Evaluating Quality Improvement Initiatives in Health services Discussion

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Health Medical


There are an infinite number of possible quality improvement initiatives in any health services organization. However, time and resources are finite and may limit the extent to which quality improvement initiatives may be implemented. How does a health care administration leader evaluate which quality improvement initiatives should be implemented?

Reflect on the approaches health care administration leaders may use to determine which quality improvement initiatives should receive resources for implementation. Then, evaluate how your health services organization or one with which you are familiar determines which initiatives to execute.

Give a description of an approach for evaluating, prioritizing, and resourcing quality improvement initiatives. Then, explain how your health services organization, or one with which you are familiar, decides which quality improvement initiatives are resourced and implemented. Be specific and provide examples.

2-3 pages


Ross, T. K. (2014). Health care quality management: Tools and applications. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 3, "Regulating the Quality and Quantity of Health Care” (pp. 63–110)

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: NEGOTIATION





Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: Multiparty Negotiation
Definition: A multiparty negotiation entails at least two parties in the negotiation platform. Each
party in the group represents his/her own interests, and they strive to solve perceived conflicts of
interest or come together to ensure the achievement of a common objective. Forms of multiparty
negotiations include teams, agencies, coalitions, intergroup relationships, and constituents
(Menkel-Meadow, 2017).
Summary: The management of multipart systems is complex and, at the same time, prevalent in
conflict resolution in organizations. Multiparty systems consist of interdependent stakeholders
(groups and organizations) who are part of complex negotiations and associations. Banking on
the strategy/inhibition theory of power, social independence theory, as well as self-enhancement
approach, the research focuses on understanding the arbitrating aspect of attributions. This
includes understanding the person or item responsible for specific outcomes in the interaction
between comprehension of the power owned by stakeholders (self-perceptions of authority,
power attributed to other people and other people's understanding of one's own authority) and
their knowledge about intergroup conditions and collaborative goals in the future. In simple
terms, the research explores the relationship between the understanding of power as well as the
attributions in multiparty systems involved in negotiation activities (Trif et al., 2020). The results
of the study indicate the ways that can be applied to address power dynamics within multiparty
systems. The authors exhibit competence in conflict management, and they provide excellent
findings and discussion on the play power plays in multiparty systems and negotiations.
Analysis: Negotiations have become extremely vital in establishing personal relationships as
well as stimulating opportunities for a business’s long term ...

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