IFSM 370 UMUC Network Design For Office Building

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IFSM 370

University of Maryland University College



You’ve been hired by a local company that is in the process of moving into new space.Your job is design out the local area network for this new space.The office building has 3 floors with cubicle and office space for 24 workstations on each floor.Additionally, on the second floor, there is a separate space designated for four file servers, which will be used company-wide.Finally, there are two telecommunications closets on each end of each floor for housing network equipment.Please review the accompanying office diagram for specifics before you begin designing the network.

Your design assumption is that the network should support the following on each desktop workstation:

  • Office applications such as Microsoft Office Suite (housed on one of the local servers)
  • Electronic Mail (housed on one of the local servers)
  • Network file sharing (housed on one of the local servers)
  • Internet Access
  • Database access to one of the local servers
  • Occasional data streaming (live video conferencing, etc.)

Your specific assignment is to complete the following:

  • Specify what type of cabling would run to each workstation;
  • Specify the network device(s) housed on each floor;
  • Specify the connections between the network devices and servers (what type of network are you proposing); and
  • Explain your rationale for each of the decision above.In other words, why did you select the device/cabling/connections.
  • Develop a physical network diagram that shows cabling choices, network devices and connections to devices and servers.

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10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m 100 m Workstations 100 m 25 m Telcom closets Servers Project 1 Building Diagram Elevator Shafts IFSM 370 Project 1: Network Design for Office Building Instructions Introduction This is an individual project. Each student must complete a network design for an office building that proposes a telecommunications solution to address an organization that is moving into a new office space. The target audience will be the organization’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO). The network design deliverable is an Microsoft Word document. The completed network design deliverable is due by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on the due date shown in the Course Schedule. See the Additional Information section of the syllabus for the penalty for late or missed assignments and projects. The Network Design is valued at 12% of the course grade. Scenario Congratulations! After graduating from UMUC with your degree, you’ve been hired by a local company that is in the process of moving into new space. Your job is design out the local area network for this new space. The office building has 3 floors with cubicle and office space for 24 workstations on each floor. Additionally, on the second floor, there is a separate space designated for four file servers, which will be used companywide. Finally, there are two telecommunications closets on each end of each floor for housing network equipment. Please review the accompanying office diagram for specifics before you begin designing the network. Your design assumption is that the network should support the following on each desktop workstation: a) Office applications such as Microsoft Office Suite (housed on one of the local servers) b) Electronic Mail (housed on one of the local servers) c) Network file sharing (housed on one of the local servers) d) Internet Access e) Database access to one of the local servers f) Occasional data streaming (live video conferencing, etc.) Your specific assignment is to complete the following: 1. Specify what type of cabling would run to each workstation; 2. Specify the network device(s) housed on each floor; 3. Specify the connections between the network devices and servers (what type of network are you proposing); and 4. Explain your rationale for each of the decision above. In other words, why did you select the device/cabling/connections. 5. Develop a physical network diagram that shows cabling choices, network devices and connections to devices and servers. Page 1 of 4 IFSM 370 Project 1: Network Design for Office Building Instructions The Deliverable The CTO has asked you to develop a network design that provides the following: • A Microsoft word document that spells out your network design, the recommended network cabling, device(s), and connections between workstations, device(s), and servers (in other words, summarize in writing your recommendations to the above), and develop • A physical network diagram that displays the components specified above. Your network diagram can be produced using any drawing software package available if you save it in a format that is viewable to your instructor, such as a pdf (check with your instructor to ensure she/he can open your particular network diagram). In addition, you may choose to draw your physical diagram by hand, which is okay. Please make the diagram neat and legible, use color to identify specific components and cable paths, label all components, and upload a high-resolution photo of your design to the assignment tab. You may break your diagram into sections (photograph and upload those separately) if you include an illustration of how these sections fit together. If you utilize external references, your sources must be cited correctly in APA format. Your paper will be graded according to the Scoring Rubric below. Be sure you have incorporated all required aspects of the assignment. Page 2 of 4 IFSM 370 Project 1: Network Design for Office Building Instructions Scoring Rubric Attribute Proposed Cable Recommendation Full points The proposed cable recommendation is based on a complete understanding of telecommunications concepts and is applicable for this situation. Cable distance limitations have been adhered to. Proposed The proposed network Network Device(s) device recommendation is based on a complete understanding of telecommunications concepts and is applicable for this situation. Proposed Network Connections The proposed network connections (type of network) recommendation is based on a complete understanding of telecommunications concepts and is applicable for this situation. Partial points The proposed cable recommendation is based on an incomplete or limited understanding of telecommunications concepts. The solution may or may not be applicable for this situation. Cable distance limitations have not been adhered to. The proposed network device recommendation is based on an incomplete or limited understanding of telecommunications concepts. The solution may or may not be applicable for this situation. The proposed network connections (type of network) recommendation is based on an incomplete or limited understanding of telecommunications concepts. The solution may or may not be applicable for this situation. Page 3 of 4 No points Cable recommendation missing. Possible Points 3 Network device recommendation missing. 3 Network connections recommendation missing 2 IFSM 370 Project 1: Network Design for Office Building Instructions Attribute Full points Partial points Physical Network Diagram Physical network diagram is complete (contains all relevant connections, devices, and labeled appropriately) so that the CTO can understand the design without reading the accompanying write-up. External research Any reference source other than the assigned readings and course materials are incorporated and used effectively and cited using APA guidelines. Physical network diagram is partially complete (missing some relevant connections, devices, and may not be labeled appropriately or missing labels) so that the CTNetNO cannot get a full understand the design without reading the accompanying write-up. Any reference source other than the assigned readings and course materials are not incorporated correctly or are cited incorrectly using APA guidelines. No points No physical network diagram present. No sources cited. Total Points: Page 4 of 4 Possible Points 3 1 12
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Network Design


IFSM 370 Project 1: Network Design for Office Building


A local area network represents the group of computers and other closely related devices that share
common communication lines or wireless links to a specific server (Maiwada, 2015). It
encompasses computers as well as other peripherals that are connected to servers within specific
geographic areas, such as offices. The main function of the local area network is to link various
computers for the provision of shared access across file servers, and a wide range of devices and
other services (McNamara, 2014). This data communication network also connects various
terminals to computers, printers, and other devices using wired cables, as well as wireless links.
The purpose of this project is to design a local area network for the new space in the organization.
The main focus is on cabling, network devices, and connections specifications, and development
of the physical network diagram.
Company Overview and Local Area Network Assumptions
The office building has three major floors with a cubicle. The office space accommodates 24
workstations on each floor. However, the second floor has separate space that has been designated
for four file serves being used across the company. The end of each floor accommodates housing
network equipments, and each has two telecommunication closets. Each desktop workstation will
be supporting office applications, electronic mail, network file sharing, internet access, database
access to one of the local servers, and occasional data streaming.
Cabling Specifications
The cable that will be used in the local area network is the twisted pair unshielded cable. The cable
is also known as the Ethernet cable. This has been selected because it is among the most frequently


used cables in connecting the local area network. These cables support maxi...

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