San Diego State University Integrity of the Printed Judicial Decision Questions

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San Diego State University


Answer the following questions:

  • Does a Just World Bias favor the defense or the prosecution?
  • What kinds of irrelevant information, biases, and other factors may affect juror decision-making? How can these factors be addressed or their effects limited? (Are Juries Competent?)
  • Discuss the impact of social media and the internet on jurors and a defendant’s Sixth Amendment right to a fair trial. How have courts and judges reacted? (Are Juries Competent?)

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Explanation & Answer


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Does a Just World Bias favour the defence or the prosecution?

Just World Bias is an assumption that individual action is mostly inclined to ensure morally
fitting and fair consequences to that individual. At the ends of it, all the noble actions are rewarded
while the evil deeds are punished. The just-world hypothesis is the behaviour to attribute impacts
that restore good stability (GMT, 2013). The Just World Bias mostly favour the defence since it
works on ensuring that the perpetrator is punished because of their wrongs. In most cases they
advocate for what goes around comes back around, you reap what you saw and hence...

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