Racism and Violence Through Southern Literature, assignment help

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I have a thesis statement for which I need to write a 10 page research paper in MLA format on Southern Literature. I have attached the the thesis along with outline. Please help, thank you!

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Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature                                                                           1              Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature  Name  Course  June   26 th ,   2016                  Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature                                                                           2    Topic:   The   adequacy   of   the   southern   literature   in   defining   racism   and   violence   in   America.  According   to   research,   the   south   commonly   refers   to   the   southern   United   States,   which   is  majorly   composed   of   the   minority   groups   such   as   the   black   Americans   and   other   white   minority  communities.   As   such,   the   primary   themes   in   primary   Southern   literature   materials   center   around  Racism   and   Violence   as   attributed   by   the   general   American   populations.   With   this,   it   would   be  necessary   to   choose   the   topic   above   since   it   revolves   around   the   central   theme   in   primary  southern   literature.  Thesis  It   is   true   that   the   southern   literature   centers   around   the   themes   of   racism   and   violence   so  as   to   create   awareness   among   the   American   society   regarding   the   subject   and   bring   out   the  negative   implications   of   latter.   Notably,   the   themes   of   racism   and   violence   are   vividly   depicted   in  primary   southern   literature   materials.  Outline  Title:  The   adequacy   of   the   southern   literature   in   defining   racism   and   violence   in   America  Abstract  •      Talk   about   the   problem   (racism   and   violence   in   southern   America   and   how   the   southern  literature   has   addressed   the   matter)  Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature                                                                           3  •      Mention   briefly   about   the   evaluation   of   the   results   (Talk   about   the   pieces   of   literature   you   will  analyze   to   formulate   your   arguments).  •      In   one   statement,   give   a  summary   of   the   evaluation   results.   You   can   use   the   final   concluding  statement   for   this   purpose.   For   instance;   the   research   conducted   points   out   that   the   southern  literature   gives   useful   insights   into   the   topics   of   racism   and   violence   in   the   southern   minority  groups.  N.B.:   This   section   is   a  brief   summary   of   the   whole   piece   of   writing.   Notably,   it   should   be   brief,  about   a  half   a  page   or   so.  Introduction  •      Give   an   overview   of   what   is   the   problem   is   (how   adequate   the   southern   literature   has  addressed   racism   and   violence   in   America ),   explain   why   this   is   relevant   to   the   audience  •      State   the   thesis   as   well   as   the   purpose   of   this   research   (W   hat   will   you   discuss   in   the   paper ),  ( what   is   the   importance   of   this   study,   for   instance,   to   create   awareness   on   racism   and   violence ).  •      State   why   you   are   writing   the   paper   (G   ive   the   reasons/objectives   why   you   are   writing   the  paper.   For   instance:   To   show   how   S.L   exposes   the   subject­racism   and   violence   among   the  minority   groups,   to   bring   out   the   negative   implications   of   racism   and   violence   as   portrayed   by  the   S.L   etc. )  •      Explain   how   you   plan   to   go   about   your   topic   ( Talk   about   the   major   S.L   you   will   use   to  address   the   subject   and   how   you   will   conduct   your   analysis)    Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature                                                                           4  •      Describe   briefly   the   primary   points   you   want   to   cover   in   your   paper   (R   acism   and   Violence  among   the   American   minority   groups ).   Also,   include   why   your   audience   should   be   interested   in  the   mentioned   topic   ( Talk   about   the   negative   consequences   of   racism   and   violence   as   the   chief  reasons   why   the   subject   matters   in   the   contemporary   society )  Body  •      Here,   explain   the   arguments   to   support   your   stand.   Explain   how   the   S.L   is   sufficient   in  explaining   the   subject   matter.   Mention   the   relevant   S.L   pieces   of   literature   that   have   addressed  the   issue.  •      Notably,   use   the   Parallelism   approach   to   bring   out   your   arguments   strongly.   Here,   you   will  begin   your   essay   with   a  strong   argument,   proceed   to   a  stronger   one   and   end   with   the   strongest.  Conclusion  •      Restate   your   thesis   here.   Next,   summarize   the   main   arguments   you   made   in   the   body   section  in   chronological   order.   Finally,   explain   why   you   have   come   to   this   conclusion,   for   instance,   that  the   S.L   has   been   able   to   address   the   subject.  References  •      Reference   your   work   according   to   the   recommended   style.   (APA,   MLA,   CHICAGO,   etc.)  Below   are   some   of   the   relevant   scholarly   materials   you   can   use   to   conduct   your   research  Baker,   H.   A.,   &  Nelson,   D.   D.   (2001).   Preface:   Violence,   the   Body   and"   The   South".  American  Literature ,  73 (2),   231­244.  Racism   and   Violence   Through   Southern   Literature                                                                           5  Craig,   K.   M.   (2002).   Examining   hate­motivated   aggression:   A  review   of   the   social   psychological  literature   on   hate   crimes   as   a  distinct   form   of   aggression.  Aggression   and   Violent  Behavior ,  7 (1),   85­101.  Sielke,   S.   (2009).  Reading   Rape:   The   Rhetoric   of   Sexual   Violence   in   American   Literature   and  Culture,   1790­1990 .  Princeton   University   Press.  Tolnay,   S.   E.,   &  Beck,   E.   M.   (1995).  A  festival   of   violence:   An   analysis   of   southern   lynchings,    1882­1930 .  University   of   Illinois   Press.  Umulkhulsum,   A.   Y.   (2011).  Racism   and   Oppression   in   Black   American   Literature:   an   example  of   Richard   Wright’s   Black   Boy  (doctoral   dissertation,   department   of   english,   faculty   of  arts,   university   of   Ilorin,   Ilorin). 
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Explanation & Answer

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This paper seeks critically to show the adequacy of the southern literature in explaining the
racism and violence that existed in Southern America and the nation at large. The article notes
that there was widespread racism in the America which triggered extreme violence not only
among the whites but the blacks as well. Before explaining the major themes, the paper will
begin with a brief overview of the southern literature. The paper will then expose the two
primary themes based on the respective time frame when the various pieces of southern literature
were produced. These time frames are categorized as follows: The Early and Antebellum
Literature, The last cause years, The Southern Renaissance as well as the post-world War II
literature. Collectively, the four phases serve as the best points of view through which one can
analyze the themes of racism and violence in primary Southern American Literature.

The adequacy of the southern literature in defining racism and violence in
Racism and violence are among major social problems that affected the American
society, particularly the southern minority American populations. Given that the Southern
American communities have prolific storytelling ability, Manning (2) mentions that majority of
the southern literature writers have been able to capture the aspects of racism and violence in the
American population particularly the African-American population. This paper seeks to analyze
the adequacy of the southern literature in explaining racism and violence in America. To
adequately cover the subject matter well, the paper will begin by giving a brief overview of the
southern literature material. The paper will also discuss the themes of racism and violence as
evidenced in the literature. To comprehensively cover the subject well, the paper will discuss the
southern literature based on its production period. By addressing the two themes, the paper will
provide critical insights to individual and policy makers on the subject matter therefore help
formulate the most appropriate strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of the latter. Important to
mention, it is true that the southern literature centers on the themes of racism and violence
so as to create awareness among the American society regarding the subject and bring out the
negative implications of latter. Notably, the themes of racism and violence are vividly depicted
in primary southern literature materials.
The southern literature
The Southern literature, also commonly referred to as the literature of the American
South refers to the American literature made by writers from the Southern America or rather
literature discussing the Southern United States. From a geographical and historical point of

view, the southern America consists of states such as Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina,
Mississippi, Southern Carolina, Texas and Kentucky. Additionally, pre-civil war definitions of
the American South include other states such as Missouri, Delaware, and Maryland.
Analytically, various themes are evident in the Southern literature. Primary southern
literature places a particular focus on various issues among them being the southern history, the
importance of the family unit, religion, racism and violence, the importance of community and
individual role within the community, social class, and southern dialect. Due the geographical
constituent of the southern literature as well as the similar histories of the southern America, the
primary southern literature shares the themes of slavery, Reconstruction as well as the American
civil wars. Despite these varied characteristics, the central themes in majority of the literature
include racism and violence (Kreyling, 7).
Racism and violence in Southern Literature
As pointed out earlier, the themes of racism and violence are common in the southern
literature. However, to comprehensively bring out the themes vividly, it is important to analyze
the southern literature with respect to their period of production. With this perspective, the
literature can be categorized into four distinct groups namely; the early and antebellum literature
of the 17th and 18th century, the lost cause years of the 19th century, and the southern
renaissance of the 1920’s as well as the post-world War II literature.
Early and Antebellum Literature
The early southern literature of the 17th and the 18th century produced several notable
works regarding racism and violence. Among the significant key figures in literature that
apparently brought out the two themes vividly include William Byrd 11’s with his book on

secret plantation diary and Captain John Smith with his famous work, The founding of
Jamestown in 1610 and 1620. These two sets of recollections clearly bring out the aspects of the
suffering of slaves as well as the racism between the African American and whites.
The 19th century also was met with several notable recollections which clearly reflect on
violence aspects especially on the southern slaves. The antebellum literature produced after the
American independence showed the extensive slavery that existed in the southern community
especially with the expansion of slavery and plantation cotton fields. Among the several notable
writers who clearly depicted the suffering and violence among the African American slaves and
other white slaves include Paul Hamilton and his poems, Hugh Swinton Legare and William
Gilmore Simms. Afterward during the American Civil War, Simms produced a series of novels
that idealized the portraits of southern slavery. Among the key books produced by Simms that
showed the themes of violence include; The Sword and the Distaff, The anti-Uncle Tom’s Cabin,
The Yemassee and finally the Kinsmen.
In the southern region especially in the Chesapeake area, two primary pieces of literature
noted the existing racism and violence in the southern America. The novel Swallow Barn of John
Pendleton Kennedy depicted the slave violence that existed in the Virginia plantation life. Also,
The partisan Leader, a book produced by Nathaniel Beverley Tucker clearly showed the
guerrilla war that existed between the Federal Government and the secessionist army. During this
period, intense violence resulted in significant loss of life in the American population.
Although a majority of the southern writers were white, several notable black individuals
produced great collections. Perhaps the most famous black person was Frederick Douglass, who
clearly painted the picture of black slavery and their suffering in the south. Another key female

figure during the antebellum period was Harriet Jacobs, with her commemorations of her slavery
experiences through her book, Incidents in the life of a slave girl. Williams Wells Brown, a
southern-born ex-slave wrote The President’s Daughter, which depicted the life of its main
Character and his black mistress. The book showed the st...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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