history answers only.

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Grossmont College


Q1 (Timerman book): compose a reflection essay and consider any of the following questions in your response: How is it possible that a nation with democratic institutions like Argentina could plunge into a totalitarian predicament described by Timerman in Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number? Do you agree with the Argentine military's assessment that they are justified in governing the nation instead of civilian politicians? How would you react if you had to face a similar predicament like that of Timerman's? What lessons can other nations, including the United States, learn from this episode in Latin American history and politics?

Q2. What is populism? Provide at least two examples that demonstrate how populism functioned in Latin America.\


1. no copy paste from internet . Answer to question 1 can be from this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1850vRWOumKFxPPJza...

and answer to question 2 can be from any source

2. Just no plagirism and i just need exact answers to these questions

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Explanation & Answer




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Answer 1
A nation with democratic institutions can fall in totalitarian conditions as described by
Timerman. This can be as a result of ideological, mystical, emotional and political indifferences
for some violent groups in a nation. For instance, in Argentina, there was the Argentine violent
group whose mission was to initiate a form of anarchist socialist revolution. It was also to broaden
anarchist social revolution all through Latin America by use of terrorism groups without
ideological differences. As such, this would plunge into a totalitarian predicament in Argentina. If
a country lacks adequate political responses, it is easy to fall in a totalitarian mess (Timerman,
2002). I do not concur with argentine Military assessment that they are justified in governing the
nation instead of civilian politicians. This is because it is evident that they regulate the civilian
politicians to ensure that Peronists military do not take over and acquire possession of ...

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