Florida Atlantic University Walmart Legal Ethics Discussion

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Business Finance

Florida Atlantic University

Question Description

I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

Watch "Muscling Manufacturers," a clip from Is Wal-Mart Good for America? to see how unequal bargaining power can affect the least powerful party in a negotiation.

Do you believe Walmart was correct in not changing their position to help Rubbermaid when they had to increase the price of their products due to the increased costs of raw materials? As Rubbermaid’s representative, what strategies may you have given to the business owners regarding the business’ current situation?

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: DISCUSSION


Legal Ethics
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Legal Ethics
Unequal bargaining power is one, which tends to favor more on the stronger party hence
unfairness to the particular weak party. Negotiations in this kind of situation are almost
impossible to achieve an equilibrium, especially if the stronger party is likely to benefit more
from the specific talk. The clip Muscling Manufacturers, a clip from the video is Walmart Good
for Americ...

GrnpureNyv (25720)

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