Florida SouthWestern State College Climate Change Bibliography

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Florida Southwestern State College



The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competency in using the library for academic research and to compile a list (bibliography) in MLA format of potential sources you might use for your research essay. The research bibliography is a very common academic genre that demonstrates that you have conducted significant and in-depth research on your research question, and therefore are poised to write about it with credibility, accuracy, and precision.


A good guideline for finding sources for an academic research essay is that you should closely evaluate in detail three times as many sources as you will end up using. For instance, for a biology lab report where you are required to use two scientific studies as support, you would closely evaluate six studies on your topic to decide which is the most relevant to your specific experiment. If you were writing an ethics position paper on climate change and you were required to use four peer-reviewed academic journal articles, you would need to closely evaluate twelve articles that address your central idea in order to decide which four would be most effective in your essay. This process of careful evaluation should be applied to any academic context where you are required to use primary and/or secondary sources to address a specific assignment or topic.

For our final assignment, an academic research essay, the potential sources you choose to evaluate closely should help you to advocate for the best "answer" to your research question(s). Depending on your topic and your academic context, choose the option below that will help you most effectively provide evidence for your research project. One option isn't "better" or "easier" than the other--they simply serve different needs.

You will submit one thing for this assignment:

  1. A list (bibliography) in MLA format of the potential sources for your essay. The list should follow option A or option B below.
List of Option A or Option B, students using the library

Option A

Option B

2 books or ebooks

2 Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles

2 additional sources of your choice

2 Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles

2 sources from .gov, .edu, or .org (government, education, or organization) websites or publications

2 additional sources of your choice

For this option, you will include 6 potential sources on your Research Bibliography. For the research essay, you will narrow it down to a minimum of one book, one peer-reviewed journal article, and one additional source of your choice (can be another book, journal article, website, personal interview, etc.).

For this option, you will include 6 potential sources on your Research Bibliography. For the research essay, you will narrow it down to one peer-reviewed academic journal article, one source from a .gov, .edu, or .org website/publication, and one additional source of your choice (can be another book, journal article, website, personal interview, etc.).

Assignment Rubric

A Research Bibliography that "Achieves Excellence" will be distinguished in the following criteria: (*Note: 50% of the grade for this assignment is correct MLA formatting for the document and for your citations.)

  • The writer includes the correct number of potential sources in the Research Bibliography.
  • The writer's potential sources match either Option A or Option B.
  • The writer's bibliography adheres to MLA format for the citations and the format of the entire document. **You should use your Norton Little Seagull Handbook.
  • The writer's bibliography conforms to the topic and scope he or she identified in the research topic proposal.
  • The writer's sources clearly relate to the research topic and question(s).
  • The writer's research bibliography clearly illustrates his or her understanding of academic context.

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Explanation & Answer

Find the attached answer.


Climate Change Bibliography


Climate change
Climate change is an issue that has affected the world in the 21st century. Climate change
refers to the gradual change in weather conditions. Climate change has become a threatening
issue in the world. It is caused mainly by human activities in the environment that end up solving
the issues. It is essential to address climate change as a way to promote sustainability in the
P. Tiefenbacher, J. (2020). Introductory chapter: Climates, change, and climate change.
Global Warming and Climate Change. doi:10.5772/intechopen.92192
The article highlights the importance of climate change. Tiefenbacher (2020) highlights
that climate change is an issue that has affected people and the world at large. The article
highlights that climate change has affected how people interact with people on earth. The author
defines climate change as a gradual change in the weather conditions due to the activities in the
world. The article illustrates that human activities undoubtedly cause climate change. Most
human activities lead to the emission of greenhouse gases that leads to erosion of the ozone
layer. Eroding the ozone layer leads to a display of ultraviolent waves, which are poisonous and
lead to increased warming. Increased temperatures on the earth lead to low production in
agriculture. The article also proposes that human beings need to be ethical in the human activities
that they do as they focus on promoting sustainability.
Rosowsky, D. V. (2018). Assessing climate change impacts on Hurricane hazards. Climate
Change Management, 93-107. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77544-9_6


The author in the article assesses the im...

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