Poster on epidemiology (public health nursing)

User Generated



Broward Community College


I need to create a poster on public health crisis (choose current issues in specific area: HIV, Malaria, COVID 19 etc)

using mapping services.

Here is instructions:

Assignment Instructions

The purpose of this individual assignment is to assist in the humanitarian response to a public health crisis by mapping features such as roads, paths, and buildings, communities, etc. This activity with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team will prepare you for future use of location-based technologies in local and global public health. This will help you generate new electronic data from satellite imagery of a geographic location experiencing a public health crisis. It will also allow you to reflect on their shared sense of responsibility in addressing a global health issue. One example could be to use CO-VID 19 with an area agreed upon by the group.

Strategy Overview: Students prepare by learning to be volunteer mappers online with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team . OpenStreetMap is a freely available editable map of the world created by a community of volunteers As volunteers, students contribute new map data online for a small geographic area they select from a list of locations experiencing public health crises. They create a poster presentation including a description of the volunteer work they completed, an analysis of the geographic location, and a reflection on their mapping experience.

Detailed instructions:

  1. Create an OpenStreetMap account (free):
  2. Check out MapGive's tutorial video: (if you have difficulty finding info using the maps, you can use another one but it must be referenced)


The presentation should include all areas such as:

1.Why is this topic of concern to public health?

2.Why did you choose the area that was chosen?

3.Did you find anything unusual compared to surrounding areas of similar geographic content?

4.Data that was found in map type format.

5.Assessment of the community based on the map.

6.And reflection of the group related to the findings and your experience in completion of this assignment.

Including introduction with purpose statement and conclusion

You can use pictures and graphs (must be cited). BE CREATIVE!!!!

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