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Computer Science


Need attached question  with in-text citations and references and Make sure 0% Plagiarism and Don't do translation process to change the words. Write in your own words.

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THE WILDERNESS WEATHER STATION USER STORIES 1. As a user, I want a weather station system to monitor the daily changes of the different parts of US 2. As a user, I want the system to be divided into three sections; satellite box, a database application, and the control panel, to separate their different tasks. 3. As an operator, I want a commutation link between the control panel and the satellite box so as I can monitor the weather conditions 4. As a user, I want weather sensors to detect the changes in the weather conditions 5. As a user, I want a satellite communication to mediate between the control panel and the satellite box. 6. As a system operator, I want to deploy the satellite boxes in different parts of Canada in water resistant containers to ensure their safety. 7. As a user, I want a power source to support the satellite box tasks with the necessary power. 8. As a user, I want an economic power supply source depending on the areas under examination 9. As a user, I want a self-adjusting system to guard the satellite box wind turbines against overly strong winds 10. 11. As a user, I want a message alert in case of a malfunctioning satellite box As a user, I want to monitor the operating status of the satellite box so as to control the outputs 12. As a user, I want an iterative report from the weather station detailing the weather conditions and the system status information 13. As a user, I want the satellite box to save any un-transmitted communication for later communication 14. As a user, I want a feedback response to ensure successful communication with the weather components 15. As a user, I want a control panel in the headquarters to communicate with the satellite boxes 16. As a user, I want the control panel to have a GUI for easy control of the system 17. As a park ranger, I want the satellite box to continue its operations until I interrupt 18. As a park ranger, I want a backup system to receive and send information to satellite boxes 19. As a park ranger, I want a self-recovery mechanism for the satellite boxes in case I am unavailable 20. As a park ranger, I want to view the areas of the satellite boxes to monitor them easily 21. As a park ranger, I want a forecast of the conditions of weather in the different satellite boxes to set the wind turbines automatically into a safe mode 22. As the operator, I want an exclusive control over the status of the satellite boxes so that I can override any safe mode features when in need. 23. As the operator, I want notifications of all important system events to facilitate them 24. As a user, I want the satellite boxes to work independently so that a failure of one does not affect the others 25. As an operator, I want a notification of any failure(s) in the system. 26. As a park ranger, I want a database to store the system data for future retrieval and use. 27. As the system user, I want a web service that connects to various interested customers for communication. 28. As the system operator, I want the database to expose the data saved to the web services associated with the different interested customers to examine the information. 29. As a park ranger, I want a separation between the various customers to provide better- customized services. 30. As an operator, I want the system to auto-save the status information as well as the weather data, received, to a database. 31. As a park ranger, I want the database application to have a GUI for easy interaction with the system. References: “The Deconstruction of the Wilderness Weather Station Case Study” Need below question with in-text citations and references and Make sure 0% Plagiarism and Don't do translation process to change the words. Write in your own words. Need to use attached doc with name user stores.doc Using the list of User Stories you prepared for assignment 3.3, derive 20 system requirements. Each requirement should be in the form "The System shall ". A very useful variation is "The System shall provide the capability ". For each requirement, identify the User Story number from which you derived this requirement. If you didn't number your User Stories then include the full text of the User Story you are using as the source for each requirement. Special note: If you want to revise one or more of your original User Stories, or even create new ones, you may do so. Just supply the text of the new or revised User Story.
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Explanation & Answer

User story number

System requirement


The system shall capture the daily weather changes and relay the
information to the terrestrial station.


The system shall be able to provide a communication link between its
different resources.


The system shall provide the capability to detect the slightest changes in
weather with highest accuracy.


The system shal...

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