David B. Nash • Maulik S. Joshi •
Elizabeth R. Ransom • Scott B. Ransom • Editors
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HAP/AUPHA Editorial Board for Graduate Studies
Carla A. Stebbins, PhD, Chairman
Rochester Institute of Technology
Kevin Broom, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Erik L. Carlton, DrPH
University of Memphis
Daniel Estrada, PhD
University of Florida
Edmond A. Hooker, MD, DrPH
Xavier University
LTC Alan Jones, PhD, FACHE
US Army
Christopher Louis, PhD
Boston University
Peggy J. Maddox, PhD
George Mason University
Donna Malvey, PhD
University of Central Florida
Brian J. Nickerson, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Stephen J. O’Connor, PhD, FACHE
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Maia Platt, PhD
University of Detroit Mercy
Debra Scammon, PhD
University of Utah
Tina Smith
University of Toronto
James Zoller, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina
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Health Administration Press, Chicago, Illinois
Association of University Programs in Health Administration, Washington, DC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Nash, David B., editor. | Joshi, Maulik, editor. | Ransom, Elizabeth R., editor. | Ransom,
Scott B., editor.
Title: The healthcare quality book : vision, strategy, and tools / David B. Nash, Maulik S. Joshi,
Elizabeth R. Ransom, and Scott B. Ransom, editors.
Description: Fourth edition. | Chicago, Illinois ; Association of University Programs in
Health Administration : Washington, DC : Health Administration Press, [2019] | Includes
bibliographical references and index. | Identifiers: LCCN 2018060062 (print) | LCCN
2019000071 (ebook) | ISBN 9781640550544 (eBook 13) | ISBN 9781640550551 (Xml) |
ISBN 9781640550568 (Epub) | ISBN 9781640550575 (Mobi) | ISBN 9781640550537 (print)
Subjects: LCSH: Medical care—United States—Quality control. | Health services administration—
United States—Quality control. | Total quality management—United States.
Classification: LCC RA399.A3 (ebook) | LCC RA399.A3 H433 2019 (print) | DDC 362.1068—
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Health Administration Press
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Brent C. James
David B. Nash, Maulik S. Joshi, Elizabeth R. Ransom,
and Scott B. Ransom
Part I The Foundation of Healthcare Quality
Maulik S. Joshi
Chapter 1. Overview of Healthcare Quality .........................................5
Rebecca C. Jaffe, Alexis Wickersham, and Bracken Babula
Chapter 2. History and the Quality Landscape...................................49
Norbert Goldfield
Chapter 3. Variation in Medical Practice and Implications
for Quality....................................................................75
David J. Ballard, Briget da Graca, David Nicewander,
and Brett D. Stauffer
Part II Tools, Measures, and Their Applications
Elizabeth R. Ransom
Chapter 4. Data Collection..............................................................107
John Byrnes
Chapter 5. Statistical Tools for Quality Improvement.......................127
Davis Balestracci
Chapter 6. Physician Profiling and Provider Registries......................171
Bettina Berman and Richard Jacoby
Chapter 7. Health Information Technology in Healthcare Quality
and Safety: Prevention, Identification, and Action........189
Sue S. Feldman, Scott E. Buchalter, and Leslie W. Hayes
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B rief Co nte n ts
Chapter 8. Simulation in Healthcare Quality and Safety...................213
Hyunjoo Lee and Dimitrios Papanagnou
Part III Culture and Leadership
David B. Nash
Chapter 9. The Patient Experience...................................................233
Deirdre E. Mylod and Thomas H. Lee
Chapter 10. Safety Science and High Reliability Organizing...............253
Craig Clapper
Chapter 11. Education for Healthcare Quality and Safety...................279
David Mayer and Anne J. Gunderson
Chapter 12. Creating Alignment: Quality Measures
and Leadership............................................................301
Michael D. Pugh
Chapter 13. Governance for Quality..................................................329
Kathryn C. Peisert
Part IV Emerging Trends
Scott B. Ransom
Chapter 14. Ambulatory Quality and Safety.......................................363
Lawrence Ward and Rhea E. Powell
Chapter 15. The Role of the National Committee for
Quality Assurance........................................................389
Michael S. Barr and Frank Micciche
Chapter 16. Value-Based Insurance Design........................................415
A. Mark Fendrick and Susan Lynne Oesterle
Chapter 17. Value-Based Purchasing: The Increasing Importance of
Quality Considerations in Funding the Healthcare
Neil Goldfarb
Chapter 18. Medication Use Quality..................................................457
Mel L. Nelson, Matthew K. Pickering, Hannah M. Fish,
and Laura Cranston
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Br ief C ontents
Chapter 19. Population Health Safety and Quality.............................475
Keith Kosel
About the Editors.....................................................................................547
About the Contributors............................................................................551
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Brent C. James
David B. Nash, Maulik S. Joshi, Elizabeth R. Ransom,
and Scott B. Ransom
Part I The Foundation of Healthcare Quality
Maulik S. Joshi
Chapter 1. Overview of Healthcare Quality .........................................5
Rebecca C. Jaffe, Alexis Wickersham, and Bracken Babula
The Growing Focus on Quality..........................................5
Frameworks and Stakeholders.............................................9
Quality Improvement Models...........................................17
Quality Improvement Tools.............................................22
Case Study: Mr. Roberts and the US Healthcare System...33
Case Study: Stopping Catheter-Related Bloodstream Line
Infections at the Johns Hopkins University Medical
Center and Hospitals Across the United States.............38
Study Questions...............................................................43
Chapter 2. History and the Quality Landscape...................................49
Norbert Goldfield
Quality Measurement and Management Prior to 1965......50
Medicare, Medicaid, and Subsequent Developments.........53
New Outcomes Metrics and the Future of Quality
Measurement and Management...................................63
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Det a iled C o n te n ts
Study Questions...............................................................66
Chapter 3. Variation in Medical Practice and Implications
for Quality....................................................................75
David J. Ballard, Briget da Graca, David Nicewander,
and Brett D. Stauffer
Variation in Medical Practice............................................75
Analyzing Variation .........................................................82
Using Variation Data to Drive Healthcare Quality
Study Questions...............................................................95
Part II Tools, Measures, and Their Applications
Elizabeth R. Ransom
Chapter 4. Data Collection..............................................................107
John Byrnes
Considerations in Data Collection..................................107
Sources of Data .............................................................113
Conclusion: Returning to the Case Example ..................123
Study Questions.............................................................125
Acknowledgments .........................................................125
Additional Resources......................................................125
References .....................................................................126
Chapter 5. Statistical Tools for Quality Improvement.......................127
Davis Balestracci
Process-Oriented Thinking: The Context for
Improvement Statistics...............................................128
Variation: The Framework of This Chapter.....................130
Plotting Data over Time: The Run Chart.......................132
Common Causes Versus Special Causes of Variation........134
The Control Chart: A Very Powerful Tool......................139
Analysis: The I-Chart Is Your “Swiss Army Knife”..........147
An Important Expansion of the Concepts of “Perfectly
Designed,” Common Cause, and Special Cause.........150
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D etailed C ontents
Study Questions.............................................................164
Additional Resources......................................................164
Chapter 6. Physician Profiling and Provider Registries......................171
Bettina Berman and Richard Jacoby
Background and Terminology........................................171
The Physician’s Role in Improving Quality.....................174
Use of Physician Profiling and Provider Registries in
Healthcare Organizations..........................................176
Examples of Profiles and Scorecards................................177
The Measurement and Implementation Process..............181
Keys to Success...............................................................183
Challenges ....................................................................183
Physician Profiling and Provider Registries in a
Changing Healthcare Landscape................................185
Study Questions.............................................................186
References .....................................................................186
Chapter 7. Health Information Technology in Healthcare Quality
and Safety: Prevention, Identification, and Action........189
Sue S. Feldman, Scott E. Buchalter, and Leslie W. Hayes
Health IT in Healthcare Quality and Safety....................190
What Does the Literature Say About Health IT Use in
Healthcare Quality and Safety?...................................191
Improving Care Delivery Through Health IT:
Case Studies .............................................................195
Case Study 1: Prevention................................................195
Case Study 2: Identification............................................198
Case Study 3: Action......................................................202
Chapter 8. Simulation in Healthcare Quality and Safety...................213
Hyunjoo Lee and Dimitrios Papanagnou
Introduction to Simulation.............................................213
Applying Educational Frameworks to Patient Safety
Simulations ...............................................................218
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Det a iled C o n te n ts
Simulation in the Patient Safety Landscape.....................221
Study Questions.............................................................226
Part III Culture and Leadership
David B. Nash
Chapter 9. The Patient Experience...................................................233
Deirdre E. Mylod and Thomas H. Lee
The Patient Experience Emerges....................................233
Concerns About Patient Experience Data.......................236
Improving Patient Experience Measurement and
Using Patient Experience Data to Improve.....................245
Study Questions.............................................................249
Chapter 10. Safety Science and High Reliability Organizing...............253
Craig Clapper
Safety and Reliability......................................................253
History of the Modern Safety Movement.......................256
Reliability as an Emergent Property................................260
Descriptive Theories of High Reliability Organizations...262
Why Should We Care?....................................................265
Creating Safety and High Reliability in Practice..............266
Important Topics in Safety and High Reliability..............271
Sustaining Cultures of Safety and High Reliability..........276
Study Questions.............................................................276
Chapter 11. Education for Healthcare Quality and Safety...................279
David Mayer and Anne J. Gunderson
Early Curricular Work in Clinical Quality
and Patient Safety......................................................281
Current Curricular Work in Clinical Quality
and Patient Safety......................................................286
Study Questions ............................................................298
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D etailed C ontents
Chapter 12. Creating Alignment: Quality Measures
and Leadership............................................................301
Michael D. Pugh
Quality Measures and Metrics.........................................301
Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Quality
Leadership, Measurement, and Improvement.................308
Case Study: Board-Adopted Quality Aims......................318
Study Questions.............................................................326
Chapter 13. Governance for Quality..................................................329
Kathryn C. Peisert
Background: Why Is Quality the Board’s
What Are the Board’s Quality Oversight Duties?.............340
The Board-Level Quality Committee..............................350
Building a Culture of Quality and Safety.........................352
Study Questions.............................................................357
Part IV Emerging Trends
Scott B. Ransom
Chapter 14. Ambulatory Quality and Safety.......................................363
Lawrence Ward and Rhea E. Powell
The Ambulatory Care Setting ........................................363
Ambulatory Quality Improvement .................................364
Ambulatory Safety..........................................................371
Future Challenges and Keys to Success...........................374
Case Study: A Private Practice in the Pennsylvania
Chronic Care Initiative..............................................377
Case Study: Comprehensive Primary Care Plus...............379
Case Study: A New Pay-for-Performance Contract..........380
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Det a iled C o n te n ts
Case Study: Referral Follow-Up and
Ambulatory Safety.....................................................382
Study Questions.............................................................382
Chapter 15. The Role of the National Committee for
Quality Assurance........................................................389
Michael S. Barr and Frank Micciche
Healthcare Quality: A Novel Concept.............................389
Development of the National Committee for
Quality Assurance......................................................390
NCQA Adds Practice-Level Focus..................................393
2009–2017: A New Era of Health Reform.....................400
Quality Measurement: Assessing Healthcare
Performance Across the United States........................404
Study Questions.............................................................409
Chapter 16. Value-Based Insurance Design........................................415
A. Mark Fendrick and Susan Lynne Oesterle
Key Concepts in the Shift from Volume to Value............416
Putting Innovation into Action.......................................419
The Future of V-BID.....................................................429
Study Questions.............................................................433
Case Study: Implementation of Connecticut’s Health
Enhancement Plan.....................................................433
Chapter 17. Value-Based Purchasing: The Increasing Importance
of Quality Considerations in Funding the Healthcare
Neil Goldfarb
Introduction and Definitions..........................................439
Overview of Value-Based Purchasing Strategies...............440
Public Purchaser Value-Based Purchasing: CMS and
Medicare ..................................................................447
Employers as Value-Based Purchasers.............................449
Driving Toward a Value-Based Marketplace....................453
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D etailed C ontents
Study Questions.............................................................453
Chapter 18. Medication Use Quality..................................................457
Mel L. Nelson, Matthew K. Pickering, Hannah M. Fish,
and Laura Cranston
The Shift from Volume to Value in Healthcare................457
Medication Use Expert: The Pharmacist.........................463
Emerging Trends: Pharmacist Engagement
in a Value-Based Healthcare System...........................467
Study Question..............................................................470
Interactive Exercise........................................................470
Chapter 19. Population Health Safety and Quality.............................475
Keith Kosel
Overview: Where We Stand Today..................................475
Safety and Quality in Various Populations.......................478
What Should Safety and Quality Look Like in a
Community? .............................................................480
Who Should Be Responsible for Population Safety and
Case Study: Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm
Project ......................................................................491
Case Study: Boston Community Asthma Initiative .........492
The Role of Measurement in Driving Population Health
Safety and Quality .....................................................492
Going Forward..............................................................495
Study Questions.............................................................497
About the Editors.....................................................................................547
About the Contributors............................................................................551
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he modern quality movement has been building for nearly half a century.
Wennberg’s classic study documenting massive geographic variation in
healthcare appeared in 1973. In 1987, researchers established that the
amount of clinical variation within a single hospital was larger than the variation among geographic regions. By the mid-1990s, Deming’s position that
higher quality nearly always reduces operating costs was proving correct. In
late 1999, the Institute of Medicine released the To Err Is Human report,
which launched patient safety as a critical quality focus. Its 2001 successor,
Crossing the Quality Chasm, reflected the voice of the healing professions calling for fundamental reform of healthcare delivery systems. Literally thousands
of successful clinical projects, across a wide range of organizations and settings,
have given further support for Deming’s premise: The path to financial stability
runs through clinical excellence.
But all these years later, has anything really changed? Variation still runs
rampant in care delivery services, and patients still suffer unacceptable rates
of care-associated injuries and deaths. Costs continue to rise, making essential
healthcare services ever less accessible. Why?
Quality improvement theory contains two major parts. The first is
data-based problem solving—a set of methods and tools that help identify
operational problems, find focused areas for high-leverage change, and then
demonstrably fix those problems through measured experimentation. The
vast majority of healthcare quality training and most organizational quality
initiatives rely on data-based problem solving. However, despite its manifest
effectiveness, data-based problem solving innately builds around a series of
projects. Clinical researchers sometimes note that “multiple anecdotes do not
constitute evidence,” and the same is true in quality: Multiple projects do not
constitute health system reform.
The second part of quality improvement is what Deming called a “system of production”—the idea that a masterful enterprise will organize literally
everything around value-added frontline work processes. This approach starts
with key process analysis, a tool that prioritizes the processes that define any
organization, and it builds true transparency, embedding data systems that align
to key processes. Management structure follows the process structure. A “system
of production” is bottom-up healthcare reform. A number of examples—Allina
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Fo rew o rd
Health in Minnesota, Mission Health in North Carolina, and Bellin Health in
Michigan, to name a few—have shown that these principles can work just as
well in care delivery as they do in other industries.
The volume you hold in your hands is about creating a system that supports quality. It outlines the major, essential components, and it shows how
to fit those components together. Properly used, it can serve as an operations
manual for healthcare reform, laying a foundation upon which you can build
a new future. It holds the keys to a care delivery system that delivers
All the right care, but
Only the right care;
Without defect or injury;
At the lowest necessary cost;
Under the full knowledge and control of the patient; while
Learning from every case.
Read it, then go forth and conquer.
Brent C. James, MD, MStat
Salt Lake City, Utah
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ransformation, disruptive innovation, redesign, reform—these popular
terms all accurately characterize the state of our current healthcare system
and its evolution. The changes we are witnessing today are accelerating
at a rate that early pioneers in medicine could not have envisioned. All healthcare organizations are facing the challenges of change as they embark on their
individual journeys to provide better care, better service, and better overall
health for everyone they serve. All organizations are on a different path and
have a different destination. However, they all have one commonality: Quality
is the road map. Improving healthcare quality is the essential strategy to survive
and thrive in the future. The difference between organizations that are good
and those that are great is determined by leadership, and leaders who are masters
of quality improvement are the difference makers.
This textbook provides a framework, strategies, and practical tactics to
help all healthcare leaders to learn, teach, and lead improvement efforts. This
fourth edition has been updated significantly from the previous editions, but
once again it has an all-star list of contributors with incredible expertise and
breadth of experience. Like the healthcare field itself, this edition has been
improved, reimagined, and redesigned. Organized into four sections, the book
focuses on the foundation of healthcare quality (part I); tools, measures, and
their applications (part II); culture and leadership (part III); and emerging
trends (part IV). Individually, and in aggregate, this book is designed to be
both an instructional guide and a conversation starter among all students of
healthcare quality—that is, all current and future healthcare professionals.
Part I contains three chapters that together provide a foundation for
healthcare quality. In chapter 1, Rebecca C. Jaffe, Alexis Wickersham, and
Bracken Babula provide an overview of major reports and concepts, Donabedian’s classic structure-process-outcome framework, and methods and tools for
quality improvement. The history and the landscape of quality in healthcare are
beautifully narrated by Norbert Goldfield in chapter 2. In chapter 3, David J.
Ballard and colleagues examine one of the most pervasive and significant issues
in healthcare quality—clinical variation. They explain the concept, distinguish
between warranted and unwarranted variation, and discuss quality improvement
tools that can help manage and reduce unwarranted variation in medical practice.
Part II of the book builds on the foundation and speaks in-depth to
tools, measures, and their applications in the pursuit of quality. John Byrnes, in
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Prefa c e
chapter 4, articulates how data are the foundation of quality and patient safety
and how the effective and efficient collection of data is critical to all strategic
endeavors to improve quality. Davis Balestracci, in chapter 5, reveals how to
apply the appropriate statistical analyses to make the information meaningful.
In chapter 6, Bettina Berman and Richard Jacoby expertly apply data to the
physician and provider registry domain as another tool for leveraging information for improvement. Information technology (IT) is an engine that uses
data as fuel and, in chapter 7, Sue S. Feldman, Scott E. Buchalter, and Leslie
W. Hayes describe how organizations use healthcare IT in a three-part cycle
of prevention, identification, and action with data and information. Chapter 8
rounds out part II’s focus on applications of data, information, measures, and
tools, as Hyunjoo Lee and Dimitrios Papanagnou provide an overview of how
simulation, as they say, “can be used to improve healthcare quality and safety
by highlighting its intrinsic ability to expose, inform, and improve behaviors
that are critical for effective communication and teamwork.”
Whereas part II provides a comprehensive view of the measures, tools,
and technologies that are needed to improve quality and safety in healthcare
moving forward, part III focuses on what is arguably the key to everything—
leadership and culture. To begin this section, Deirdre E. Mylod and Thomas
H. Lee, in chapter 9, summarize important aspects of patient satisfaction—a key
marker of a patient-centered field. In chapter 10, Craig Clapper, a national expert
and teacher in high reliability, reinforces the goals of zero preventable harm
and 100 percent appropriate care as cornerstones of a high reliability culture.
In chapter 11, David Mayer and Anne J. Gunderson trace the history
of the education movement by outlining key milestone papers and symposia,
signaling that there are still significant gaps in the teaching of education for
healthcare quality. Chapter 12, by Michael D. Pugh, exquisitely details the
why and how of dashboards and scorecards as critical leadership system tools
for improvement and accountability. The final chapter in this section, chapter
13 by Kathryn C. Peisert, describes the fiduciary responsibility of the board
of directors and delineates its central role in the quality and safety debate.
Ultimately, the board bears the responsibility for everything in the healthcare
organization, including quality and safety.
The textbook concludes with part IV—a compilation of chapters that
discuss many of the emerging trends in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment. Lawrence Ward and Rhea E. Powell, in chapter 14, consider the multitude of approaches to improving quality and safety in the ambulatory setting,
providing contemporary insights for driving improvements in the delivery of
care in primary care and specialty provider offices, ambulatory surgery centers,
urgent care centers, retail clinics, freestanding emergency departments, and
work-based clinics. In chapter 15, Michael S. Barr and Frank Micciche provide
an overview of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), from
its initial role in helping employers and health plans develop quality standards to
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Prefac e
its present-day work in creating systems to measure those standards, including
the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures,
health plan accreditation guidelines, the patient-centered medical home model,
and various recognition programs.
In chapter 16, A. Mark Fendrick and Susan Lynne Oesterle present the fundamentals of value-based insurance design, another trend that impacts all healthcare
stakeholders. Neil Goldfarb then shows us in chapter 17 how purchasers select
and pay for healthcare services with a greater focus on value. Mel L. Nelson and
her colleagues in chapter 18 provide a pharmacy perspective on achieving greater
quality and lower cost through effective medication use. Finally, in chapter 19 by
Keith Kosel, we review current thinking on population health quality and safety.
Throughout the world, healthcare is changing dramatically. However,
that dramatic change will lead to significant advances in patient safety and quality of life only when organizations and healthcare leaders effectively implement
quality improvement solutions to our complex problems.
As editors, we use this book extensively, whether for teaching in our
courses, as reference material, or for research. The most important use is for
leading change within our organizations. We greatly appreciate all the feedback
we have received thus far to improve the textbook so that we can all be better
leaders and healthcare providers.
Please contact us at doctormaulikjoshi@yahoo.com with your feedback
on this edition. Your teaching, learning, and leadership are what will ultimately
transform healthcare.
David B. Nash
Maulik S. Joshi
Elizabeth R. Ransom
Scott B. Ransom
Instructor Resources
This book’s Instructor Resources include teaching aids for each chapter,
including PowerPoint summaries, answers to the end-of-chapter study
questions, and a test bank.
For the most up-to-date information about this book and its Instructor
Resources, go to ache.org/HAP and search for the book’s order code
This book’s Instructor Resources are available to instructors who adopt
this book for use in their course. For access information, please email
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Maulik S. Joshi
uality is the focal point in the transformation of the healthcare system.
A fundamental change in the way care is delivered and financed requires
addressing every facet of quality, including
• understanding the gaps and variation from best practices in care and
• leveraging data, tools, and information technology to lead quality
• creating a culture of service excellence, safety, high reliability, and value;
• leading and governing toward population health; and
• engaging with all key stakeholders, such as accrediting bodies, policy
makers, payers, purchasers, providers, and consumers.
The three chapters that make up this section of the book provide an
overview of quality, trace the history of the quality movement in healthcare,
and address the issue of variation in the quality of clinical care. Together, the
chapters provide a foundation for leading the healthcare transformation.
Rebecca C. Jaffe and colleagues begin in chapter 1 by providing an
overview of major reports and concepts that form the quality foundation. Two
Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports—To Err is Human (2000) and Crossing
the Quality Chasm (2001)—are truly landmark documents that articulate major
deficiencies in the United States healthcare system and define a strategic road
map for a future state of improved quality. The reports highlight the severity of medical errors, estimated to account for up to 98,000 deaths and $29
billion per year, and provide a critical classification scheme for understanding
quality defects. The categories are underuse (not doing what evidence calls
for), misuse (not appropriately executing best practices), and overuse (doing
more than is appropriate). The IOM reports also introduce a game-changing
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T h e Health c a re Q u a l i ty B o o k
framework for defining six aims of quality: It should be safe, timely, effective,
efficient, equitable, and patient centered. Finally, the reports note that, for
improvement to be lasting, it must happen at four nested levels—at the level
of the patient, the team, the organization, and the environment.
Chapter 1 also discusses the work of Avedis Donabedian, who noted
that all evaluations of quality of care could be viewed in terms of one of three
measures—structure, process, or outcome. Evaluation based on structure considers characteristics of the people or setting, such as accreditation or physician
board certification, that serve as structural quality measures. Assessment of
process quality involves measures such as the percentage of diabetic patients
receiving a blood sugar test in the previous 12 months, or the percentage of
eligible women receiving mammograms. Outcomes, such as mortality rates
and self-reported health status, are the ultimate quality measures.
The remaining content in chapter 1 focuses on the methods and tools
necessary to achieve the goal of improved quality. Many approaches to quality
improvement are available, and all are worth considering. The methods and
tools have a variety of names and titles (e.g., the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, Six
Sigma, Lean), but their success is fundamentally dependent on the culture and
capability for executing improvement. Essential to all are the steps of identifying
the problem(s), setting measurable aims for improvement, testing interventions, studying data to assess the impact of the interventions, and repeating
the cycle of testing and learning. Chapter 1 ends with a discussion of what
quality is all about—providing the best care and service to the patient. The
concluding case studies highlight opportunities to improve systems of care so
that future patients don’t have to face the same problems that have plagued
the healthcare field to date.
In chapter 2, Norbert Goldfield describes the history and landscape of
quality, introducing us to healthcare quality pioneers such as Walter Shewhart,
William Deming, and J. M. Juran. Goldfield places a particular emphasis on
Ernest A. Codman, who studied results, or what we now call outcomes. The
chapter continues with a discussion of Medicare and Medicaid, which serves
as a launchpad for addressing important elements of quality—case mix, risk
adjustment, claims and medical records, and, ultimately, payment for quality.
Malpractice, consumerism, and the politics of healthcare quality represent both
challenges and opportunities for the future of quality improvement. Goldfield’s
calls to action apply the learnings from the past to accelerate better quality
data and measurement, better quality management, and the implementation
of change in the “small-p” politics of healthcare.
In chapter 3, David J. Ballard and colleagues examine one of the most
pervasive and vexing issues in healthcare quality—clinical variation. Although
variation in medical practice has been studied for nearly a century, John Wenn
berg and colleagues brought it to the forefront with the development of the
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Par t I: The Foundation of H ealthc are Q uality
Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, which accentuated the differences in rates of
utilization for many medical procedures in the United States. The color-coded
Dartmouth Atlas maps reveal the often-stark differences between counties, even
those adjacent to each other, in terms of the rates of procedures. Ballard and
colleagues note the tenets of warranted variation, which is based on patient
preferences and related factors, and unwarranted variation, which cannot be
explained by patient preference or evidence-based medicine. The effects of
unwarranted variation are well documented and include inefficient care, excessive costs, and disparities in outcomes. The chapter authors emphasize that
the goal is not to merely understand the nature of variation but to implement
strategies to reduce unwarranted variation. Building on chapters 1 and 2,
chapter 3 notes that positive change requires identifying variation in practice,
distinguishing warranted from unwarranted variation, and implementing quality
improvement tools to manage and reduce unwarranted variation.
The foundation of quality requires us to acknowledge history’s lessons
to create a better future. Today’s challenges are not completely new; many
healthcare pioneers studied the early dimensions of quality measurement and
management long ago. Sentinel reports and studies over the last two decades
have called attention to major gaps in quality, as well as strategies and tools
to get quality to where we want it to be. Even with all of this knowledge and
evidence in hand, however, we are still confronted by the ubiquitous variation in
quality of care. Looking to the future, we must address this variation to ensure
that the right care is provided to the right patients at the right time and place.
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Rebecca C. Jaffe, Alexis Wickersham, and Bracken Babula
The Growing Focus on Quality
The quality of the US healthcare system is not what it could be. Around the end
of the twentieth century and the start of the twenty-first, a number of reports
presented strong evidence of widespread quality deficiencies and highlighted a
need for substantial change to ensure high-quality care for all patients. Among
the major reports driving the imperative for quality improvement were the
• “The Urgent Need to Improve Health Care Quality” by the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) National Roundtable on Health Care Quality (Chassin
and Galvin 1998)
• IOM’s To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Kohn,
Corrigan, and Donaldson 2000)
• IOM’s Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st
Century (IOM 2001)
• The National Healthcare Quality Report, published annually by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) since 2003
• The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s
Improving Diagnosis in Health Care (National Academies 2015)
Years after these reports were first published, they continue to make a
tremendous, vital statement. They call for action, drawing attention to gaps
in care and identifying opportunities to significantly improve the quality of
healthcare in the United States.
“The Urgent Need to Improve Health Care Quality”
Published in 1998, the IOM’s National Roundtable report “The Urgent Need
to Improve Health Care Quality” included two notable contributions to the
quality movement. The first was an assessment of the current state of quality
(Chassin and Galvin 1998, 1000): “Serious and widespread quality problems
exist throughout American medicine. These problems . . . occur in small and
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large communities alike, in all parts of the country, and with approximately
equal frequency in managed care and fee-for-service systems of care. Very large
numbers of Americans are harmed.” The second contribution was the categorization of quality defects into three broad categories: underuse, overuse, and
misuse. This classification scheme has become a common nosology for quality
defects and can be summarized as follows:
• Underuse occurs when scientifically sound practices are not used as
often as they should be. For example, only 72 percent of women
between the ages of 50 and 74 reported having a mammogram within
the past two years (White et al. 2015). In other words, nearly one in
four women does not receive treatment consistent with evidence-based
• Overuse occurs when treatments and practices are used to a greater
extent than evidence deems appropriate. Examples of overuse
include imaging studies for diagnosis of acute low-back pain and the
prescription of antibiotics for acute bronchitis.
• Misuse occurs when clinical care processes are not executed properly—
for example, when the wrong drug is prescribed or the correct drug is
prescribed but incorrectly administered.
To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
Although the healthcare community had been cognizant of its quality challenges
for years, the 2000 publication of the IOM’s To Err Is Human exposed the
severity and prevalence of these problems in a way that captured the attention
of a large variety of key stakeholders for the first time. The executive summary
of To Err Is Human begins with the following headlines (Kohn, Corrigan, and
Donaldson 2000, 1–2):
The knowledgeable health reporter for the Boston Globe, Betsy Lehman, died from
an overdose during chemotherapy. . . .
Ben Kolb was eight years old when he died during “minor” surgery due to
a drug mix-up. . . .
[A]t least 44,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical errors. . . .
[T]he number may be as high as 98,000. . . .
Total national costs . . . of preventable adverse events . . . are estimated to be
between $17 billion and $29 billion, of which health care costs represent over one-half.
Although many people had spoken about improving healthcare in the
past, this report focused on patient harm and medical errors in an unprecedented way, presenting them as perhaps the most urgent forms of quality
defects. To Err Is Human framed the problem in a manner that was accessible
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to the public, and it clearly demonstrated that the status quo was unacceptable.
For the first time, patient safety became a unifying cause for policy makers,
regulators, providers, and consumers.
Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st
In March 2001, soon after the release of To Err Is Human, the IOM released
Crossing the Quality Chasm, a more comprehensive report that offered a new
framework for a redesigned US healthcare system. Crossing the Quality Chasm
provides a blueprint for the future that classifies and unifies the components
of quality through six aims for improvement. These aims, also viewed as six
dimensions of quality, provide healthcare professionals and policy makers with
simple rules for redesigning healthcare. They can be known by the acronym
STEEEP (Berwick 2002):
1. Safe: Harm should not come to patients as a result of their interactions
with the medical system.
2. Timely: Patients should experience no waits or delays when receiving
care and service.
3. Effective: The science and evidence behind healthcare should be applied
and serve as standards in the delivery of care.
4. Efficient: Care and service should be cost-effective, and waste should be
removed from the system.
5. Equitable: Unequal treatment should be a fact of the past; disparities in
care should be eradicated.
6. Patient-centered: The system of care should revolve around the patient,
respect patient preferences, and put the patient in control.
Improving the quality of healthcare in the STEEEP focus areas requires
change to occur at four different levels, as shown in exhibit 1.1. Level A is
the patient’s experience. Level B is the microsystem where care is delivered by
small provider teams. Level C is the organizational level—the macrosystem or
aggregation of microsystems and supporting functions. Level D is the external
environment, which includes payment mechanisms, policy, and regulatory
factors. The environment affects how organizations operate, operations affect
the microsystems housed within organizations, and microsystems affect the
patient. “True north” lies at level A, in the experience of patients, their loved
ones, and the communities in which they live (Berwick 2002).
National Healthcare Quality Report
Mandated by the US Congress to focus on “national trends in the quality of
healthcare provided to the American people” (42 U.S.C. 299b-2(b)(2)), the
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The Four
Levels of the
Level D
Level C
Level B
Level A
Source: Ferlie and Shortell (2001). Used with permission.
AHRQ’s annual National Healthcare Quality Report highlights progress and
identifies opportunities for improvement. Recognizing that the alleviation of
healthcare disparities is integral to achieving quality goals, Congress further
mandated that a second report, the National Healthcare Disparities Report,
focus on “prevailing disparities in health care delivery as it relates to racial
factors and socioeconomic factors in priority populations” (42 U.S.C. 299a1(a)(6)). AHRQ’s priority populations include women, children, people with
disabilities, low-income individuals, and the elderly. The combined reports
are fundamental to ensuring that improvement efforts simultaneously advance
quality in general and work toward eliminating inequitable gaps in care.
These reports use national quality measures to track the state of healthcare and address three questions:
1. What is the status of healthcare quality and disparities in the United
2. How have healthcare quality and disparities changed over time?
3. Where is the need to improve healthcare quality and reduce disparities
In its 2016 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, the
AHRQ (2016) notes several improvements, including improved access to
healthcare, better care coordination, and improvement in patient-centered
care. Despite these improvements, many challenges and disparities remain with
regard to insurance status, income, ethnicity, and race.
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Improving Diagnosis in Health Care
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s (2015)
report on Improving Diagnosis in Health Care claims that most people will
experience at least one diagnostic error—defined as either a missed or delayed
diagnosis—in their lifetime. Diagnostic errors are thought to account for up
to 17 percent of hospital-related adverse events. Likewise, up to 5 percent of
patients in outpatient settings may experience a diagnostic error.
Previous reports had steered clear of discussing diagnostic error, perhaps
fearing that the topic assigns blame to clinicians on a personal level. This report,
however, proposes an organizational structure for the diagnostic process, allowing for analysis of where healthcare may be failing and what might be done
about it. The National Academies recommend that healthcare organizations
involve patients and families in the diagnosis process, develop health information technologies to support the diagnostic process, establish a culture that
embraces change implementation, and promote research opportunities on
diagnostic errors (National Academies 2015).
How Far Has Healthcare Come?
More than 15 years after the prevalence of medical errors was brought to light
in To Err Is Human, healthcare in the United States has seen a call to arms
for the improvement of quality and safety. But has anything really changed?
A 2016 analysis published by the British Medical Journal suggests not. The
article, titled “Medical Error—The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US,”
delivers a shocking realization of the scope of medical error in healthcare today.
Using death certificate records along with national hospital admission data,
Makary and Daniel (2016) conclude that, if medical errors are tracked as diseases are, they account for more than 250,000 deaths annually in the United
States—outranked only by heart disease and cancer.
To Err Is Human and Crossing the Quality Chasm were catalysts for
change in healthcare, and they led to increased recognition and reporting of
medical error and improved accountability measures set by governing bodies.
Nonetheless, more work needs to be done to shrink the quality gap in US
healthcare. The remainder of this chapter will focus on frameworks for quality
improvement, providing a deeper dive into the STEEEP goals and examining
stakeholder needs, measurement concepts, and useful models and tools.
Frameworks and Stakeholders
The six STEEEP aims (Berwick 2002), as presented in Crossing the Quality
Chasm, provide a valuable framework that can be used to describe quality at any
of the four levels of the healthcare system. The various stakeholders involved
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in healthcare—including clinicians, patients, health insurers, administrators,
and the general public—attach different levels of importance to particular aims
and define quality of care differently as a result (Bodenheimer and Grumbach
2009; Harteloh 2004).
The STEEEP Framework
Safety refers to the technical performance of care, but it also includes other
aspects of the STEEEP framework. Technical performance can be assessed based
on the success with which current scientific medical knowledge and technology
are applied in a given situation. Assessments of technical performance typically
focus on the accuracy of diagnoses, the appropriateness of therapies, the skill
with which procedures and other medical interventions are performed, and
the absence of accidental injuries (Donabedian 1988b, 1980).
Timeliness refers to the speed with which patients are able to receive care or
services. It inherently relates to access to care, or the “degree to which individuals and groups are able to obtain needed services” (IOM 1993, 4). Poor
access leads to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Timeliness can also manifest
as the patient experience of wait times—either the wait for an appointment or
the wait in the medical facility. Timeliness is often a balance between quality
of care and speed of care.
Effectiveness refers to standards of care and how well they are implemented.
Perceptions of the effectiveness of healthcare have evolved over the years to
increasingly emphasize value. The cost-effectiveness of a given healthcare
intervention is determined by comparing the potential for benefit, typically
measured in terms of improvement in individual health status, with the intervention’s cost (Drummond et al. 2005; Gold et al. 1996). As the amount spent
on healthcare services grows, each unit of expenditure ultimately yields eversmaller benefits until no further benefit accrues from additional expenditures
on care (Donabedian, Wheeler, and Wyszewianski 1982).
Efficiency refers to how well resources are used to achieve a given result.
Efficiency improves whenever fewer resources are used to produce an output.
Because inefficient care uses more resources than necessary, it is wasteful care,
and care that involves waste is deficient—and therefore of lower quality—no
matter how good it may be in other respects. “Wasteful care is either directly
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harmful to health or is harmful by displacing more useful care” (Donabedian
1988b, 1745).
Findings that the amount, type, or quality of healthcare provided can relate
systematically to an individual’s characteristics—particularly race and ethnicity—rather than to the individual’s need for care or healthcare preferences
have heightened concern about equity in health services delivery (IOM 2002;
Wyszewianski and Donabedian 1981). Many decades ago, Lee and Jones (1933,
10) asserted that “good medical care implies the application of all the necessary services of modern, scientific medicine to the needs of all the people. . . .
No matter what the perfection of technique in the treatment of one individual
case, medicine does not fulfill its function adequately until the same perfection
is within the reach of all individuals.”
Patient Centeredness
The concept of patient centeredness, originally formulated by Gerteis and colleagues (1993), is characterized in Crossing the Quality Chasm as encompassing
“qualities of compassion, empathy, and responsiveness to the needs, values,
and expressed preferences of the individual patient” and rooted in the idea
that “health care should cure when possible, but always help to relieve suffering” (IOM 2001, 50). The report states that the goal of patient centeredness
is “to modify the care to respond to the person, not the person to the care”
(IOM 2001, 51).
Virtually everyone can agree on the value of the STEEEP attributes of quality,
but clinicians, patients, payers, managers, and society at large attach varying
levels of importance to each attribute and thus define quality of care differently
from one another.
Clinicians tend to perceive the quality of care foremost in terms of technical
performance. Their concerns focus on aspects highlighted in IOM’s (1990,
4) often-quoted definition: “Quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health
outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.”
Reference to “current professional knowledge” draws attention to the
changing nature of what constitutes good clinical care. Because medical knowledge advances rapidly, clinicians strongly believe that assessing care provided
in 2010 on the basis of knowledge acquired in 2013 is neither meaningful nor
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appropriate. Similarly, “likelihood of desired health outcomes” aligns with clinicians’ widely held view that, no matter how good their technical performance
is, predictions about the ultimate outcome of care can be expressed only as a
probability, given the presence of influences beyond clinicians’ control, such
as a patient’s inherent physiological resilience.
As healthcare has evolved, standards for clinicians have moved beyond
technical performance and professional knowledge. Clinicians today are increasingly asked to ensure that their care is patient centered and offered in a way
that demonstrates value and efficiency.
Patients care deeply about technical performance, but it may actually play a
relatively small role in shaping their view of healthcare quality. To the dismay
of clinicians, patients often see technical performance strictly in terms of the
outcomes of care; if the patient does not improve, the physician’s technical
competence is called into question (Muir Gray 2009). Additionally, patients may
not have access to accurate information regarding a clinician’s technical skill.
Given the difficulty of obtaining and interpreting performance data, patients
may make decisions about their care based on their assessment of the attributes
they are most readily able to evaluate—chiefly patient centeredness, amenities,
and reputation (Cleary and McNeil 1988; Sofaer and Firminger 2005).
As health policy changes, patients, much like clinicians, are becoming
more likely to consider cost as part of the quality equation. From the patients’
vantage point, cost-effectiveness calculations are highly complex and depend
greatly on the details of their insurance coverage. A patient who does not
have to pay the full price of medical care may have a very different view of the
value of the treatment, compared to a patient who incurs a higher percentage
of the cost.
Third-party payers—health insurance companies, government programs such as
Medicare, and others who pay on behalf of patients—tend to assess the quality
of care on the basis of costs. Because payers typically manage a finite pool of
resources, they tend to be concerned about cost-effectiveness and efficiency.
Though payer restrictions on care have commonly been considered antithetical to the provision of high-quality care, this opinion is slowly changing.
Increasing costs, without concomitant improvements in overall quality, have
led to more clinicians and patients focusing on the value of care and therefore
accepting some limitations. Clinicians continue to be duty bound to do everything possible to help individual patients, including advocating for high-cost
interventions even if those interventions have only a small positive probability
of benefiting the patient (Donabedian 1988a; Strech et al. 2009). Third-party
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payers—especially governmental units that must make multiple trade-offs
when allocating money—are more apt to view the spending of large sums for
diminishing returns as a misuse of finite resources. The public, meanwhile,
has shown a growing unwillingness to pay higher insurance premiums or taxes
needed to provide populations with the full measure of care that is available.
The chief concern of administrative leaders responsible for the operations of
hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare delivery organizations is the quality of the
nonclinical aspects of care over which they have the most control— primarily,
amenities and access to care. Administrators’ perspective on quality, therefore,
can differ from that of clinicians and patients with respect to efficiency, costeffectiveness, and equity. Because administrators are responsible for ensuring
that resources are spent where they will do the most good, efficiency and costeffectiveness are of central concern, as is the equitable distribution of resources.
At a collective, or societal, level, the definition of quality of care reflects concerns about efficiency and cost-effectiveness similar to those of governmental
third-party payers and managers, and much for the same reasons. In addition,
technical aspects of quality loom large at the collective level, where many
believe care can be assessed and safeguarded more effectively than it can be at
the level of individuals. Similarly, equity and access to care are important to
societal-level concepts of quality, given that society is seen as being responsible
for ensuring access to care for everyone, particularly disenfranchised groups.
Are the Five Stakeholders Irreconcilable?
Different though they may seem, stakeholders—clinicians, patients, payers,
administrators, and the public—have a great deal in common. Although each
emphasizes the attributes differently, none of the other attributes is typically
excluded. Strong disagreements do arise, however, among the five parties’ definitions, even outside the realm of cost-effectiveness. Conflicts typically emerge when
one party holds that a particular practitioner or clinic is a high-quality provider
by virtue of having high ratings on a single aspect of care—for example, patient
centeredness. Those objecting to this conclusion point out that, just because a
practice rates highly in that one area, it does not necessarily rate equally highly in
other areas, such as technical performance, amenities, or efficiency, for instance
(Wyszewianski 1988). Clinicians who relate well to their patients, and thus score
highly on patient centeredness, nevertheless may have failed to keep up with
medical advances and, as a result, provide care that is deficient in technical terms.
As with this example, an aspect of quality that a given party overlooks is seldom
in direct conflict with that party’s own overall concept of quality.
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T h e Health c a re Q u a l i ty B o o k
Just as frameworks and stakeholders are useful for advancing one’s understanding of quality of care, so is measurement, particularly with respect to quality
improvement initiatives.
Structure, Process, and Outcome
As Avedis Donabedian first noted in 1966, all evaluations of the quality of
care can be classified in terms of one of three measures: structure, process, or
In the context of measuring the quality of care, structure refers to characteristics
of the individuals who provide care and of the settings where care is delivered.
These characteristics include the education, training, and certification of professionals who provide care and the adequacy of the facility’s staffing, equipment,
and overall organization.
Evaluations of quality based on structural elements assume that wellqualified people working in well-appointed and well-organized settings provide
high-quality care. However, although good structure makes good quality more
likely, it does not guarantee it (Donabedian 2003). Licensing and accrediting
bodies have relied heavily on structural measures of quality because the measures are relatively stable, and thus easier to capture, and because they reliably
identify providers or practices lacking the means to deliver high-quality care.
Process—the series of events that takes place during the delivery of care—can
also be a basis for evaluating the quality of care. The quality of the process can
vary on three aspects: (1) appropriateness—whether the right actions were
taken, (2) skill—the proficiency with which actions were carried out, and (3)
the timeliness of the care.
Ordering the correct diagnostic procedure for a patient is an example
of an appropriate action. However, to fully evaluate the process in which
this particular action is embedded, we also need to know how promptly the
procedure was ordered and how skillfully it was carried out. Similarly, successful completion of a surgical operation and a good recovery are not enough
evidence to conclude that the process of care was of high quality; they only
indicate that the procedure was performed skillfully. For the entire process of
care to be judged as high quality, one also must ascertain that the operation
was indicated (i.e., appropriate) for the patient and that it was carried out in
time. Finally, as is the case for structural measures, the use of process measures
for assessing the quality of care rests on a key assumption—that if the right
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things are done and are done right, good results (i.e., good outcomes of care)
are more likely to be achieved.
Outcome measures capture whether healthcare goals were achieved. Because the
goals of care can be defined broadly, outcome measures may include the costs of
care as well as patients’ satisfaction with their care (Iezzoni 2013). In formulations that stress the technical aspects of care, however, outcomes typically involve
indicators of health status, such as whether a patient’s pain subsided or condition
cleared up, or whether the patient regained full function (Donabedian 1980).
Clinicians tend to have an ambivalent view of outcome measures. Clinicians are aware that many factors that determine clinical outcomes—including
genetic and environmental factors—are not under their control. At best, they
control the process, and a good process only increases the likelihood of good
outcomes; it does not guarantee them. Some patients do not improve in spite
of the best treatment that medicine can offer, whereas other patients regain
full health even though they receive inappropriate or potentially harmful care.
Despite this complexity, clinicians view improved outcomes as the ultimate
goal of quality initiatives. Clinicians are unlikely to value the effort involved
in fixing a process-oriented gap in care if it is unlikely to ultimately result in
an improvement in outcomes.
Which Is Best?
Of structure, process, and outcome, which is the best measure of the quality of care? The answer is that none of them is inherently better and that the
appropriateness of each measure depends on the circumstances (Donabedian
2003). However, this answer often does not satisfy people who are inclined
to believe that outcome measures are superior to the others. After all, they
reason, the outcome addresses the ultimate purpose, the bottom line, of all
caregiving: Was the condition cured? Did the patient improve?
As previously noted, however, a good outcome may occur even when
the care (i.e., process) is clearly deficient. The reverse is also possible: Even
when the care is excellent, the outcomes might not be as good because of factors outside clinicians’ control, such as a patient’s frailty. To assess outcomes
meaningfully across providers, one must account for such factors by performing
complicated risk adjustment calculations (Goode at al. 2011; Iezzoni 2013).
What a particular outcome ultimately denotes about the quality of care
crucially depends on whether the outcome can be attributed to the care provided. In other words, one has to examine the link between the outcome and
the antecedent structure and process measures to determine whether the care
was appropriate and provided skillfully. Structures and processes are essential
but not sufficient for a good outcome.
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T h e Health c a re Q u a l i ty B o o k
Metrics and Benchmarks
To assess quality using structure, process, or outcome measures, one needs to
establish metrics and benchmarks to know what constitutes a good structure,
a good process, and a good outcome.
Metrics are specific variables that form the basis for assessing quality.
Benchmarks quantitatively express the level the variable must reach to satisfy
preexisting expectations about quality. Exhibit 1.2 provides examples of metrics
and benchmarks for structure, process, and outcome measures in healthcare.
The way healthcare metrics and benchmarks are derived is changing.
Before the 1970s, quality-of-care evaluations relied on consensus among groups
of clinicians selected for their clinical knowledge, experience, and reputation
(Donabedian 1982). In the 1970s, however, the importance of scientific literature to the evaluation of healthcare quality gained new visibility through the
work of Cochrane (1973), Williamson (1977), and others. At about the same
time, Brook and colleagues (1977) at RAND began using systematic reviews
and evaluations of scientific literature as the basis for defining criteria and
standards for quality. The evidence-based medicine movement of the 1990s,
which advocated medical practice guided by the best evidence about efficacy,
reinforced the focus on the literature and stressed consideration of the soundness of study design and validity (Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group
1992; Straus et al. 2005). As a result, derivation of metrics and benchmarks has
come to revolve more around the strength and validity of scientific evidence
than around the unaided consensus of experts (Eddy 2005, 1996).
The main insight that can be drawn from a deeper understanding of
concepts related to the measurement of healthcare quality is that the type of
measure used—structure, process, or outcome—matters less than the measure’s
Examples of
Metrics and
for Structure,
Process, and
Measures in
Type of
Focus of Assessment
Structure Nurse staffing in
nursing homes
Hours of nursing care At least four hours of
per resident day
nursing care per resident day
Percentage of
patients who receive
prophylactic antibiotics on the day of
Patients undergoing
surgical repair of hip
100 percent receive
antibiotic on the day
of surgery
Outcome Hospitalized patients Rate of falls per 1,000 Fewer than five falls
patient days
per 1,000 patient
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relationship to the others. Structural measures are only as good and useful as the
strength of their link to desired processes and outcomes. Similarly, process and
outcome measures must relate to each other in measurable and reproducible
ways—as demonstrated by efficacy studies—to be truly valid measures of quality.
Quality Improvement Models
A number of systems exist to guide the process of quality improvement. At their
core, all of these systems are approaches to complex problem solving. Just as the
scientific method guides research inquiry in the lab, and just as the diagnostic
process guides clinical reasoning, quality improvement models structure the
approach to system improvement. All of the models discussed in this section
were initially developed for industries outside of healthcare. Their adoption
in and adaptation to the field of healthcare quality improvement demonstrate
the field’s willingness to learn from the success of others, as well as the relative
youth of the quality movement in the healthcare arena. Although these models
have different names, they have certain core commonalities. Most share the
following basic format:
Identify the problem
Measure current performance
Perform a cause analysis
Develop and implement an improvement strategy
Measure the effect of the intervention
Modify, maintain, or spread the intervention
“Form follows function,” a concept rooted in the field of architecture,
stresses the importance of understanding what you are trying to accomplish
before you determine how you are going to do it. Applied to healthcare quality,
the phrase highlights the need to understand the purpose behind the effort—the
goal—at the individual, departmental, and organizational levels before deciding
what improvement process or approach to adopt. The following approaches,
though not an exhaustive list, are the ones most commonly applied:
The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle
The model for improvement
Lean, or the Toyota Production System
Six Sigma
Human-centered design
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The Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
Walter A. Shewhart (1891–1967) developed the PDSA cycle during the 1920s,
and the cycle was further described by W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993), who
is often regarded as the “father” of quality. Deming (2000b), a statistics professor and physicist by trade, stressed the importance of practicing continuous
improvement and thinking of manufacturing as a system. As part of his “system of
profound knowledge,” Deming (2000a) promoted the idea that about 15 percent
of poor quality was because of workers and 85 percent was because of improper
management, systems, and processes. In most, but not all, contexts, the stages
of this model are plan, do, study, and act. Some may replace the “study” with
“check,” making the cycle PDCA. Nevertheless, the principles remain the same.
In practical terms, the stages of the PDSA cycle can be broken down as follows.
• Understand the problem and the underlying causes for a gap in quality.
• Establish an objective. What are you trying to accomplish? By how
much do you aim to improve, and by when?
• Ask questions and make predictions. What do you think will happen?
• Plan to carry out the cycle. Who will perform the functions? What steps
will be performed?
• When will the plan be implemented and completed? Where will the
plan/work take place?
Educate and train staff.
Carry out the plan (e.g., try out the change on a small scale).
Document problems and unexpected observations.
Begin analysis of the data.
• Assess the effect of the change, and determine the level of success
achieved, relative to the goal/objective.
• Compare the results with your predictions. Did you meet your aim for
improvement? Did anything get worse?
• Summarize the lessons learned.
• Determine what changes need to be made and what actions will be
taken next.
• Act on what you have learned.
• Determine whether the plan should be repeated with modification, or
whether a new plan should be created.
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• Make necessary changes.
• Identify remaining gaps in the process or performance.
• Carry out additional PDSA cycles until the goal/objective is met.
Model for Improvement
Tom Nolan and Lloyd Provost, cofounders of Associates in Process Improvement (API), developed a simple model for improvement based on Deming’s
PDSA cycle. As shown in exhibit 1.3, the model uses three fundamental questions as a basis for improvement: (1) What are we trying to accomplish? (2)
How will we know that a change is an improvement? (3) What change can we
make that will result in improvement?
Setting measurable aims is essential for any quality improvement effort.
The effort required to bring about improvement may vary depending on the
problem’s complexity, whether the focus is on a new or an old design, or the
number of people involved in the process (Langley et al. 1996). The Institute
for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has adopted the API approach as its organizing improvement model.
Lean, or the Toyota Production System
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology first used the term Lean in 1987 to
describe product development and production methods that, when compared
with traditional mass production processes, produce more products with fewer
Model for Improvement
API Model for
• What are we trying to accomplish?
• How will we know that a change is an
• What change can we make that will
result in improvement?
Source: Langley et al. (1996). Used with permission.
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defects in a shorter time. Lean thinking, or Lean manufacturing, grew out of
the work of Taiichi Ohno (1912–1990), who began developing the concepts
as early as 1948 at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan. As a result, it is also
known as the Toyota Production System (TPS).
The goal of Lean is to develop a way to specify the meaning of value,
to align steps/processes in the best sequence, to conduct activities without
interruption whenever someone requests them, and to perform the activities
more effectively (Womack and Jones 2003). Lean focuses on the removal of
muda, or waste, which is defined as anything that is not needed to produce an
item or service. Ohno identified seven types of waste: (1) overproduction, (2)
waiting, (3) unnecessary transport, (4) overprocessing, (5) excess inventory,
(6) unnecessary movement, and (7) defects. Lean also emphasizes the concept
of continuous (one-piece) flow production. In contrast to a batch-and-queue
process, continuous flow creates a standardized process in which products
are constructed through a single, continuous system one at a time, ultimately
producing less waste, greater efficiency, and higher output.
Lean methodology places the needs of the customer first by following
five steps:
1. Define value as determined by the customer, based on the provider’s
ability to deliver the right product or service at an appropriate price.
2. Identify the value stream—the set of specific actions required to bring a
product or service from concept to completion.
3. Make value-added steps flow from beginning to end.
4. Let the customer pull the product from the supplier; do not push products.
5. Pursue perfection of the process.
When waste is removed and flow is improved, quality improvement
results. The simplification of processes reduces variation, reduces inventory,
and increases the uniformity of outputs (Heim 1999).
Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a system for improvement developed by Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, General Electric, and other organizations during the 1980s and 1990s
(Pande, Neuman, and Cavanagh 2000). The central concepts of Six Sigma are
not new; they build on the foundations of quality improvement established
from the 1920s through the 1950s, including Shewhart’s research on variation and his emphasis on precise measurement. Six Sigma creates clear roles
and responsibilities for executives and other individuals, who may achieve the
ranks of champion, green belt, black belt, or master black belt as they develop
through higher levels of training and expertise.
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With Six Sigma, the aim is to reduce variation and eliminate defects in
key business processes. It aims for a rate of no more than 3.4 defects per million
opportunities. By using a set of statistical tools to understand the fluctuation
of a process, managers can predict the expected outcome of that process. If
the outcome is not satisfactory, management can use associated tools to learn
more about the elements influencing the process. The primary theory of Six
Sigma is that a focus on reducing variation leads to a more uniform process
output. Secondary effects include less waste, less throughput time, and less
inventory (Heim 1999).
The Six Sigma improvement model consists of five steps that together
form the acronym DMAIC:
1. Define. Identify the customers and their problems. Determine the
key characteristics that are important to the customer, along with the
processes that support those key characteristics.
2. Measure. Categorize key characteristics, verify measurement systems,
and collect data.
3. Analyze. Convert raw data into information that provides insights into
the process. These insights include identifying the fundamental and
most important causes of defects or problems.
4. Improve. Develop solutions to the problem, and make changes to the
process. Measure process changes, and judge whether the changes are
beneficial, or whether another set of changes is necessary.
5. Control. If the process is performing at a desired and predictable level,
monitor the process to ensure that no unexpected changes occur.
Human-Centered Design
Quality improvement initiatives are increasingly incorporating design concepts
as part of an effort to restore the central role of patients and frontline healthcare
providers in the improvement process. Existing improvement models emerged
primarily out of the manufacturing industry, where reduction in defects, speed
of production, and reduction of waste are the primary concerns. Design methods, on the other hand, originate from such industries as architecture, product
development, and fashion. Priorities in these fields extend beyond those of
manufacturing and include such concerns as customer satisfaction, functional
performance, and creativity. When applied to the healthcare setting, humancentered design can encompass a broad array of concepts and practices, including human factors engineering (HFE) and the process of co-creating devices,
spaces, and processes with patients or end users. This approach might involve,
for instance, purposefully forming a team of industrial designers, patients, and
occupational therapists to design a new type of prosthetic device for amputees,
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or bringing together designers, medical professionals, patients, and family
members to create a better waiting room experience (Guinn 2017).
The steps of the design process are as follows:
1. Empathize. Thoroughly understand the motivations, needs, and
concerns of the client or user.
2. Define. Translate the perspectives gained from interviewing and
observing the end user into clear design challenges and goals.
3. Ideate. Generate a broad array of potential solutions, with minimal selfediting or concern for real or imagined limitations.
4. Narrow. Identify the most promising solutions, usually through the
application of specific criteria.
5. Prototype. Create tangible products representing the potential future
solutions, with the goal of communicating back to the end user and
further exploring/refining ideas.
6. Test. Share prototypes and gather feedback, working toward a final
Two key elements of the design process are empathy building and prototyping. Empathy is key to realizing the promise of patient/person centeredness
in the improvement of healthcare services. The depth to which designers aim
to understand their users is pivotal to the creation of superior products and
services. Prototyping exists in other improvement models, but usually in the
form of small-scale implementation of a solution in the actual environment.
At its extreme, prototyping may take the form of a pilot, but more frequently
it is a lower-fidelity expression of a final product, such as a physical model,
storyboard, or simulation. Like the PDSA cycle, application of the design
process is cyclical and continues until the goal is met.
Quality Improvement Tools
Understanding the difference between quality improvement models and quality
improvement tools is difficult. A quality model is akin to the process of designing
and then constructing a house. The tools are the materials and activities that
take the design from an abstract concept to a physical structure. An architect
does not simply walk onto a building site with an idea in her head. Instead, she
creates blueprints that communicate the building plan. The blueprint is a tool
that makes the design process visible. Similarly, contractors use physical tools,
such as hammers and saws, as well as organizing tools, such as checklists and
work schedules, to ensure that the house is built correctly. Similarly, in quality
improvement, different tools have different functions and are used at distinct
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stages. They are not interchangeable, just as you could not substitute a hammer
for a saw. We can observe people using the tools of the system, but the system
or model itself (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean) is invisible and cannot be observed.
Quality improvement tools can be organized into seven categories,
following a framework developed by the American Society for Quality (ASQ)
(Tague 2004):
Cause analysis
Evaluation and decision making
Process analysis
Data collection and analysis
Idea creation
Project planning and implementation
Knowledge transfer and spread techniques
This section is not intended to be a comprehensive reference on quality tools
and techniques; rather, it aims to highlight some of the more widely used tools
in each category.
Cause Analysis
Once a gap in quality has been identified, the next step is usually to figure out
why actual performance is lagging behind optimal performance or benchmarks.
This process is known as cause analysis. Skillful cause analysis allows improvement teams to link their solutions and interventions with the underlying reasons
for the gaps in care they are working to fix.
Five Whys
The “five whys” exercise is a basic method for drilling down through the
symptoms of a process or design failure to identify the root cause. Easy to
understand and to perform, it involves simply asking “why?” five times. Users of
this technique will quickly identify the more proximal conditions contributing
to a quality gap, instead of assuming that the obvious surface conditions are
the most important. The benefit of this approach is that it forces users to look
beyond their first answer. Any time a breach in protocol is assumed to be the
reason for a bad outcome, one must dig deeper, asking why the protocol was
not followed, until a root cause is identified. The key to successful use of this
technique is not to stop the analysis too early, thus misidentifying the root cause.
Cause-and-Effect/Fishbone Diagram
Most complex problems have multiple root causes, which can be missed using
five whys, because that tool encourages one path to be followed at the exclusion
of others. Cause-and-effect diagrams, also referred to as Ishikawa or fishbone
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diagrams, help to broaden the search for possible root causes. In a fishbone
diagram, the problem (effect) is stated in a box on the right side of the chart,
and likely causes of the problem are listed around major category headings to
the left, resembling the bones of a fish (ASQ 2014). Possible category headings,
as shown in exhibit 1.4, include Technology, Team, Individual, Organization/
Management, Protocols, and Environment.
Evaluation and Decision Making
Deciding exactly where in a system to intervene to bring about change often
involves a more quantitative approach to cause analysis. Visualizing data can
help to identify correlations and patterns to help guide decisions.
Scatter Diagram
Scatter diagrams, also known as scatter plots or x-y graphs, enable users to
identify whether a correlation exists between two variables or sets of numerical data. As shown in exhibit 1.5, when a high correlation exists between the
two elements, the data will display as a tight line or curve; when the elements
have little correlation, the data will display as a more scattered or “shotgun”
distribution. Although correlation does not imply causation, targeting a variable that is highly correlated with the outcome of interest may be more likely
to improve performance.
Schematic of
a Fishbone
Diagram Used in
Cause Analysis
Cause One
Quality Gap
Cause Two
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Two Data Sets
a) Highly correlated
b) No correlation
Pareto Chart
The Pareto chart developed from the work of the Italian economist Vilfredo
Pareto (1848–1923), who observed that 80 percent of the wealth in Italy was
held by 20 percent of the population. Joseph M. Juran (1904–2008), working
as an internal consultant to Deming with Western Electric on the subject of
industrial engineering, applied this principle more broadly and proclaimed that
80 percent of the variation of any characteristic is caused by only 20 percent
of the possible causes.
A Pareto chart displays the occurrence frequency for a range of causes
of variation, demonstrating the small number of significant contributors to
a problem. It enables a project team to identify the frequency with which
specific errors are occurring and thus to concentrate resources appropriately
(Tague 2004). Pareto charts overlay a histogram and a line graph, showing the
contribution of each error or cause to the total variation in the system. The
charts have two x axes, with frequency of occurrence on the left-hand axis and
cumulative percentage on the right. Causes are arranged in descending order
of frequency, and those on the right-hand side account for the majority of the
variation in outcomes (see exhibit 1.6).
Process Analysis
Many improvement initiatives target changes in process to achieve better outcomes. Fully understanding an existing or proposed process is a vital step in
Flowcharts, also called process maps, are used to visually display the steps of a
process in sequential order. As shown in exhibit 1.7, each step in a flowchart is
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Cumulative percent
A Pareto Chart
Showing the
Frequency with
Which Causes
Contribute to
Frequency of occurrences
List of causes
A Simplified
Process Map
Flow from Start
to Stop with
One Decision
displayed as a symbol that represents a particular action (e.g., start/stop, process
step, direction, decision, delay). Flowcharts are useful in quality improvement
for identifying unnecessary or high-risk steps in a process, developing a standardized process, and facilitating communication between staff involved in the
same process (Tague 2004). Specific improvement models include their own
variations on flowcharts, such as value stream mapping in Lean.
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis / Mistake Proofing
Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) examines potential problems and
their causes and predicts undesired results. Normally, FMEA is used to predict
future product failure from past part failure, but it also can be used to analyze
future system failures. By basing activities on FMEA, organizations can focus
their efforts on steps in a process that have the greatest potential for failure
before failure actually occurs. Prioritization of failure points, or modes, is based
on the detectability of the potential failure, its severity, and its likelihood of
Mistake proofing, or poka yoke, is a related concept developed in the
1960s by Japanese industrial engineer and TPS cofounder Shigeo Shingo
(1909–1990). The goal of mistake proofing is to make a potential failure
impossible, or at least to make failure easily detectable before significant consequences result. Mistake-proofing techniques can be used to address potential
failures identified during FMEA.
Data Collection and Analysis
Identifying measures, setting benchmarks, and trending performance data lie
at the heart of quality improvement. Various methods emphasize the ability
to understand variation and recognize when trends represent true change.
Improvement projects need to have SMART aims—aims that are specific (S),
measurable (M), achievable (A), relevant (R), and time bound (T). A wellconceived aim allows a team to communicate with stakeholders, assess progress,
galvanize efforts, and advertise its success.
Importantly, aims are not tied to a particular intervention. They do not
specify how a team will achieve success, just what success will look like and by
when. Usually, the initial aim for improvement is not to achieve a perfect performance. Instead, the aim represents a feasible incremental improvement—say,
increasing the frequency of a positive outcome from 40 to 60 percent. When a
team reaches its initial aim, a new one will be set. This technique emphasizes
that improvement is a continuous process and that multiple improvement cycles
are usually necessary to close quality gaps.
Run Charts and Control Charts
Run charts graph performance over time, as shown in exhibit 1.8. They can
display process or outcome measures, and their ability to display change over
time makes them more useful than simple “pre” and “post” data. Often, run
charts display important events in a project (such as the interventions labeled
in the exhibit), helping users to assess the impact of a process change and to
identify or correct any problems that arise (Tague 2004). Statistical process
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Run Chart
on a Given
Measure over
Run Chart
Intervention 1
Intervention 2
Note: Important events in a project can be added to the chart.
control charts, or simply control charts, are closely related to run charts. Control
charts contain three lines: a central/control line (median), an upper control
limit, and a lower control limit. These boundaries define statistically significant
change and are used to monitor performance and variation.
Idea Creation
When a team is seeking solutions to a quality problem, stakeholders should be
engaged and encouraged to think broadly. The best solution might not be the
one the team thinks of first, and outside opinions might be necessary to better
understand how a proposed solution will affect real people and processes. Not all
ideas are created equal. Exhibit 1.9 presents a hierarchy for improvement, with
strategies such as exhortation and education at the bottom and systems-based
interventions such as checklists, automation, and forcing functions at the top. Proposed solutions to quality projects are sometimes referred to as countermeasures.
Project Planning and Implementation
Once a countermeasure is chosen, the team must begin implementing the new
process or equipment. Depending on the nature of the countermeasure, this
step may be extremely complex. Tools that help to organize, prioritize, and
communicate are vital to keeping the team on track.
Stakeholder Analysis
In truth, stakeholder analysis should be listed as a quality improvement tool in
each of the seven sections. From cause analysis to knowledge transfer and spread,
the management of stakeholders is key to a successful improvement initiative.
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Forcing functions
Checklists/double checks
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