California University of Management Natural Disaster in the US Discussion

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California University of Management and Sciences


PART 1) During his coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, CNN news anchor and reporter Anderson Cooper (a celebrity in his own right) remarked when asked what he had learned from the event – “Cooper paused, reflected for a moment, and then answered: “we are not as ready as we can be.”’ In that moment, Anderson Cooper may have captured the essence of what we talk about in this lesson. As our readings tell us, even though technology and warnings are getting better and better all the time, over the same time period the sheer magnitude of property loss and damage from both natural and man-made disasters are continuing to increase. So for this discussion, answer the question “Why are natural hazards and disaster losses continuing to increase?” and “Why are we not better prepared to address these now than we were on September 10th, 2001 (or maybe you think we are - so tell us why). Support your answers and a analysis with reasons and examples from our readings and your own outside research.

PART2) When you complete part1, I will send you classmates' posts and reply to their posts.

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Explanation & Answer



Discussion responses

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Discussion responses

Response to first student
Hello Apodaca,
I agree with you that disaster and hazards are increasing drastically in the US and
worldwide. It is great that you cite the three most dominant causes of the increased disasters
including global warming, man made as well as natural factors. In regard to the mitigations, I do
not think that building of better houses could make humans safe against tsunamis and
earthquakes. Taking quick preventive and safety measures moments before disaster strikes would
offer greater help as compared to building resilient houses, ...

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