College of Southern Nevada Week 4 Walmart Inc Inclusive Workplace Culture Essay

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This should be two individual essay. It has the same due day. So I put this into one question. It is 500 words for each. 1000 words total. If there is any questions after read through all the files that I have upload. Thank you.

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Do not assume the default line spacing for your word processor is single spacing. Make sure you set the line spacing each time you prepare an essay for this course. You should also know how to set a document margin with one-inch margins on all sides. You should also know how to turn off right justification so that the right side of your text is jagged and not lined up as it is when right justification is turn on. You should also know how to format your essay in 12 point Times New Roman font. You should also know how to save your essay in a .docx format prior to uploading your essay, as other formats are not permitted and will not receive credit. If you notice in this essay, the first line of a paragraph is two line spaces below the end of the previous paragraph. You should also notice the first line of a paragraph is not indented. An essay in this course should have exactly four separate paragraphs, representing four sections of concepts within your work. The concept of each paragraph should be relevant to the assignment, and in well-written essays, the concept of a paragraph builds upon that of the previous paragraph. Please notice there is no title for the essay, nor does the name of the student appear above the essay. Also notice there is no word-by-word repeat of the essay assignment anywhere within the essay. There are no citations or other references to be contained in your essay work. The minimum acceptable word count for essays is 500 words as measured by Turnitin. Essays that do not meet the minimum word count receive no credit for the submission. It is a good idea to prepare essays that exceed the 500-word minimum to avoid this situation. Only the Turnitin software word count is used to determine the word count of your essay. The Similarity Score from Turnitin for each essay must be less than 25%. Essays that result in Similarity Scores of equal to or greater than 25% receive no credit. Proofread your essay carefully for spelling and grammar errors as you only have one opportunity to upload your essay and there are no resubmissions permitted during this course. Week 4 Essay #1 In response to the growing diversity in the workforce around the world, many companies have instituted specific policies and programs to enhance recruitment, inclusion, promotion, and retention of employees who are different from the privileged echelons of society. Please review the companies listed here which have been recognized by DiversityInc as the top 50 organizations for diversity. Select a company of interest to you from this list. Review their web site pages relevant to diversity and discuss what you have discovered. What content do you feel resonates with you and is a convincing portrayal of the company’s workplace inclusiveness? What could be done better by this firm to portray its commitment to diversity? --------You can draft your essay anytime you would like and save it as a .docx file on your computer. However, you can only upload your essay into Canvas this week from Thursday at 6PM through Saturday at 6PM. This deadline is firm and there are no extensions for any reason. The only feedback you will receive on your essay is the final score. Please review the essay rubric in the course syllabus for specific grading criteria. Using the Canvas email utility, please email the course instructor for additional feedback if required. NOTE: Before you upload your final draft of your essay to the Turnitin utility, ensure that the formatting of your essay appears EXACTLY like the Sample of Essay Format Required. You will receive a score of 65 for your essay if you do not follow these essay formatting requirements. Week 4 Essay #2 Over seventy percent of students enrolled in hospitality management programs around the world are female. How can hospitality organizations ensure there are viable routes of succession for females to stay with a company and to be promoted into management and executive positions? Discuss strategies for hospitality industries to create pathways for success for female managers and female executives. --------You can draft your essay anytime you would like and save it as a .docx file on your computer. However, you can only upload your essay into Canvas this week from Thursday at 6PM through Saturday at 6PM. This deadline is firm and there are no extensions for any reason. The only feedback you will receive on your essay is the final score. Please review the essay rubric in the course syllabus for specific grading criteria. Using the Canvas email utility, please email the course instructor for additional feedback if required. NOTE: Before you upload your final draft of your essay to the Turnitin utility, ensure that the formatting of your essay appears EXACTLY like the Sample of Essay Format Required. You will receive a score of 65 for your essay if you do not follow these essay formatting requirements.
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Week 4 Essay #2
Paragraph 1

Most of the students who are enrolled in programs that deal with hospitality management
are females.

Paragraph 2

Another method that organizations in the hospitality sector can use is by promoting
women who show exemplary performance while performing their current duties.

Paragraph 3

There are several strategies that hospitality industries can use in the creation of routes for
success for women who occupy the positions of managers and executives.

Paragraph 4

Another strategy that can be applied by hospitality industries is ensuring that women in
executive and managerial positions attend training programs often.

Week 4 Essay #1
The company selected from the list of “The 2020 Diversityinc Top 50 Companies for Diversity”
is Walmart Inc. From the official website of or Walmart, I discovered that it is a company that
really values an inclusive workplace culture. I also discovered that in such a workplace, every
associate is empowered to bring their authentic self to the place of work daily. Walmart is a firm
that believes that they are well equipped to assist their associates, communities as well as the
customers they serve to lead better lives when they truly know them. This implies that the
company respects, values, and understands diversity, and this covers unique experiences,
opinions, concepts, identities, and styles and ensures inclusion for all individuals.

The content from Walmart’s Website that resonates with me and clearly portrays the workplace
inclusiveness of the company is the one titled “Diversity & Inclusion” on the firm’s official
website. As indicated in the company’s website, a workplace culture that is truly incl...

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