WU Contemporary Policies and Practices Corrections & Government Agencies Essay

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Walden University


The United States criminal justice system is governed by various sets of policies and practices developed from federal statues, regulations, and case law. Interpretation of these policies and practices is ultimately adjudicated by the Supreme Court of the United States, and that court’s decisions affect many practical, on-the-job components of everyday criminal justice professionals. For example, whether and how officers may legally stop, search, and seize evidence. As such, it is essential for a criminal justice professional to understand two things: first, how Supreme Court decisions impact a criminal justice professional’s everyday job in significant ways; and, second, how leadership and administrators in criminal justice take action within their organizations to enforce the court’s decisions.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources on criminal justice policies.
  • Review the articles and media on the Supreme Court decisions related to policing and corrections.
  • Explore contemporary Supreme Court cases related to policing and corrections.

For this Assignment, select one of the two topics:

  • Policing
  • Corrections

Use the Supreme Court of the United States Blog, located in the Learning Resources, to find a contemporary case related to policing or corrections.

The Assignment:

Using the APA Walden Writing Center Template, in 4‒5 pages, your report should include:

  • Provide a brief summary of the case.
  • Provide an argument about whether you believe the ruling is correct or what it should be, if the case is still active.
    • Ensure that your argument is supported by at least three credible resources.
    • Provide references to case laws and facts to support your argument.
  • Explain how you think the Supreme Court’s decision, or potential decision, may impact agencies (police or corrections) moving forward.
  • Recommend at least 2–3 specific actions or steps that could be implemented by leadership to avoid future violations.

Learning Resources:






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Explanation & Answer

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Contemporary Policies and Practices
Institutional affiliation


Corrections are established terms that define various functions of government agencies,
and involve punishment, treatment, or supervision of individuals who have committed crimes.
The criminal justice system exists to provide legal code. It comprises three units; the police, the
courts, and the corrections system. The courts are critical in determining the fate of an accused
person or an offender. The law stipulates that a person remains innocent until proven guilty by a
court of law. This process starts with the police, apprehending suspected criminals and taking
them to courts for adjudication. This gives the court the overall mandate to convict an accused
person with the evidence provided by the investigative agencies (Russo et al., 2017).
The constitution of a nation has a set of rules regulating the powers of a government as
well as the rights of its people. The law provides the basis for courts` determination of cases by
considering the citizens' rights whenever making judgments. In the US, The Supreme court is the
highest in the land. It is vested with the responsibility of interpreting all congressional
enactments. The decisions made by the Supreme court in determining a case is viewed as a
reflection of the whole judicial system. Therefore, the Supreme Court must ensure that it
interprets the law and delivers its judgments in a manner that leaves it untainted.
Moore v. Texas
In Moore`s case, the Supreme court reaffirmed the constitutional rights of Moore.
Although he killed a 70yr old white man during a robbery incident, investigations found out that
he had an intellectual disability. Some findings established that this was because his childhood
was abused. According to the constitutio...

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