HSE 330 Ashford University Welfare Reform Act of 1996 Paper

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hse 330

ashford university



Submit a paper stating your organization's position on the specific legislation being considered. State your role in the organization.

Organization- Department of Social Services

Legislation-Welfare Reform Act of 1996

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HSE 330 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric For Milestone Two, you will submit a paper stating your organization’s position on the specific legislation selected for your final project. Make sure to state your role in your organization. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: III. Your Position. In this section, you will lay out your organization’s position on the specific legislation being considered. It should be evident from your analysis that you have reviewed a full copy of the legislation and have researched the related issues and debate. Specifically, you should address the following points: a. Is your organization for or against the legislation? Why? Your answer should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the legislation in terms of potential effectiveness, cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility. In other words, how might economic, social, or political factors (including other legislation) help or hinder the policy’s implementation and effectiveness? What specific concerns does your organization have? b. How might cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversity issues impact the quality and equity of services provided under the selected legislation? What concerns does your organization have? Provide examples to support your position. c. What legal or ethical matters related to the legislation is your organization concerned about, if any? Explain your answer and provide examples, if appropriate. d. Based on your analysis, how could the legislation in question be redesigned to better address the needs of intended beneficiaries? Be sure to address the following points and provide evidence to support your recommendations. i. How could the legislation better address diversity in meeting the needs of intended beneficiaries? ii. How could it better address legal or ethical concerns in meeting beneficiaries’ needs? If there are no concerns specific to this legislation, make suggestions for how the legislation might help prevent legal or ethical concerns in future policies. Support your suggestions with evidence. iii. What other changes to the legislation would make it more effective in serving intended beneficiaries? Consider the cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility issues you identified above in making your suggestions. e. Be sure to use language and communication strategies appropriate for political or organizational leaders in explaining your organization’s position and recommendations. Remember the goal is to convince your audience that your analysis is credible without burdening them with undue detail. Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Two must be two to three pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three references cited in APA format. Rubric Critical Elements Your Position: Advantages and Disadvantages Proficient (100%) Analyzes the legislation’s advantages and disadvantages in terms of potential effectiveness, cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility in presenting the organization’s position Needs Improvement (70%) Analyzes the legislation’s advantages and disadvantages, but does not address all elements (effectiveness, cost, public acceptance, political feasibility) or does not connect analysis to the organization’s position Your Position: Diversity Examines how cultural, Examines how cultural, socioeconomic, and other socioeconomic, and other diversity diversity issues might impact the issues might impact the quality and quality and equity of services equity of services provided under provided under the selected the selected legislation in legislation in presenting presenting organization’s concerns, organization’s concerns and but does not provide relevant provides relevant examples examples or examination lacks relevant detail Your Position: Legal or Examines legal or ethical matters Examines legal or ethical matters Ethical Matters related to the legislation in related to the legislation in presenting organization’s presenting organization’s position, position and explains response but does not explain response Your Position: Proposes ways to improve the Proposes ways to improve the Redesigned: legislation being considered to legislation being considered to Addressing Diversity better address beneficiary better address beneficiary diversity using analysis diversity, but suggestions are not connected to analysis presented in presented in the paper and the paper or are not supported supports suggestions with with evidence evidence Your Position: Proposes ways to improve the Proposes ways to improve the Redesigned: Address legislation being considered to legislation being considered to Legal Concerns better address legal or ethical better address legal or ethical concerns based on analysis concerns, but suggestions are not presented in the paper, and connected to the analysis supports suggestions with presented in the paper or are not evidence supported with evidence Your Position: Proposes other ways to improve Proposes other ways to improve Redesigned: Other the legislation being considered the legislation being considered, to better serve intended but suggestions do not consider beneficiaries, taking into costs, social attitudes, or political Not Evident (0%) Does not analyze the legislation’s advantages and disadvantages Value 13 Does not examine how cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversity issues might impact the quality and equity of services provided under the selected legislation in presenting the organization’s position 13 Does not examine legal or ethical matters related to the legislation in presenting organization’s position 13 Does not propose ways to improve the legislation being considered to better address beneficiary diversity 13 Does not propose ways to improve the legislation to better address legal or ethical concerns 13 Does not propose other ways to improve the legislation being considered 13 Your Position: Language Articulation of Response consideration the costs, social attitudes, and political feasibility issues presented in the paper and supporting suggestions with evidence Employs language and communication strategies appropriate for political or organizational leaders in explaining positions and making recommendations Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization feasibility issues presented in the paper or are not supported with evidence Employs language and communication strategies for political or organizational leaders, but application is not appropriate for lending credibility to analysis or is unduly detailed Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Does not employ language or communications strategies appropriate for political or organization leaders 13 Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 9 Earned Total 100%
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Explanation & Answer


Department of Social Services’ Position on Welfare Reform Act of 1996 – Outline
Thesis Statement: The rationale for this policy was that social assistance will help people to
reorganize themselves and enable them to rise economically. However, the policy seems to be
encouraging dependency and hence increase poverty.

The Department of Social Services is concerned with ensuring welfare services to


Welfare Reform Act of 1996 is one of the President Clinton’s legacy
The Department of Social Services envisions equal provision of social services to
American citizens


The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 can be redesigned to address these legal and ethical

Running head: WELFARE REFORM ACT OF 1996

Department of Social Services’ Position on Welfare Reform Act of 1996




Department of Social Services’ Position on Welfare Reform Act of 1996
The Department of Social Services is concerned with ensuring welfare services to
Americans. This Department is, therefore, responsible for implementing social welfare policies
that the government develops. The Department organizes the citizens who are to benefit from the
social welfare programs. More importantly, the Department of Social Services processes the
social and disability benefits on behalf of the government. This ensures that the aid that the
government has given to help certain people in society have reached them. By doing this, the
Department contributes to social development (Maks‐Solomon & Stoker, 2019). In this regard,
the Department of Social Services should be involv...

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