University of Maryland Pearson4 Business Plan Presentation

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Business Finance

university of maryland


Hello you completed a marketing plan for me a while back. I would like to request a PowerPoint so that I could present to potential clients. Thanks

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Explanation & Answer

Check this out 👍 You could each slide in 30 to 45 seconds and complete on time. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need to make changes. Thanks 😀

Owl Consulting
Marketing Plan

Market & Target Customers
Guttmann (2019) explains spending on marketing
services is expected to grow over $450 billion. 35
percent of the global spending is within North
America, and two-thirds of the spending is on direct
marketing. Thus, over $80 billion is spent on direct
marketing services in the United States.
Owl is a management consulting services firm,
which is a startup for providing marketing services
for the needs of modern industry. Owl is classified
under the NAICS code in the following industry

For engaging customers in the target sector, Owl
offers a comprehensive range of marketing services,
which include:

• 54161: Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services.
• 541613: Marketing Consulting Services

• Consulting
• Weekly Newsletter
• Global Annual Conference
• Learning Library
• Workshops (Delivered by Industry Experts)
• Courses (Delivered by Industry Experts)
• Data Analytics Platform
• Sponsored Events

Unique Selling Proposition

The unique selling proposition of Owl is: When
the customer needs to completely understand the
characteristics of the product or service.

The design of the USP is based on the
understanding of buyers of technology products

Pricing & Positioning Strategy
• The pricing strategy for the firm provides opportunities to client firms
for developing mutually beneficial relationships. Customers can engage
the firm with two options, which are:
• Project (Fixed Costs)
• Retainer (14-day Recurring Cycles)

Distribution Plan
• The distribution plan incorporates four strategies for customers to avail of the
marketing services of Owl. For distributing marketing services, the plan
includes the role of the following:

Research Agencies
Independent Consultants

Owl has several offers for clients
to avail the services. The firm has
a portfolio of products and
services for accomplishing direct

Free access to learning library
(state-of-the-art for marketing)

25 % off on workshops

1 month free for 12 months

Free subscription to a weekly
newsletter with insights on the
latest trends and developments

25 % off for Global Marketing
Annual Conference

Free 2-week trial for data
analytics platform

25 % off for online learning

Marketing Materials
• Owl will use a range of marketing materials for engaging customers. The company will develop content, brochure,
and a knowledge library for empowering consumers. The firm will also develop digital content for the social media
• Business Cards
• Website & SEO
• Digital & Print Brochures
• Social Content
• Learning Library
• Dedicated staff will engage patrons on the following so...

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