Discussion Board responses

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Ohio State University


4 responses.

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Write 2 short responses to the 2 posts in the second page. As the example below EXAMPLE: Post: I know of two that have happened to people I know over the past few years.! smooth and the other not. The smooth one was a incident that had been witnessed by many people and caused a knee injury. There was no question about it. The worker was out and paid until his rehab was complete enough to return to work on a light duty status and then to regular duty. The second was an injury that happened at work and the worker was off collecting benefits and while off in these situations the university covers the full cost of benefits. This was dragging out and from I understand this employee ended up under investigation. They came to find out he was able to work and had been while he was out. He was given two options first to quit, or second to come back to work and extra portions of his pay would repay the cost the university put up. There will always be people trying to scam the system and that is something that can make these claims hard for the people who are not trying to scam anyone, Response: Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I haven't had much experience with workers' compensation claims, but I can see how people can take advantage of the system in this case. Both those "affected" and those that deal with the claims. It can get very complex. Great post! Post 1: In the past, I have not been involved actively on a professional level and so I have not had to experience a case of workers’ compensation. However, from this discussion forum, I have learned a lot about the same from those that have shared their experiences and seek to engage to learn more as I know I will be involved in similar scenarios eventually in my line of work. Response 1: Post 2: As I am not doing job anywhere, I don’t have a personal experience or knowledge of any workers’ compensation case. But from my knowledge about some past famous cases, I know not all workers’ compensation cases go smoothly. In some cases, the statutory issues require the claims to go into trial. Also, many insurance companies instead offer workers' compensation settlements as an alternative to make regular payments until you have recovered from your injuries. So, many compensation cases are unique according to their circumstances and the laws applied. Response 2: Post 1: Workers compensation means an insurance system in which employees are indemnified and offered medical coverage for work-related injuries. The employer-provided insurance coverage plan, as I have come to learn doe not only cover employees medical bills and compensate them for injuries but goes on to offer rehabilitation and other forms of wellness programs related to the injuries. Workers’ compensation thus acts a s a buffer for not just medical bills but also one that offers financial security through paid leave and other forms of compensation depending on whether injuries are permanently or temporarily disabling without having to sue under tort law. Workers compensation thus offers both financial security and wellness programs for workers injured in the line of duty. Response 1: Post 2: I thought workers’ compensation laws require employers to provide financial benefits to employees according to defined monetary limits. I thought there is a predetermined limit for each type of injury by the law. It was a kind of liability on the employer. But now I learned that workers’ compensation protect businesses and their employees from financial loss when an employee is hurt on the job or gets sick from a work-related cause. Employers purchase workers' compensation insurance to cover the benefits for employees. Employees are not responsible for paying for workers' compensation benefits. Response 2:
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by Work Work

Submission date: 24-May-2020 10:08PM (UTC-0500)
Submission ID: 1331305124
File name: Response-Workers_compensation.docx (18.81K)
Word count: 147
Character count: 804












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Worker Compensation
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Post 1:

Workers compensation means an insurance syst...

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