UP The Formation of The Northern Atlantic Treaty Organizations Essay

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University of Pretoria


Topic: Cold War period (1947-1990) possible examples - choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern:

Paper details:

Assignment 3: America as Superpower-Confrontation in a Nuclear Age (1947-Present) Due Week 9 and worth 120 points In Assignment 3, we ask you to write about America's international superpower role for the long period since World War II to the present using a Writing Guide provided in Blackboard. Your paper must use a minimum of three sources from the list provided below. Your first step to completing this paper is to pick your topic. Below you will find two lists; one refers to Cold War period (1947-1990) examples of confrontation and one list provides examples of confrontations occurring in the Post-Cold War period (1991-Present). Each example will involve a specific strategic concern and confrontation. Review the examples below and choose one strategic concern and one confrontation from each time period to focus on in your paper. Once you have chosen your examples, review the sources noted below. Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the "" tab on the course menu. Cold War period (1947-1990) possible examples - choose one strategic concern and one confrontation that illustrates that concern: Cold War strategic concerns: Containment, Domino Theory, "MAD Doctrine" Cold War confrontations: Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Vietnam War; Cuban Missile Crisis Sources: Schultz, p. 462-7, 485-8, 499-506, 535-540, 560-7.

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Explanation & Answer


Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Cold War Affair
During the era of President John F. Kennedy in the United States, the cold war got to the
most critical point, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the United States of
America agreed to come to the verge of the nuclear war popularly known as the Cuban Missile
Crisis. This was as a result of the cold war, which was a long tussle between the United States
and its partners, and the USSR. Even though the direct military fights did not happen, the
economic and political struggle took place.
Formation of the Northern Atlantic Treaty organiz...

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