Cal State Northridge Jack Ma Effective Business Management Practices Essay

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Cal State Northridge


Purpose: The purpose for this activity is to evaluate the effectiveness of a manager of your choice. It can be a manager you have worked with or any well-known manager you read about.

Instructions: Submit a 2 page essay, presenting an analysis of a manager you are familiar with. Describe that manager’s actions and behaviors that render him or her effective and/or ineffective as a manager.

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Running head: JACK MA

Evaluation of an Effective Manager
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Jack Ma
Business practices that render Jack Ma an effective Manager

Effective management is an essential part of the success of any organizations. Effective
managers are decisive, and employees look upon them to make relevant decisions that steer the
organization forward. By setting a good track record, being high-achievers, proving skills and
knowledge, effective managers gain professional respect from the employees, organization
stakeholders, and the community. The progress and success of Alibaba are attributed mainly to
the management skills of Jack Ma. Indeed, it takes an effective manager to help a company
accumulate more than $20 billion and maintain a sense of perspective through an enthusiastic
work ethic (Sattar, 2020). Thus, this paper describes various characteristics and behaviors of Jack
Ma, which have been essential in his successful runn...

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