Eastlake High School COVID 19 Pandemic Discussion Response

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Eastlake High School

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Covid-19 and Minority Healthcare BY WENYUAN ZHANG Premise: Healthcare Impact on Minorities  Covid-19 is affecting minoirites more than than it affects whites.  This is illustrated by the number of people of color that are infected and later die from the disease.  “In Chicago, where less than one-third of the population is black, more than two-thirds of the 86 people killed by COVID-19 as of last weekend were black—and four in five of those black patients had high blood pressure and/or diabetes” (Pinsker, 2020). Importance:  The importance of this claim premise is the need to improve the quality of care that people of color face.  This means addressing the poverty that many of these people live in.  There is also a need to ensure that there is more availability and access to the healthcare within the communities of color.  Need to improve the quality of care that people get when they are hospitalized.  Addressing inequalities in healthcare and income is a major way of bridging the gaps of divide that Covid-19 is exposing. Image How are People Dealing with Covid-19?  It depends on a person and their place in society.  Those that can work from home are able to stay more protected due to the way that they minimize their exposure risk. These are higher paying jobs, usually office jobs as well that can be done remotely.  On the other hand, many people of color are struggling with this because of how they are men and women that have to work. This means that they expose themselves. But they have to work so they have to risk it or otherwise face not being paid and suffering the consequences because of this. Resources that are Available  For people of color there are not that many resources available.  People that have to work have to rely upon themselves or their employers to provide the necessary protective equipment.  People can also look for online resources or community resources through nonprofit organizations to get any help that they may need or support. But for the most part, minorities are being left to fend for themselves, especially if they are poor which doe show the need to do more. Most Valuable Resources  The need to have more personal protective equipment is the most necessary thing that can occur today.  All employees considered essentially should also get more hazard pay.  Sick and time paid off should be given to those that get infected with Covid-19.
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HI,I have uploaded a docx file , including reponse to the pdf , hope you will like it.Thanks.

The presentation had a mindboggling content. It presented various obstructi...

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