Albany Medical College Object Relations Therapy & Bowens Concepts Questions

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Albany Medical College


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Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Object relations therapy is a: a. form of experiential family therapy b. subset of behavior therapy developed by Bandura c. form of psychoanalysis therapy developed in Britain d. major contribution of Nathan Ackerman Which of the following is not one of Bowen’s concepts? a. interlocking pathology c. nuclear family emotional system b. family projection process d. societal regression Which of the following does not characterize a high degree of family fusion? a. triangulating will occur b. poorly differentiated members will be drawn into tense situations c. families will insist on togetherness d. the dyad will emerge safely Which of the following statements is true of Whitaker’s position? a. symptoms should be attacked directly b. insight leads to behavior change c. the therapist should provide a set of explanations regarding client behavior d. to be beneficial to the client, the therapist must attempt to benefit himself at the same time Satir called her approach: a. humanistic psychotherapy c. b. neo-communication family therapy the human validation process d. growth-enhancing therapy Which of the following does not characterize a symptom according to Satir? a. signal growth blockage c. represent destructive family transactions b. have a homeostatic function d. unconscious conflict Satir suggests that people handle their communications with one another by playing one of five roles. Which of the following is not one of those roles? a. congruent c. b. super-reasonable family pet d. placate Which of the following does not characterize Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy is: a. brief c. experiential b. empirically validated d. cool and cerebral Matching: write the correct letter corresponding to the concept provided. 1. SYSTEM A. A collection of interconnected parts 2. WHOLENESS B. Mutually influencing causality 3. NON-SUMMATIVITY C. Brings a system back into homeostasis 4. STRUCTURE D. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts 5. SUBSYSTEMS E. Hierarchical arrangement of a system 6. HOMEOSTASIS F. Brings a system out of homeostasis 7. SELF-REGULATING MECHANISMS G. System is seen as a entity in itself- self defining 8. POSITIVE FEEDBACK H. Dynamic balance 9. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK I. Behaviors that bring a system back to homeostasis 10. EQUIFINALITY J. Smaller elements that comprise a system 11. CIRCULAR CAUSALITY K. All is equal in the end
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Explanation & Answer



Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
Object relations therapy is a:

form of experiential family therapy


subset of behavior therapy developed by Bandura


form of psychoanalysis therapy developed in Britain


major contribution of Nathan Ackerman

Which of the following is not one of Bowen’s concepts?

interlocking pathology


nuclear family emotional system


family projection process


societal regression

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Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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