Wayne State University Contemporary Counter Conduct Business Anthropology Discussion

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Business Finance

Wayne State University


Observation Discussion: There are three main concepts closely related to the work of anthropologists: observation, participant observation, and fieldwork. Sometimes, people get confused on what the difference is between observation and participant observation- which is very important to know.

So, this week the discussion will include those three terms and one anthropologist. Choose an anthropologist and learn about his/her fieldwork. What did they do? What, if any, were any constrains/obstacles there? What did they do to overcome? (You can google some of the anthropologists shown in your text).

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the course project, you will choose one from the two: Culture OR Fieldwork. In these terms, the last two discussions (including this one) are a good way to know in advance which one you would be more interested in.

Paul Rabinow is the famous anthropologist you must use

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Business anthropology

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Anthropologists study the human biological and physical characteristics and human
societies, cultures, and their development. Paul Rabinow is a great influential anthropologist
who has done significant ethnographic fieldwork and other contemporary works (Rabinow et
al., 2019). Observation and participation observation are the main concepts used by
anthropologists in their actions. This paper will discuss the difference between the two
concepts of observation and participation o...

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