University of Nairobi Persuasion Strategies Essay

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University of Nairobi


You are to write an essay in 1200 words on the topic:

“Comparison of persuasion strategies in opinion editorials and advertisements in print media and social media

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Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback Before 6pm on: 15 working days after deadline (L3, L4, L5 and L6) xx working days after deadline (Foundation Programme) 02/06/2020 23/06/2020 Module title & code English Language and the Media (ELM) OMG 22-1 Assignment number and title 2 Final Assignment Assessment type CW-Ess Academic Essay Weighting of assessment 50% Module learning outcomes 1. Conceptual Understanding: Understand the media texts in terms of their key linguistic features and know how these features have impact on readers to shape attitudes and behaviours, including worldviews. 2. Skills and abilities: Demonstrate linguistic appropriateness and practical effectiveness of language of print medium, broadcasting and advertisement in producing texts for the contemporary media. What am I required to do in this assignment? 1. You are to write an essay in 1200 words on the topic: “Comparison of persuasion strategies in opinion editorials and advertisements in print media and social media” 2. You are to make a comparative study of two types of texts, editorials and advertisements, in two media – conventional print media (available online) and contemporary social media. 3. In a. b. c. 4. 5. In a. b. c. d. e. other words, you have to compare the following: Language of opinion editorials and language of advertisements in print media Language of opinion editorials and language of advertisements in social media Any significant points related to persuasion in print media and in social media order to do that you have to collect the following: Some sources (text books/papers) that deal with the language of persuasion A sample of opinion editorial from the print medium (online) A sample of a persuasive advertisement from the print medium (online) A sample of opinion editorial/or opinionated blog writing from the social media (online) A sample of a persuasive advertisement from the social media (online) Compare the aspects of language and content as mentioned in 3 above. Structure of the report: 1. Introduction 2. Language of persuasion in general with in-text references 3. Language of opinion editorials and language of advertisements in print media with reference to the samples 4. Language of opinion editorials and language of advertisements in social media with reference to the samples 5.Any significant points related to persuasion in print media and in social media 6. Concluding remarks 7. List of references Deliverables Submission At the time of submission, you need to make sure that the assignment is your own and all the sources have been acknowledged. Is there a word limit (Number of Words ± 10%)? 1200 Words What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Identify at least 3 sources on language of persuasion Identify 4 samples as mentioned above Make the 3 sets of comparisons with original observations Write the full report yourself Follow the structure mentioned above Write a list of references of sources and samples How do I produce high quality work that merits a higher grade? 1. Use language that is grammatically flawless with suitable punctuation and layout, use conventions of the structure of formal report, use an excellent range of vocabulary 2. Write a good list of references following the Harvard style 3. Show outstanding control over the subject matter 4. Do diligent exploration in collecting samples 5. Show outstanding originality of observation and link what you learnt in other modules How does assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions? In your scheduled sessions, you will be studying about various dimensions of persuasion as shown in opinion editorials and advertisements. You will be given practice of how to write an editorial and how to critically judge an editorial. The same will be practised in the area of advertisements. Apart from testing what you learnt, the assignment itself is treated as a learning tool which enhances and reinforces your learning of language of editorial and advertisement. 2 3 How will my assignment be marked? Your assignment be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and estimate your grade before you submit. No 1 2 3 Criterion Information and research Development Structure of the essay Weighing (%) 20 20 10 Sub Standard / No Attempt (0 Marks) Poor (20 Marks) Language in all stages 40 Good (50 Marks) Very Good (60 Marks) Excellent (70 Marks) Satisfactory selection of information and Good selection of information and good Very good selection of information and Excellent selection of information and evidence of research (samples and theoretical sources) evidence of research (samples and theoretical sources) very good evidence of research (samples and theoretical sources) excellent evidence of research (samples and theoretical sources) Outstanding (100 Marks) No evidence of Poor evidence of selection of information – (samples and theoretical sources) selection of information (samples and theoretical sources) No evidence of research Poor evidence of research No evidence of Poor Satisfactory Good Very good development of the entire report and maintaining development of the entire report and poor efforts of maintaining development of the entire report with attention to development of the entire report with attention to development of the entire report with attention to Excellent development of the entire report with attention to Outstanding development of the entire report with attention to distinct stages and distinct stages and distinct stages and distinct stages and distinct stages and distinct stages and distinct stages and transitions Outstanding performance in Appropriate development of comparation 3 stages transitions transitions transitions transitions transitions transitions No evidence of the following: Poor performance in writing Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Satisfactory performance in Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Good performance in Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Excellent performance in Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Clear topic sentences - Clear topic sentences – Quite clear topic sentences - Clear topic sentences Quite clear topic sentences - Very good performance in Appropriate development of comparation in 3 stages Clear topic sentences Clear topic sentences conclusion - Use and range of cohesive devises No clear topic sentences Use and range of cohesive devises is satisfactory Use and range of cohesive devises is good Poor use and range of cohesive devises 4 Satisfactory (40 Marks) Clear topic sentences Use and range of cohesive devises is very good Very clear topic sentences Use and range of cohesive devises is Excellent Substandard Poor use of Satisfactory use of Good use of Very good use of Excellent use of lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure - overall accuracy Overall accuracy is poor lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and satisfactory performance in maintaining lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and good performance in maintaining lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and very good performance in maintaining lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and excellent performance in maintaining overall accuracy overall accuracy overall accuracy overall accuracy Outstanding selection of information and outstanding evidence of research (samples and theoretical sources) Clear topic sentences Very clear topic sentences Use and range of cohesive devises is outstanding Outstanding in use of lexis, genre specific vocabulary / structure and in performance in maintaining overall accuracy 5 Academic Skills throughout the task 10 Substandard Poor Satisfactory Good Very good citation and source acknowledgement, citation and source acknowledgement, citation and source acknowledgement, citation and source acknowledgement, citation and source acknowledgement, Excellent citation and source acknowledgement, Outstanding in citation and source acknowledgement, use of conventions Poor use of conventions, use of conventions use of conventions use of conventions use of conventions bibliography and bibliography and bibliography and bibliography and and in use of conventions Poor bibliography and layout layout layout layout layout bibliography and bibliography and layout layout 5
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Persuasion Strategies
Thesis statement: There are differences in the persuasion strategies that are employed by
different people when using various communication channels and it is essential to be alert to
these strategies to avoid being misguided.
1. Introduction
2. Language of Persuasion
3. Language of Opinion Editorials and Language of Advertisements in Print Media
4. Language of Opinion Editorials and Language of Advertisements in Social Media
5. Significant Points
6. Conclusion



Persuasion Strategies
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Communication forms are one of the central pillars of a society where people can pass
information between themselves. The process of communication can be done through many
media, such as speaking, signs, and even symbols. The development of mass media has made the
process of communicating with many people much easier. It has also made it necessary to have
the best persuasion skill possible to get people to believe the information that you are passing to
them. There are differences in the persuasion strategies that are employed by different people
when using various communication channels, and it is essential to be alert to these strategies to
avoid being misguided.
Language of Persuasion
Persuasive language is a language that is created to express and justify an opinion that a
person may be holding about a topic or item. The process is often created with the ultimate goal
of helping change the point of view of a reader to make it similar to that of the author. The
process is done through first stating your position on an item and foll...

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