HIST 111 Mazoon College Hellenistic Age & Culture Essay

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HIST 111

Mazoon College



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MAZOON COLLEGE Assignment Question Paper Summer Type of Assignment Individual Course code Hist 111 Course Name History of Western Civilization Hand out date 7/06/2020 Instructor Date of submission 30/06/2020 Semester Adnan Raza Remark: Candidates are advised to read all instructions before answering Learning outcomes to be tested by this assignment: 1.Research biographical and historical material. They will learn the development and formation of western civilization 2. Write descriptions of the life and achievements of leading figures of Ancient Western Civilization, with appropriate selective emphasis. 3. Analyze the factors that were involved in the development and destruction of great societies. 4. To acquire a knowledge of leading figures of Rome during ancient times and effects on the Western Civilization Scope of the Assignment The assignments aims to help students to do research about Hellenistic Age. They will be able to compare and contrast different civilisations Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism includes, and not limited to, submitting a report/presentation/ dissertation/ term paper/research paper or any other work to be graded which includes the production of other author(s) without properly acknowledging the original author(s) of the work, or use the work of other person (paid or un paid) and submitting it to be its own work to claim grades or any other credit. The college is using text matching detection software; text similarity above 20% is not acceptable and deemed plagiarism. Page 1 of 2 Submission Instructions ▪ Use A4 size paper, Times New Roman 12 font size with double (2) line spacing in text. ▪ Use first page of assignment as cover page to submit your work ▪ Submit soft copy of assignment through college portal and hard copy as per instructions of the course instructor. ▪ Late submission is subjected to deduction of 01mark per delayed day ▪ Plagiarized work shall not be considered to award any marks ▪ Student will be served with academic warning in case of submitting plagiarized work. Assignment Questions: Q.1 Write an essay on the spread of Hellenistic Culture. Include the following in your essay: 750 words Maximum a) Hellenistic culture in Alexandria 2 Marks b) Science and technology 2 marks c) Philosophy and art 3 marks d) Conclusion 2 marks e) Reference and citation 1 mark Page 2 of 2
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Hellenistic Culture
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The Spread of Hellenistic Culture
As Attridge (1998) describes, a Hellenistic culture encompasses ideas, customs, and
social behaviors of the people who existed in the period between the times of Alexander the
Great campaigns, in the fourth century, the emergence of the Roman Empire, and the conquest of
Ptolemaic Egypt. This culture sprouts up as a result of the interaction of local cultures, traditional
elements, and the culture which was brought by both Greek and non-Greek conquerors and
settlers. The conquest of Alexandria the great in the fourth century B.C.E. speeded the spread of
the Hellenistic culture in the Eastern Mediterranean.
During his conquest, Alexander the Great ensured that the conquered states and regions
melded their culture with that of the Greeks (Gregory, 2018). In the states, he conquered he
established new cities as his administrative centers and Greek culture spreading points. One of
his established cities in the Eastern Mediterranean was the Egyptian Alexandria, which, due to
his conquest, adopted ...

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