UCLA Why Being an English Major Is Essential Essay

User Generated



University Of California Los Angeles


assignment has two parts - reading the text and identifying the main argument and persuasive strategies and then writing an essay in response. Choose one of the following

write a multi-paragraph essay which integrates your analysis of BOTH texts, and in which you write a reasoned position comparing and contrasting the strategies each writer uses to appeal to its intended audience.

After you have read both articles, write a multi-paragraph essay in which you analyze ONE of the texts. In your analysis take a reasoned position on the extent to which the text is rhetorically effective given its intended audience.

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The final assignment has two parts - reading the text and identifying the main argument and persuasive strategies and then writing an essay in response.

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Article Analysis
Institutional Affiliation



The two are critically analyzing why being an English major is essential. Both authors are
claiming that an English major can be of great help to you when living in society. Reeves (2017)
argues that most people aren't aware of the greatness of choosing an English major; they feel like
they will have a perfect career. Gregoire (2017), in his text, claims that upon graduation with an
English degree, one can still become successful in life. Those students get a very bad reputation
in s...

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