CUNY City College of New York Inmate Basic Needs Discussion

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The city college of New York


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Scenario #1

As the jail administrator, you are reviewing disciplinary reports. During the last 4 days, one inmate has received eight minor rule violations, including the following:

    • Inmate had paper blocking the vent in her cell
    • Inmate had three extra pairs of socks, two extra shirts, and one extra blanket
    • Inmate was in bed at 1500 hours, in violation of the rules
    • Inmate switched to a lower bunk without authorization
    • Inmate had paper blocking the vent in her cell
    • Inmate was wearing her t-shirt on her head
    • Inmate was in bed at 1130 hours, in violation of the rules
    • Inmate had paper blocking the vent in her cell
    Question: What basic need might be contributing to the inmate‘s negative behavior? What actions will you take to meet the basic need?


  1. Scenario #2As the jail administrator, you are reviewing disciplinary reports. One inmate has been written up for possession of contraband. During a routine cell search, the following contraband was found:
    • 1 toothbrush, sharped to a point
    • 1 piece of metal, apparently from a chair in the law library
    A review of the inmate‘s file shows that he is 55 years old, a diabetic, and has a prosthetic leg and a cane. He has been housed in the general population area for several months with no problems;however the officers have noted that he has been hanging around the officer‘s station for the last several days.Question: What basic need might be contributing to the inmate’s negative behavior? What actions will you take to meet the basic need?


  1. Scenario #3As the jail administrator, you are reviewing disciplinary reports. An inmate worker has been written up for misusing county property and being in an unauthorized area. The inmate is the "Overlap Kitchen Worker." An officer making rounds through the kitchen observed the inmate in the staff office, using the telephone, while the kitchen staff and other inmate workers were outside the kitchen emptying trash. A review of policy shows that the "Overlap Kitchen Worker" works 6 days a week between 0930 –1730 hours. Telephones are turned on in the housing units between 1000 –1600 hours.Question: What basic need might be contributing to the inmate’s negative behavior? What actions will you take to meet the basic need?


  1. Scenario #4As the jail administrator, you are reviewing disciplinary reports and grievances. Over the last 3 days, one inmate has received three minor rule violations:
    • Inmate‘s roommate accused him of eating his Ramen noodles.
    • Inmate had orange from breakfast tray hidden under his mattress.
    • During court transport, inmate was found to have a hard-boiled egg hidden in his sock.
    The inmate has also submitted a grievance, claiming that his rights are being violated because he has not received a dinner tray for several days. A review of the inmate‘s file shows that he has been going to court for trial each day from 1330 –1830. The dinner meal is served at 1700 hours.Question: What basic need might be contributing to the inmate’s negative behavior? What actions will you take to meet the basic need?


  1. Scenario #5As the jail administrator, you are reviewing disciplinary reports. One inmate has been written up for possession of contraband. During a routine cell search, the following contraband was found:
    • 1 broken razor
    • 10 pills
    A review of the inmate‘s file shows that he is 36 years old and is in jail for the first time on vehicular homicide charges. The inmate has no history of mental health issues, but he came into the jail exhibiting signs of severe depression, indicating thoughts of suicide, extreme guilt over the death of the other driver, and repeatedly told the arresting officer that he should have died, too. Officer comments indicate that the inmate receives 2 pills per day from medical for depression, but apparently he has not been taking them. The inmate has not been seen by the mental health staff since he was booked 3 weeks ago.Question: What basic need might be contributing to the inmate’s negative behavior? What actions will you take to meet the basic need?

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Inmate Basic Needs


Inmate Basic Needs

Question 1
If the jail fails to provide the basic needs for inmates, they are bound to find ways to
satisfy them. Most of the time, this leads to a high level of disorderliness affecting jail
management (Hoke & Demory, 2014). In this case, the inmate seems to be lacking in the
fulfillment of physical needs. The extra clothing and bedding may be in an attempt to keep
warm. The blocking of the vent may be in the effort to stop noise or cold from flowing into
the cell. The change of bed position may also be due to the same reasons. The possible
solution here is to ask the inmate directly for the cause of the violations. This should be in a
collaborative manner to get to the root of the problem.
Additionally, the jail management can also embark on a short survey within the jail to
get to the bottom of the problem among other inmates. What follows may be the addressing
of these problems that may start with the provision of better and warmer clothing and
beddings. As a long term solution, there should also be the presence of an effect...

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