviorism theory, if a

interpretive/analytic stance (not an

student or a person cannot observe it, it cannot be

overly descriptive one); (iv) provide

studied. The approach emphasizes what can be

sufficient evidence of findings to

seen and not on the cognitive process of the mind

make a case or carry an argument or

(Picciano, 2017). Another theory that the inquiry

claim about the issue under

will look at is the online collaborative learning

investigation; (v) incorporate

theory that is used in support of online learning. It

information that places the inquiry

is used to illustrate that online classes can be used

in a ‘real world’ context (e.g.

to foster collaboration and build knowledge.

illustrative material such as case

According to Angdhiri (2020), Online learning is

examples, personal observations,

confusing and difficult to adjust to, as students had

extracts from policy/curriculum

not been prepared through practices or stimulation

material, visual or other material in the

beforehand. Study shows that home-learning is

public domain (screen shots); (vi)

stressful for students than in regular classes.

discuss the significance of the

Students from schools and countries that cannot

findings (e.g. contribution to personal

support e-learning are being left behind as there is

learning/professional practice); and

no learning for them. Some nations, such as

(vii) draw out implications for

Indonesia or the third world countries, will take

education/policy and future

longer to transmit online learning. This is so

development as a member of the

because it took China months before they were

education/teaching profession. (40/80)

able to stabilize, given that China has a fast
government response and facilities compared to
other countries. Through globalization, countries
in the third word should be supported, and all
learning institutions need to get prepared and



practice more on the use of e-learning.
Governments should have options for students
without access to the internet and add to programs
such as Guru Berbagi. Studies show that most
schools, especially in the Western world, are now
adequately equipped to study online, and this
shows that even after the end of the pandemic,
there is a bright future for e-learning. Classes will
advance to both face-to-face learning and online

Mark: Overall: /80 (Indicative Grade = H1 H2A H2B H3 P …);


Inquiry on the E-learning System
Institution Affiliation



How Globalization Has Affected the E-Learning System for International Students
The first five months of 2020 has been a hard time for the international community. The
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has swept the whole world-impacting many aspects
of people's lives: from the decrease in the production of industries to disruption of the academic
calendar all institutions around the world. All the stakeholders and the administration of higher
education facilities have been left with no other option than closing these institutions. This has
seen the use of advanced technology globally to facilitate online learning so that learning
activities across all schools globally can continue.
This inquiry purposes on assessing the challenges that international students are facing
through the transformation of their regular classes to e-learning. Thus the paper will employ the
use of an online survey to investigate these challenges and come up with ways that these
problems can be solved. The paper will also seek to identify the future of e-learning after the end
of the COVID-19 pandemic and if its current advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
It is believed that the increasing growth in the number of international students represents
true evidence of the globalization process. Due to the fact that it does not respect the
socioeconomic and also cultural circumstances of these students, some of them might have to
face an education system which they might feel it does not respect them. More than that, due to
the current pandemic, the newly approached electronic educational system can actually do them
more harm. All these advantages and disadvantages will be dissected in the paper.



In the recent past, institutions such as schools, companies, mosques, churches, among
others, have been shut down due to control the rise of COVID-19 pandemic. This has impacted
the way people study and work a lot. Many students are facing an enormous challenge of
learning through e-learning or not learning at all. As a graduate of the University of Melbourne, I
am having a big problem during this transition. The failure to interact with my professors,
friends, tutors, as a new graduate student is very challenging. Although e-learning has helped
students continue their courses globally, there are several challenges in the e-learning system that
these students are facing (Yusuf, 2020; Eachempati & Ramnarayan, 2020).
While researching for this paper, an element that was very evident was the fact that
international students were not a subject of interest for the many educational debates due to the
fact that the community saw them as temporary sojourners, and thus they were excluded from
various researches. The information gathered actually underlined how this group of students tend
to be marginalized.
The research findings suggest that the use of an online platform was a great idea, but it
required more preparation and training for it to be effective. There are a lot of challenges, such as
the high cost that is needed to participate in online learning. A lot of international students with
the learning tools are also spending a lot of money on buying data so that they can have access to
the internet. Other findings include a lack of training, a pleasant environment, and experience
are affecting the concentration of students during the online classes. Lastly, there is a slow
internet connection in areas of residents where some students live, and this lack of internet
connectivity is affecting their learning capacity. Many of the international students returned to



their homes during this pandemic and the internet connection might not be the one which the
educational system actually expects. It is important to underline the fact that many of these
students migrated for areas characterized by poverty in order to gain a better education. Due to
the pandemic and the need of returning in those areas, it actually limits their access to this
modern system.
The study from this inquiry will be significant to the administration and management of
the university in carrying emergency decisions in the future to implement e-learning programs
for students from varying backgrounds. The study will also help in determining the future of elearning as from one of my findings. Most institutions will most likely adapt to this technique of
learning as many researchers believe it opens new doors in terms of education.
A study conducted by UNESCO (2020) shows a full national closure of educational
facilities that have affected about 70 percent of the world's learner population. This is due to
governments' actions in different countries so that they can contain the transmission of the
coronavirus disease. According to UNESCO Inspector General, there have neverwitnessed
disruption in education on a large scale as it is happening now (UNESCO, 2020). Many schools
from basic levels to universities have been closed, and students are at home following directives
by the government for self-quarantine(Africa CDC, 2020).We have witnessed the cancellation of
graduation ceremonies, classes, some examinations, and also the postponement of university
research programs. Learners all over the world have a challenging decision to complete the
spring semester (UNESCO, 2020).
Thus most heads of academic departments have prompted online learning to offer a
solution to this crisis (UNESCO, 2020). It is important to note that online learning is not a



permanent solution to face-to-face learning. Top universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, Yale,
Tsinghua, Oxford, Peking University, among others, had already moved to the direction of elearning in the past decade (Picciano, 2017; Bao, 2020). A study carried out by Bao (2020),
indicated that going entirely online requires proper investments and planning from all sectors
involved. This means that if universities had not previously conducted training for their student
and tutors on online teaching, it is painful and challenging to fully transfer learning to online
platforms (Yang & Li, 2018). Additionally, there are a lot of resources required that includes
platforms for recording both at home and on-campus that the instructors need to register and
present the class in a way the students will be able to access the work (Klašnja-Milićević, Vesin,
Ivanović, Budimac & Jain, 2017). A lot of institutions have been unable to transform to elearning due to lack of prior arrangement, lack of resources such a smartphone or a laptop and
knowhow on how to present and record work (Filius et al., 2019)
According to a study done by Times Higher education, online learning cannot be a match
with face-to-face learning. The study was carried out in critical universities around the world,
where there were about 200 respondents from 45 nations (Yusuf, 2020). From the data, 63
percent of the respondent predicted that top universities would have entirely transformed their
learning on line by the year 2030 (Demuyakor, 2020). A study was taken by Demuyakor (2020);
the online system of education will be used as a useful tool of learning similar to school-based
methods. From an analysis carried out by the United States Department of Education, students
that take their classes online usually perform better than students who are classroom-based
across most demographics and subjects. According to observers, the future of education might
have become the present due to the extensive use of e-learning globally (Bao, 2020; Stein, 2020).



There is no doubt that the purpose of e-learning systems is to promote globalization. It is
known that this process actually brought benefits to many countries who were underdeveloped or
still developing. Even so, it still represents a process that faces various issues. It is known that
currently, globalization tends to reshape the higher education system all over the world. The
purpose of this paper is to also determine the way this entire new education method influenced
international students.
'Globalization' is an important term used in my inquiry. Globalization is the process in
which trade and other operations grow globally, operating on a global scale. The world is
connected due to technological advancement allowing the flow of information, people, business,
cultures, and investments (Yusuf, 2020).
'E-learning or online learning' is learning that takes place through electronic media,
usually on the internet. The e-learning system has been accepted globally after the advancement
of technology and the use of computers.
'COVID-19', or coronavirus disease 2019, is an infectious respiratory illness caused by a
newly discovered strain of coronavirus that makes people ill. The illness spreads from one
individual to another via infected air droplets projected during co...

Awesome! Made my life easier.


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