Assignment 3: SWOT Analysis. Prepare and submit a SWOT Analysis that identifies and discusses organizational strengths and weaknesses of your organization in light of the environmental opportunities and threats that it faces. Guidance for this assignment

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  1. Assignment 3: SWOT Analysis. Prepare and submit a SWOT Analysis that identifies and discusses organizational strengths and weaknesses of your organization in light of the environmental opportunities and threats that it faces. Guidance for this assignment can be found in Consulting Project Briefing 2.

This is for assignment 3

It is important that you prepare a comprehensive SWOT Analysis in that the remaining assignments will build on this one. Make sure that you discuss the financial situation and market position under Strengths and/or Weaknesses (using current, specific numbers).
Discuss comparative financial and market position information for major competitors under Threats. You may want to review the assignment briefing.
This assignment must be word processed and submitted electronically in MS Word (.docx or .pdf) format. The file must be named in the following format: Lastname_Assignment3. Submit your completed document to Assignment 3, listed on the Modules and Assignments pages, as a file attachment.

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Consulting Project Briefing Number Two SWOT ANALYSIS Assignment Three SWOT ANALYSIS Scope of Work Assignment Three  After engaging in necessary and appropriate research, identify the following elements regarding the organization and its environment:     Organizational strengths Organizational weaknesses Environmental opportunities Environmental threats  Categorize each element that you identify into its appropriate SWOT category and provide an explanation of why that item belongs in that particular category.  Be aware of the risks of relying on prepared SWOT documents that you may locate through the Internet.  The essential items that should be included in your SWOT Analysis include:    Financial situation Market position Major competitors Deliverables Assignment Three  Prepare and submit a written document that responds to the scope of work.  This document should consist of four separate sections – one for each of the SWOT categories     Organizational strengths Organizational weaknesses Environmental opportunities Environmental threats  The respective SWOT elements in each section of your document should be presented using bullet points, with accompanying narratives that fully explain and justify each item.  All references to financial situation and market position should reflect current, specific information, as well as reference the involved timeframe.  The supporting narratives should contain complete sentences.  It is essential that you carefully edit and proofread your submission to ensure the use of proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation as the submission will be evaluated for content, presentation, and professionalism.
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Explanation & Answer

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Outline for SWOT Analysis of McDonald's
General Overview of SWOT: An overview of what it means to have a SWOT analysis
Organizational Strengths: Analysis of the strengths of the company.
Organizational Weaknesses: An analysis of the weaknesses of the company.
Environmental Opportunities: The part explains the opportunities the business has.
Environmental Threats: It includes all threats that affect the business.
Conclusion: A summary of the essay.
References: List of references used.

Running head: SWOT ANALYSIS


SWOT Analysis of McDonald's
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SWOT Analysis of McDonald's
General Overview of SWOT

McDonald’s restaurants, a successful brand in the industry, are faced by many factors
that are both internal and external and they all have different impacts on the success of the
company. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is a traditional
tool that helps companies analyze their environment and understand the areas they need to focus
on in their operations (Gürel & Tat, 2017). The brand has successfully opened branches in many
countries globally. However this increases the exposure they have to factors that affect their
business. SWOT analysis can be used to make decisions that will ensure the available resources
are focused on the right processes and activities. It also helps with brainstorming and strategic
planning (Phadermrod, Crowder, & Wills, 2019). The analysis focuses on the factors that affect
the business both positively and negatively.
Organizational Strengths

Economies of Scale and Financial Position: The first one is that the organization
purchases its raw materials in bulk and this gives them economies of scale, thus reducing
the cost of operations. The outcome is...

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