Los Angeles Pierce College Interpersonal Relationship Communications Paper

User Generated



Los Angeles Pierce College


Instructions: For this paper, please think about an interpersonal relationship you are currently in (such as a friendship, romantic relationship, work relationship, family relationship, etc.). You will analyze your relationship using the interpersonal communication theories, concepts, and skills we have learned about throughout the semester. In your paper, you will discuss a relational conflict or challenge (such as an argument, transgression, break-up, etc.). Please analyze your relationship and the conflict by applying at least one theory, one concept, and one skill using any of the chapters from our textbook. When applying the skill, think about what skill you used or could have used to effectively manage the conflict (for example: perception-checking statements, assertive "I" statements, self-monitoring, etc.).

You will also need to cite one library source for this paper. Your book should be used for the majority of the paper, but at least one library source is also required (such as a book or journal article). Make sure you cite your library source at the end of your paper (bibliography) and within the paper (in-text or parenthetical citation) in MLA or APA format.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Brief description of the relationship you chose to write about
  • Brief description of the relational conflict/challenge you faced in this relationship
  • Application of 1 theory from any chapter in the book (please bold or highlight theory)
  • Application of 1 concept from any chapter in the book (please bold or highlight concept)
  • Application of 1 skill from any chapter in the book (please bold or highlight skill)
  • Application and citation of 1 library source (book or journal article)

Your final paper should be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, with one inch margins all around, and in essay format. DO NOT just list answers (it should be in essay format).

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Communication Final Paper
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Work relationship is inevitable when working in the form of an organization. In
essence, one individual will need to relate with the workmates at all times. They will need to
in teams geared towards achieving the organization goals. I want to give a more precise view
of this kind of relationship. To analyze the relationship, it will involve an understanding of
interpersonal communication theories as well as concepts and skills that have been critical
throughout the course learning this semester. This will include the conflicts and challenges as
per the relationship among things like skills applied in managing conflicts related to this
In a workplace re...

I use Studypool every time I need help studying, and it never disappoints.


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