Johnson & Wales University Lean Operations Research

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Business Finance

Johnson & Wales University


Lean Operation defined as Eliminates waste through continuous improvement and focus on exactly what the customer wants.

Question: Using research during site visits at your chosen business environment or a company you are familiar with, please gather, interpret and analyze the current state of business operations to strategize methodology to achieve the three principles (eliminate waste, remove variability, and improve throughput) of lean. Please defend your answers on a tactical level by explaining how these recommendations (proposed methodology when applied conceptually) will balance cost and quality.


• Introduction - describe the company in general and what it does

• Using the three principles as section headings, analyze the company along each principle

• Conclusion - is the company balancing cost and quality? Why or why not?

Cite your source in APA format.

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Lean Management
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Ernst and Young Global Limited Liability Partnership is commonly referred to as
Ernest &Young and others simply EY. The corporation is a multinational professional service
company that has its offices globally and offers its services to various individuals. It has its
headquarters in London, England, United Kingdom. It is one of the largest professional
service companies globally. It is among the four largest accounting firms competing with
Deloitte, KPMG, and PricewaterCoopers (PWC). It offers services such as accounting
services and assurance, which includes financial auditing, tax consultancy, and advisory
services to its clients (Roebke, 2019). The company has, however, with time, expanded its
operations into strategy, operations, Human resources, and technology.
The company operates as a network company with its member firms structured as
separate legal entities in the partnership that exists. The company boasts of 270,000
employees in its more than 700 offices located in its 150 countries globally. The company's
current partnership was constructed in 1989by a merger of two accounting firms; Ernst &
Whiney and Arthur Young was therefore deemed fit and appropriate to name it
Ernest and Young until a rebranding that took place in 2013 (Roebk...

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