ENTD 321 American Military University Week 4 IT Online Training Case Study

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Computer Science

ENTD 321

American Military University



Note : Need original work. attached the work done previous

Assignment 4 -- Interaction Models


The purpose of this assignment is to continue our ITOT Case Study modeling by creating an SSD (System Sequence Diagram) and a Detailed Sequence Diagram.

You will add an SSD (System Sequence Diagram) and a Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case for Manage Shopping Cart. You will also need to refer to your class diagram and activity diagram or detailed use case steps. This will complete the Analysis Specification for the IT Online Training Case Study. See the list of Resources at the end of this assignment for details on the two types of sequence diagrams and activity diagram.

In this assignment, you will complete the following sections in your Analysis Specification

Sections 6, 6.1, 6.2


1. Review the resources listed in the Quick Resources below on Sequence and Activity diagrams.

2. Create an SSD (System Sequence Diagram) based on your detailed use case, "Manage Shopping Cart".

2.1 Use your CASE tool to create the SSD and add it to Section 6.1 of your Analysis Specification from Week 3. Add a discussion of your SSD.

3. Create a Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case, "Manage Shopping Cart".

3.1 Use your CASE tool to create the Detailed Sequence Diagram based on your detailed use case and add it to Section 6.2 of your Analysis Specification from Week 3. Add a discussion of your Detailed Sequence Diagram. Remember that the Detailed Sequence Diagram adds the actual objects required to the sequence diagram instead of just :System.

4. Complete Section 6 of your Analysis Specification and make any corrections you need to other models.

Submission Instructions

1. Submit your updated Analysis Specification as a Word file.

2. When you submit your Word file, use your name as part of the file name, e.g., ENTD321Assignment4_FirstNameLastName and make certain that your name and course number are at the top of the file.

Your assignment will be graded with the following rubric:

Rubric for Assignments


Content & Development 50%


Organization 20%


Format 10%


Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling 15%


Readability & Style 5%


Timeliness (late deduction 10 points) Optional



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Rai Dinesh ENTD321 IT Online Training (ITOT) Analysis Specification 1. Introduction This section introduces the issue at hand, and the primary aim of the project, which is to develop an online platform that provides IT training services for the users. Besides, this segment provides a brief description of the project and presents the requirements of the System from the company's Training Specification. 1.1 Problem Description ITOT lacks a proper approach for IT training, especially with most people moving online. Currently, the users do not have access to an online platform that offers the training services, which includes various materials such as videos, books, and courses offered by the training program. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 1 1.2 Sponsor Project Description The main aim of ITOT is to provide IT training courses that can be accessed by the customers over the web. Due to the lack of an online training platform, an application has been proposed that covers multiple segments such as Course and customer management, user management and value creation, purchasing, scheduling, and payment management. Besides, this System is required to provide service access to the course administrators and instructors, customers, and any other essential site controllers. 1.3 Sponsor Requirements Functional Requirements 1. Purchase ITOT Products REQF1.1 Customers must have the option to buy ITOT Products by means of a web-based shopping basket. REQF1.2 The Customer must have the option to include and expel items from a web-based shopping basket. REQF1.3 Customers must have the option to drop orders. REQF1.4 Customers must have options to buy with the charge card. REQF1.5 System must give testaments of finish to clients 2. Maintain Customer information REQF2.1 Customers must have the option to make and change client account, which holds data about the Customer, including client id, first and last name, address, telephone numbers for work, and PDA. The client id is given by the System and cannot be changed. REQF2.2 The System must have the option to store and keep up client Visa data for each Mastercard, including account number, account name, lapse date, and security code. REQF2.3 The System must maintain a list of accounts in its central database. REQF2.4 The System must have the option to look and show client data by the Instructor, course admin, plan executives, and different administrator. 3. Maintain Products REQF3.1 The System must have the option to make, adjust, and eradicate ITOT Products, including arranged courses, self-guided courses, accounts, and books. REQF3.2 The System must have the option to keep up course data including course number, course title, course portrayal, course type, course length, course start date, course end date, course essentials, CEU credits, and course expense. REQF3.3 The System must have the option to keep up video data, including video id, video name, and video expense. REQF3.4 The System must have the option to keep up book data, including title, writers, date, version, and ISBN. REQF3.5 The System must keep up course history, including offering dates (starting and consummation), the number of understudies enlisted, and the Instructor. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 2 REQF3.6 The System must give search ability to courses dependent on the title, class, well-known Course, continuous discharges, arranged courses. REQF3.7 The System must give access to all course support highlights to the Course Administrator. 4. Maintain Instructor Information REQF4.1 The System must keep up Instructor data including educator id, the Instructor's first and last name, address, cell and home telephone, zones of showing aptitude, bio, and allowance. REQF4.2 The System must have the option to give reports of teacher timetables and courses educated 5. Maintain Course Schedules REQF5.1 The System must have the option to make, alter, and erase course plan data in its focal database, including course title, course number, course portrayal, course essentials, course type, length, obviously, course diagram, plan dates, and teacher data. REQF5.2 The System must have the option to inquiry course calendars and show results for all clients dependent on watchword, title, and timetable. REQF5.3 The System must give all course plan support highlights to the Course Schedule Administrator. 6. Manage Shopping Cart REQF6.1 The System must have the option to give a shopping basket highlight to clients to choose and pay for courses. REQF6.2 The System must give a Shopping Cart Item, which records everything in the Shopping Cart, including amount, thing number, thing name, cost, delivery, coupons, markdown, and complete. REQF6.3 The System must have the option to furnish clients with the capacity to refresh the shopping basket, including expanding the number of things, evacuating things, ascertaining delivering costs, and applying coupons and limits. REQF6.3 The System must have the option to give installment choices to the Customer, including charge cards. 7. Access Credit Card Service REQF7.1 The System must have the option to connect to an outer Credit Card Service 8. Access the Accounting System REQF8.1 The System must give a connect to the Accounting System for the exchange of client installment data. 9. Provide User Management REQF9.1 The System must furnish the board of user with the client name and secret word for all clients of the System, including clients and workers. Clients can sign in and logout of the System. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 3 REQF9.2 The System must actualize a secret phrase arrangement that incorporates robust passwords, including 8-15 images, including letters (at any rate one capitalized), digits, and different images like "!". REQF9.3 The System must keep up the secret key history and not permit the reuse of the last three passwords REQF9.4 The System must encode passwords. Non-Functional Requirements 1. Design a Scalable Architecture REQNF1.1 The preparation application must be equipped for keeping up the client represents up to 100,000 client accounts during the initial a half year and 1,000,000 following a half year. REQNF1.2 The preparation application must be equipped for overhauling up to 1,000 synchronous clients at first and up to 10,000 following a half year. REQNF1.3 The preparation application must be equipped for taking care of 100 hunt demands for each moment and up to 1,000 pursuit demands following a half year. REQNF1.4 The preparation application must be fit for dealing with up to 100 buys every hour and 1,000 following a half year. 2. Implement Security REQNF2.1 The System will execute the business standard security highlights, including PCI consistency, for utilizing secure pages for every single delicate exchange, including record, secret key, and installment the board. REQNF2.2 The System will shield from the commonplace web security dangers including Injection, Weak Authentication, and meeting the executives; crosswebsite scripting (XSS); Insecure Direct Object References; Security Misconfiguration; Sensitive Data Exposure; Missing Function Level Access control; Cross-Site Request Forgery; Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities; Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards; value control through shrouded fields or treats; support flood and other security dangers point by point in OWASP Top Ten at https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 4 2. System Use Case Diagram This section offers a profound presentation of the system use case diagram. Besides, this segment includes an analysis of the diagram consisting of the identification of the actors and the list of use cases. 2.1 System Use Case Diagram 2.2 Use Case Diagram Description The use case diagram offers a representation of the interruption between various actors and use cases involved in the System. From the diagram, the main actors represented in the System include; Customer, system administrator, course administrator, and Instructor. The Customer creates an account that can be used to access the shopping cart, make an order, or even cancel the order. Besides, the Customer can also make the payments after confirming the order. The System offers an option to select products that include scheduled courses. In this case, scheduled courses are managed by the course administrator. Also, the scheduled courses are taught by the instructors. The system administrator is another factor that plays a role by managing and monitoring cancellations and payments from the Customer. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 5 2.3 List of Actors and Definitions Actor Name Definition Customer Course Administrator A Customer is an individual who buys ITOT items. A course administrator is a person who manages the scheduled and the self-paced courses offered by ITOT. An instructor is a person who teaches the scheduled courses. A system administrator is a person who manages and monitors the user activities in the System. Instructor System Administrator 2.4 List of Use Cases and Description Use Case Name Description Create Customer This utilization case makes another Customer, including client id, first and last name, address, telephone numbers for work, and PDA. This use case creates a new Account, which includes; account id, first name, last name, username, and password. This use case creates a new Order, which includes; order ID, order date, shipping date, shipping address, order status, and amount. This use case creates a new Cancellation which includes; Cancellation ID, date and time This use case creates a new Shoppingcart, which includes; Shoppingcart ID, quantity, item number, item name, shipping, coupon, and discount. This use case creates a new Payment, which includes; Payment ID, amount, date, and time. This use case creates a new Product, which includes; Product ID, name, type, and price. Create an account Make order Make cancellation Access Shoppingcart Make Payment Select Product Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 6 3. Detailed Use Case and Activity Diagram 3.1. Manage Shopping Cart Use Case This section assesses the manage shopping cart use case. This assessment includes the table of the detailed steps involved in the use case, presentation of a use case mockup, and activity diagram. 3.1.1. Manage Shopping Cart Use Case Description/Scenario This use case creates a framework for managing a Shopping cart, which includes; Shoppingcart ID, quantity, item number, item name, shipping, coupon, and discount. The use case also provides an option to add items, remove items, calculate shipping costs, and payments for the selected products. 3.1.2 Manage Shopping Cart Use Case Detailed Steps Use Case and History Use Case ID: Created By: Rai Dinesh Date Created: June 15, 2020 Use Case Name: Manage Shopping Cart Last Updated By: Date Last Rai, Dinesh Updated: June 17, 2020 Actors, Description, Preconditions, Postconditions Actors: Description: Customer, System Administrator This use case creates a framework for managing a Shopping cart, which includes; Shoppingcart ID, quantity, item number, item name, shipping, coupon, and discount. The use case also provides an option to add items, remove items, calculate shipping costs, and payments for the selected products. Preconditions: Postconditions: i. i. ii. Customer must have a user account Must provide the ability to add the products Must provide the ability to pay for the selected products Normal Path User Action 1. This use case begins when the user logs in to the account Analysis Specification 2018R2 System Action 2. The System returns access to the account Page 7 The user should be able to click access to the shopping cart. The user selects the books, videos or courses The user be able to proceed to make payment Alternative Path User Action The System returns access to the shopping cart. The System adds the selected products to the shopping cart and offers the quantification. The System offers a checkout feature where the user can add payment information and shipping address. System Action 1. This use case begins when the Customer selects a product. 3. The user proceeds to add the item to the shopping cart 5. The user chooses to make payment 7. The user chooses to checkout 2. The System returns an option that allows the user to "add the item to cart." 4. The System responds by adding the selected product with the quantification. 6. The System returns a "confirm order" which then redirects the user to make the payment. 8. The System allows the user to add shipping address information and checkout Use Case Related System Issues SPEX1: The User enters the wrong login details Exceptions: SPEX2: The User enters the wrong payment details Includes: 1. Managing product 2. Making payment Priority: Making an order Frequency of Use: Business Rules: It can be used continuously. Analysis Specification 2018R2 1. One shopping cart can only be used during one transaction process, which may involve the purchase of many products. 2. Should only be accessed by the Customer Page 8 Special Requirements: Assumptions: Notes and Issues: SP1: Should be able to store and quantify the products selected by the Customer until he or she is ready to confirm the order. SP2: Should be able to calculate the quantity of the products selected by the consumer SP3: Should be able to provide payment options. AS1: The User has logged in successfully AS2: The User has been able to navigate and locate the shopping cart. NT2: The User should have the username and password in place. NT1: The User should have the necessary payment information to complete the transaction. 3.1.3 Manage Shopping Cart Form/Screen Mockup and Dialog Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 9 From the mockup presented above, the use case provides an option to search for the products available on the platform. Besides, the user provides a feature to add items to cart and also the option to add items or remove items. The user can also cancel an order or proceeds to confirm an order in order to checkout. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 10 3.1.4 Activity Diagram Name for Use Case Manage Shopping Cart and Discussion This use case begins with the user creating an account. Once the user logins, he or she searches for a product, which can be a scheduled course, book, or video. Upon identifying the Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 11 products, the user proceeds to add the selected items to the cart. Besides, the user can choose to add more items or remove the current items. Moreover, the user can choose to checkout or continue shopping. If the user chooses to continue shopping, he or she is redirected to search for product activity. If the user chooses to checkout, the user is directed to the checkout feature. 4. Domain Class Diagram This section presents a domain class of ten selected classes—besides, a relationship analysis of the chosen classes, inclusive of the constraints. The section also presents a table of all the sixteen classes, inclusive of the attributes, methods, and requirements number. This section finalizes with a discussion of the class tables and the domain class diagram. 4.1 Domain Class Diagram(s) . Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 12 Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 13 4.2 Class and Relationship Analysis Class and Relationship Analysis Class Relationship with Multiplicity Name 1 A Customer create one (1) Account Customer A single Account is created by a single(1) Customer Class Name 2 Account An Account can be used to access one (1) ShoppingCart Account A single ShoppingCart can be accessed with a single Account ShoppingCart A Shoppingcart contains (1)or many (m)ShoppingCartitems ShoppingC art Shoppingcartitems are (1) or many (m) in the Shoppingcart ShoppingCartItems One(1) Shoppingcartitem is represented by one(1) Product Shoppingc artItem One(1) Product is represented by one(1) ShoppingcartItem Product A Customer makes one (1) Payment Customer A single Payment is made by a singe (1) Customer Payment One or many (1-m) Orders can be made from a single(1) Account Order A single Account is used to make one or many (1-m) Orders Account One of many (1-m) Order are completed after making a single (1) payment Order A single (1) payment is made to complete one or many (1-m) orders Analysis Specification 2018R2 Payment Page 14 4.3 List of Classes with Definitions, Attributes, and Operations Classes, Attributes, Operations, Requirement Class Name Customer Class Definition A Customer is an individual or association where an Account exists to get to ITOT items. Attributes Operations customerID: string firstName: string lastName: string address: string workPhone:string cellPhone: string Product A product is a commodity or service available for the customers in the ITOT site. scheduledCourse: string selfPacedCourse: string video: string book:string createCustomer() getCustomerID() setCustomerID(customerID) getFirstName() setFirstName(firstName) getAddress() setAddress(address) getWorkPhone() setWorkPhone(workPhone) getCellPhone() setCellPhone(cellPhone) removeCustomer(customerID) createroduct() createScheduledCourse() createSelfPacedCourse() createvideo() createbook() removeScheduledCourse() removeSelfPacedCourse() removevideo() removebook() ScheduledCourse A ScheduledCours e is a course offered by ITOT at a particular date and time. courseNumber: string title: string description: string type: string duration: number startDate: string endDate: string prerequisites: string ceuCredits: number fee: number createScheduledCourse() getCourseNumber() setCourseNumber(courseNu mber) getTitle() setTitle(title) getDescription() setDescription(description) getType() setType(type) getDuration() setDuration(duration) getStartDate() setStartDate(startDate) getEndDate() setEndDate(endDate) getPrerequisites() setPrerequisites(prrequisites) getCeuCredits() setCeuCredits(ceuCredits) getFee() setFee(fee) RemoveScheduledCourse(co urseNumber) REQF3.2 SelfpacedCourse A SelfpacedCours e is a course offered by ITOT without restrictions to courseNumber: string title: string description: string type: string prerequisites: number ceuCredits: number createSelfpacedCourse() getCourseNumber() setCourseNumber(courseNu mber) getTitle() setTitle(title) REQF3.2 Analysis Specification 2018R2 Requirement Number REQF2.1 REQF3.1 Page 15 Class Name User CreditCard Video Book Instructor ExpertiseArea ShoppingCart Class Definition the date and time Attributes Operations Fee: number getDescription() setDescription(description) getType() setType(type) getPrerequisites() setPrerequisites(prrequisites) getCeuCredits() setCeuCredits(ceuCredits) getFee() setFee(fee) RemoveSelfpacedCourse(cou rseNumber) A User is an individual who has qualifications to get to the ITOT framework A credit card is a payment card issued to customers to make payments for purchased ITOT products. A video is an instruction product offered by ITOT for the IT training. A book is an instruction product offered by ITOT for the IT training An instructor is an ITOT employee offering IT instruction services to the customers. username:string password: string login(username, password) logout() getUsername() setUsername(username) REQF9.1 accountnumber: number accountname : String expirationdate: date/time securitycode: number createCreditCard() getAccountnumber() getAccountname() getExpirationdate() getSecuritycode() REQF2.2 videoID: number videoName: string videoFee: number createVideo() getVideoID() getvideoName() setvideoFee() removeVideoID() getTittle() getAuthors() getdate() getEdition() getISBN() createInstructor() getFirstName() getLastName() getAddress() getCellphone() getHomephone() getExpertiseArea() getBio() setStipend() removeInstructorID() REQF3.3 An expertise area is a subject area in which an instructor has knowledge or skill specialty and competence. A shoppingCart is an feature that allows the customer to expertiseAreaID: number expertiseAreaName: string expertiseAreaLevel: string createExpertiseArea() GetExpertiseAreaID() getExpertiseAreaName() getExpertiseAreaLevel() REQF4.1 quantitiy: number itemNumber:number itemName:string cost: number createShoppingCart() getItemNumer() getItemName() getCost() REQF6.2 Analysis Specification 2018R2 tittle: string authors: string date: date/time edition:string ISBN: string instructorID: number firstName: string lastName: string address: string cellphone: number homephone: number expertiseArea: String bio: string stipend: number Requirement Number REQF3.4 REQF4.1 Page 16 Class Name ShoppingcartItem Account Payment Order Class Definition monitor the quantity and prices of prices when making purchases in ITOT site. A ShoppingcartIte m is a product that the consumer intends to purchase from the online platform An account is a component created by the user to gain access into the products and services provide by ITOT A payment is a form of transfer of funds before the Customer can gain access into the ordered items An order is a request made for access of ITOT products Attributes Operations shipping:string coupon:string discount: number total: number getShipping() getCoupon() getDiscount() getTotal() amount: number thingnumber: number thingname: string cost:number coupon:string deliveryaddress: string createShoppingcartItem() getAmount() getThingnumber() getThingnumber() getCost() getCoupon() getDeliveryaddress() REQF6.2 accountID:number firstName:String lastName: String email: string password:string createAccount() getFirstName() getLastName() getEmail() getPassowrd() REQF9.1 createCreditCard() getAccountnumber() getAccountname() getExpirationdate() getSecuritycode() REQF7.1 accountnumber: number accountname : String expirationdate: date/time securitycode: numbe number:number orderDate: string shippedDate:string shippingAddress:string: orderStatus:String amount:number createOrder() getNumber() getOrderDate() getShippedDate() getShippingAddress() getSrderStatus() getAmount() Requirement Number REQF10.1 4.3.1 List of Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Requirement Number Discussion Sixteen classes have been selected to create a definition of both function and data elements required of the System. These classes have been selected to aid modelling the attributes of that are required in the System. Besides, this classes have been created to reduce the level of complexity especially when assessing the requirements of the System. For example, instead of listing all the attributes of the Course and all the attributes of the Customer without any order, the classes provide an opportunity for grouping the attributes. Besides, these classes have been selected based on the information provided in the ITOT requirement specification document. Each class has a set of attributes, operations and the requirement number. The attributes are used to identify the details of each class, whereas the operations are the set of actions that can be performed by each class. The requirement number is also included as a reference to the requirements stated in the ITOT requirement specification document. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 17 4.4 Domain Class Diagram Discussion From the domain diagram, a customer creates an account that is used to gain access the shopping cart. Besides, the account allows the Customer to makes an order. A shopping cart also encompasses a shopping cart item which is used to represent a product. A single shopping cart item represents a single product. For example, a single book, with proper name and title, represents a single item in the shopping cart. The selected products, which consist of video, course, and book, are only accessed by making an order. The order is only completed by making a payment. Ideally, a customer can make a single payment for the orders. 5. Domain State Diagram This section presents the shopping cart's state diagram. Besides, it provides a discussion of flow of each state of the shopping cart. 5.1 State Diagram and Discussion Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 18 Once the user logs in, the first state of the shopping cart is identified as empty. There is no item in place because the Customer has no made any selection. The customers then make the move to add items which change the state to a shopping cart with items. After the Customer has made all the selections, he or she prepares to checkout. Upon checking out, the state of the shopping cart returns to empty. 6. Sequence Diagrams 6.1 System Sequence Diagram (SSD) for Use Case and Description 6.2 Detailed Sequence Diagram for Use Case and Discussion 2. Insert a discussion of your Detailed Sequence Diagram. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 19 Appendix. Analysis Specification 2018R2 Page 20
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Rai Dinesh ENTD321

IT Online Training (ITOT) Analysis Specification

1. Introduction
This section introduces the issue at hand, and the primary aim of the project, which is to develop
an online platform that provides IT training services for the users. Besides, this segment
provides a brief description of the project and presents the requirements of the System from
the company's Training Specification.


Problem Description

ITOT lacks a proper approach for IT training, especially with most people moving online.
Currently, the users do not have access to an online platform that offers the training services,
which includes various materials such as videos, books, and courses offered by the training

Analysis Specification 2018R2

Page 1

1.2 Sponsor Project Description
The main aim of ITOT is to provide IT training courses that can be accessed by the customers
over the web. Due to the lack of an online training platform, an application has been proposed
that covers multiple segments such as Course and customer management, user management
and value creation, purchasing, scheduling, and payment management. Besides, this System
is required to provide service access to the course administrators and instructors, customers,
and any other essential site controllers.

1.3 Sponsor Requirements
Functional Requirements
1. Purchase ITOT Products
REQF1.1 Customers must have the option to buy ITOT Products by means of a
web-based shopping basket.
REQF1.2 The Customer must have the option to include and expel items from a
web-based shopping basket.
REQF1.3 Customers must have the option to drop orders.
REQF1.4 Customers must have options to buy with the charge card.
REQF1.5 System must give testaments of finish to clients
2. Maintain Customer information
REQF2.1 Customers must have the option to make and change client account,
which holds data about the Customer, including client id, first and last name,
address, telephone numbers for work, and PDA. The client id is given by the
System and cannot be changed.
REQF2.2 The System must have the option to store and keep up client Visa data
for each Mastercard, including account number, account name, lapse date, and
security code.
REQF2.3 The System must maintain a list of accounts in its central database.
REQF2.4 The System must have the option to look and show client data by the
Instructor, course admin, plan executives, and different administrator.
3. Maintain Products
REQF3.1 The System must have the option to make, adjust, and eradicate ITOT
Products, including arranged courses, self-guided courses, accounts, and books.
REQF3.2 The System must have the option to keep up course data including
course number, course title, course portrayal, course type, course length, course
start date, course end date, course essentials, CEU credits, and course expense.
REQF3.3 The System must have the option to keep up video data, including
video id, video name, and video expense.
REQF3.4 The System must have the option to keep up book data, including title,
writers, date, version, and ISBN.
REQF3.5 The System must keep up course history, including offering dates
(starting and consummation), the number of understudies enlisted, and the
Analysis Specification 2018R2

Page 2

REQF3.6 The System must give search ability to courses dependent on the title,
class, well-known Course, continuous discharges, arranged courses.
REQF3.7 The System must give access to all course support highlights to the
Course Administrator.
4. Maintain Instructor Information
REQF4.1 The System must keep up Instructor data including educator id, the
Instructor's first and last name, address, cell and home telephone, zones of
showing aptitude, bio, and allowance.
REQF4.2 The System must have the option to give reports of teacher timetables
and courses educated
5. Maintain Course Schedules
REQF5.1 The System must have the option to make, alter, and erase course plan
data in its focal database, including course title, course number, course portrayal,
course essentials, course type, length, obviously, course diagram, plan dates,
and teacher data.
REQF5.2 The System must have the option to inquiry course calendars and show
results for all clients dependent on watchword, title, and timetable.
REQF5.3 The System must give all course plan support highlights to the Course
Schedule Administrator.
6. Manage Shopping Cart
REQF6.1 The System must have the option to give a shopping basket highlight
to clients to choose and pay for courses.
REQF6.2 The System must give a Shopping Cart Item, which records everything
in the Shopping Cart, including amount, thing number, thing name, cost, delivery,
coupons, markdown, and complete.
REQF6.3 The System must have the option to furnish clients with the capacity to
refresh the shopping basket, including expanding the number of things,
evacuating things, ascertaining delivering costs, and applying coupons and limits.
REQF6.3 The System must have the option to give installment choices to the
Customer, including charge cards.
7. Access Credit Card Service
REQF7.1 The System must have the option to connect to an outer Credit Card
8. Access the Accounting System
REQF8.1 The System must give a connect to the Accounting System for the
exchange ...

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