Saint Leo University What is a hero Essay

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Saint Leo University


Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in the "Creating an Informal Outline" section of Chapter 5, and then write a 1000-word response to the following question: What is a hero?.

In order to write a 1000-word response to a 5-word question, you'll need to include a variety of sources and perspectives. Incorporate the following into your paper:

  • your understanding of concept of a hero
  • evidence of heroes or heroism in the stories from this module
  • researched scholarly insight into the nature of heroes
  • our Core Values of Excellence and/or Integrity

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: HEROISM


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Heroism involves the representation and transformation of the virtue of civil and formal
actions of citizens through either social or physical sacrifices. It leads to the existence of heroes
in the community as a result of culture, and people recognize most of them. Therefore, heroes
defined as individuals admired by people in society for some of their tremendous and brave
actions and the achievements attained (Keczer, File, Orosz & Zimbardo, 2016). The essay
handles the understanding and nature of the heroes, their characteristics, and the core values of
excellence and integrity.
The nature of heroes involves there compassion and empathy towards doing something.
They have a gene that demonstrates heroism in their actions, and sometimes they don't show
some perfections or popularity. An individual who termed as a hero on other occasions they don't
achieve their goals quickly. What they factor mostly is to ensure that they deal and put more
effort into objectives that are worthy and important so that to give results that earn them
popularity and heroism. Their progress depends on the procedures employed that ensure that
these individuals meet their achievements. Heroes serve as a role model in the world from the
activities they have achieved. They exist among our community, and they are famous and
obscure, and most of the people yearn to meet and learn from them (Keczer et al., 2016).
Heroism actions considered evidence through the characteristics portrayed by individuals

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