UAEU Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Summary Essay

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United Arab Emirates University


Book title “Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.”

Develop 1,000 words condensing the main ideas of the book. The summary should be well-written, with care taken regarding spelling, punctuation, sentence form, and paragraph structure. You may wish to quote some passages briefly (up to 50 words) putting all quotations in quotation marks. The summary must be an actual digestion of the overall work written primarily in your own words. I have also attached a PDF document that should help with the structure of the work. Please make sure you review it.

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Executive Summary “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
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Executive Summary “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
The book by Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich,” is 25 years of research work in the
making that highlights the thirteen steps or secrets to riches. After a 25-year of research on some
of the most economically successful and wealthiest persons in the world, as well as the
inspiration from philanthropist Andrew Carnegie and business magnate, the author wrote the
book as a personal development and self-improvement masterpiece work of all times. For over
two centuries, people have had the desire to achieve greatness in their lives; however, be it
happiness, peace of mind, personality, contentment, power, fame, and money, it becomes
difficult to achieve them without the prerequisite of thought and imagination. It offers the
quickest and simplest reliable philosophy of personal accomplishment in the context of the
power of thinking (Hill, 2011).
The philosophical idea of the book centers around the notion that success and the secret
to building wealth can be attained through mental imagination and visualization. Therefore, the
mind is the greatest weapon that propels one toward becoming the best version of themselves.
Also, the author in this book introduces the power of thoughts as the key to wealthy living.
Primarily, the author explores the brain’s psychological power and thought in the aspect of
advancing one’s professional career for both personal and monetary satisfaction (Hill, 2011).To
be rich in life, it entirely depends on one's success consciousness. Therefore, this masterpiece is
not about how one can generate more salary and attain riches. Still, it is based on the philosophy
that can help people attract success, achieve their aspirations, and succeed in their professional
careers. By exploring hundreds of self-fulfilled people individually, Hill discovered that most of
these men were just ordinary men with extraordinary secrets that acted as the drive to ambiguous
success (Hill, 2011).



Ideally, the author sees this book as a state of mind. In that, it makes use of the brain's
ability to display a definite purpose and strong desires into reality. However, converting one’s
strong passions and goals into a reality is often challenging, but with a strong desire, one can
succeed. Furthermore, this book is a contemporary genre of personal-success literature that plays
a critical role in an individual’s personal and monetary satisfaction. The author asserts that riches
come when one shifts his/her thoughts from mediocre to wealth consciousness. Napoleon Hill
highlights that for one to get from where he is to where he wants to be is simply by “Never give
up. Never quit. Seek assistance. Focus. Take different strategies. Make new relationships. Find
and persist individuals who can assist one in attaining their dreams. Seek extra materials to
assist in i...

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