Inter-religious violence remains a troubling aspect of political life in South Asia today. Where might Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims look within their traditions to find aspects of commonality, and from which to build religious dialogue?
User Generated
Oakton Community College
A 1000-1200 word paper on the topic below. Please use footnotes and cite your paper according to the Chicago Manual of Style, guidelines here:
Supporting sources should be located through the library (e-books, Jstor, etc.), please do not use Wikipedia or other online sources. Use at least two peer-reviewed academic sources that you have found through the library. Depending on your topic, news media, survey data, government or NGO reports, or non-academic websites may be appropriate as supplementary/primary sources, but you still need two academic ones.
Question: Inter-religious violence remains a troubling aspect of political life in South Asia today. Where might Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims look within their traditions to find aspects of commonality, and from which to build religious dialogue? Please use at least two acceptable sources ( primary texts, academic books or articles, or magazine or newspaper pieces from a reputable outlet).
Something to consider:
Good papers are ones that do things like:
- close readings of primary texts
- compare religious texts, ideas, imagery, and attitudes across two religious traditions
- consider how religious texts, ideas, imagery, and attitudes have changed over time, and how their present-day reception might be distorted in relation to their status historically
- consider hegemonic discourses (about religion, identity, gender) in relation to marginal/subaltern ones

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