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Post 1

When writing a story, it is imperative to use examples. Examples make the statements you are trying to make, clearer, and more understanding. Examples show the audience's proof to back up what he or she is talking about. Examples give that realism to the story. The more you give examples, the more it draws the readers' attention, becoming very interested.
While reading "The Curious Grammar of Police Shootings," by Radley Balko, I was very interested because he gave examples. For example, he talked about a ten-year-old boy who was shot in the leg by a deputy while he was looking for a suspect. The deputy was saying he shot at the dog but accidentally shot the child. Balko used this story to explain why the deputy was negligent for accidentally shooting the child. This story caught my attention because it gave this example and other examples that helped me understand how the author felt about police brutality and why.
Without examples, we do not have enough information to understand what we are reading. Examples help communicate better ideas. Examples are evidence that supports the writer's thesis statement. Loud arguments and persuasion are showed by using examples. When you write about something, and you want to show proven facts about what you are talking about, all you have to do is give some reasoning behind why you choose to talk about a specific topic. Give details in your examples, and that will catch the readers' attention each time.

Post 2

Examples are important because it helps the reader get a better understanding of what the author is trying to explain. Adding examples helps support the writer’s argument and it provides more credibility so the reader doesn’t have to question if the information that he is getting is trustworthy. Without examples, people might think that everything is made up because there is no specific evidence. Some people don’t comprehend readings as easier as other people do so adding examples would help them get a better understanding of what you're trying to explain. Sometimes you don’t know who is reading your writing so make as clear as possible so they would have the best chance of understanding.

In “The curious grammar of police shootings” by Radley Balko it is about police departments wording things in ways so people won’t look down on them. Balko had provided examples and this had made his argument stronger. With, adding these examples we could see exactly what he is talking about when police departments are wording things differently. If he didn’t have these examples in his article it wouldn’t have been as clear to the reader. Without these examples that Balko brought it would’ve left the reader questioning the authenticity of his article. With a topic like this you have to include some examples because police shootings is a sensitive topic to a lot of people. People either defend police or completely go against police. So, an article of this manner would have to provide evidence because people would react a different way towards it.

Post 3

Using examples when writing is very important. Examples allow for the reader to understand the point the author is trying to make more easily than having to assume what is meant by the author's statements. Examples can also back up statements of a fact while adding value to the writing. Not using examples can add more work for the reader to comprehend what they are reading. Examples make statements more clear, adds more information, and decreases the chances of the information being misinterpreted. Examples are also good for helping the reader visualize what the author is trying to portray in his/her writing.

The Gayest One, by Brett Krutzch uses examples to show frustration. He provides specific examples of interest and hobbies that he has that are known to be “manly.” Some of the examples were going to the spa, speaking to women about sample sales, etc. The author uses the examples to explain and show how his daily activities are not the same as the activities a “typical man” would partake in. Using these examples throughout the writing because someone who is homosexual will be able to relate to what the author is writing about and it allows for someone who is not homosexual to better understand the point the author is trying to make. Without these examples, it will be more difficult for the reader to comprehend the overall message or tone of the writing.

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