Abdill Career College Feminine Fashion Cloth Pieces Discussion

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Abdill Career College


Help me to write some Introductions for each clothe

There are 10 clothes total

You only need to introduce 4 to 5 sentences for each one in order

Like no more than 1000words totally

And you need to connect them with our group presentation ppt

Here is the instruction

After you have examined the garments of the era, brainstorm a new line of fashion that is modern and suits your customer demographic. Please use terms and vocabulary specific to the period. You may use the text book and vocab packs for reference.

SKETCHES: Must be in color, loaded into Power Point, along with any text about each creation that will help us better understand your concept. (Fabric choices, color swatches, accessories) Since you may not have access to the library and fabric swatches, be prepared to explain the fabric types of your new designs.

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ANCIENT EGYPT SY'LAI, YUXIN, KIRA, OLIVIA AND DANIELLE ◦ The creation of our name came from the word Nefer which means good, pleasant, and beautiful in ancient Egyptian hieroglyph's. Brand Name: NFR By Danielle By Danielle By Yuxin By Kira and Danielle By Kira and Danielle By Danielle King Tut wore sandals with his enemies on the bottom, so every time he took a step, he was stepping on his enemies. This design is inspired by that idea with a modern twist relating to current times. History of the Time Period ◦ The New Kingdom: Following the middle kingdom, foreign people known as the Hyksos ruled from Lower Egypt. The Hyksos gave Egypt many advances, innovations, and inventions but did not contribute much to fashion. This is largely because the Hyksos greatly admired Egyptian culture, beliefs, behavior, and fashion. The fashion styles of the New Kingdom are those most often shown in films and television shows dealing with Egypt no matter what time period they are set in. Beaded gowns and dresses covered with jewels begin to appear in the late Middle Kingdom but become more common in the New Kingdom among the upper classes. Men's fashion also advanced fairly quickly in the New Kingdom. The kilts of this period drop to below the knee and are more embroidered, they are also often supplemented by a sheer, loose-fitting, blouse. The pharaoh, depicted in the nemes headdress, is often seen in this kind of clothing wearing either sandals or slippers. Underwear was also developed further during this period, evolving from the rough, triangular loincloth wrapped between the legs and around the waist to a finer piece of cloth either sewn to a certain waist size or tied at the hips. ◦ History of the Time Period ◦ Early Dynastic Period & Old Kingdom: Men and women of the lower class in the same kind of dress: a knee-length, plain kilt, probably white or light in color. Upper-class Egyptians in the same time period dressed the same only with more ornamentation. It was only by their jewelry that men from the wealthy class could be distinguished from farmers and artisans. Women's dress was more distinctive between classes because upper-class women wore a long, figure-fitting dress with or without sleeves. ◦ First Intermediate Period & Middle Kingdom: The First Intermediate Period of Egypt followed the collapse of the Old Kingdom and initiated many dramatic changes in the Egyptian culture but fashion remained relatively the same. It is only in the Middle Kingdom that fashion changes as women begin to wear long cotton gowns and different hairstyles. The Middle Kingdom dress of the upper class is also different in that outfits were often made of cotton. These dresses would be made of a single sheet of cloth which the woman would wrap herself in and then arrange for style with a belt around the waist over which she could blouse the top. ◦ Expand The Brand by Ronger Xu(Zion) ◦ Jewelry - A scarab collar ◦ In ancient Egypt religion the scarab was a symbol of immortality, resurrection, transformation and protection. They are usually made with stones and gems. Scarab Symbol was one of the most important religious Egyptian Symbols in the mythology of ancient Egypt. The scarab beetle was also called the dung beetle because of its practice of rolling a ball of dung across the ground which it then used as a food source. The Scarab beetle symbolized the sun because the ancient Egyptians saw a likeness between the scarab beetle rolling the dung and the sun god rolling the sun, making it shine on Earth. ◦ Not everyone in the ancient Egypt can used scarab jewelry. However royalty always used Scarabs as a means for securing and consolidating wealth and even to the present days. Nowadays there are still some precious pieces of scarabs jewelry are antiques. Expand the brand ◦ Home décor - This is a bed that has two ankh symbols on the front. ◦ Ankh in ancient Egypt means Life and symbolized the enteral life. This is a mysterious symbol from Egypt, the top for a circle of cruciform decorations. Originally a gift from God to the Pharaohs, it was later used by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of life, a symbol of the great, secret power hidden inside a person, and will leave traces of eternal life. Ankh is the most ancient symbol of the gods in Egypt. It is said that god holds Ankh in the sky, on the earth and on the river, showing the secret of life with infinite magic power, and blessing a person to come to the world and leave traces of eternal life. The symbol was originally available only to the pharaohs, but with the passage of time, it slowly spread to the people. It is said that wearing this protective treasure can prevent disasters, diseases and magic attacks, and help the wearer win love and war. It is used to pray for eternal health, love and wealth, and to give a sense of nostalgia for the mystery of primitive civilization. DILI
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Slide 3
The piece is a short, modernized dress that has encompassed the art of color blocking. The top
piece, which is beige has shoulder patterns that magnify the dress, making it modern with a feel
of traditional wear. Proceeding further, the blue stripe across the burst gives the ensemble a
unique appearance, as we see it acting as a transition from color beige to orange. Overall, the
mini-dress looks comfortable, and the flare of the plits gives the twist and acts as the centerpiece.
Slide 4
This dress is made for the modern woman who keeps in touch with her feminine side. The dress
is curvaceously done to provide great shape. The green and beige have also been matched. They
create a pattern that makes the colors look perfect for the dress. The design is unique, as the
shoulder pads are using, and instead, openings have been positioned to show the shoulders.
Additionally, the front lower pattern is unique, as it helps show skin, but still maintains a level of
decency for the person wearing it. Thus, the neck and waist pieces are the centerpieces of the

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