HIS 363 SUNY at Stony Brook American Cinema Essay

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HIS 363

SUNY at Stony Brook



Write an essay in response to one of the following questions (4-5 pages).

‘Discuss the extent to which American cinema changed its approach to war between the 1950s and the present.

‘Discuss the extent to which American cinema changed its approach to revolution between the 1950s and the present’.

To support your claims, you need to include the following:

1. Explicit reference to topics discussed by Mark Cousins in chapters 6 to 10 of his book.

2. Discussion of at least three films from the ‘films for suggested viewing list’ in the syllabus (weeks IV to VI). This discussion should consider the way in which war or revolution affect the plot, setting and/or characters of the selected films.

3. Discussion of ideas or themes from Martin Scorsese’s article on Marvel movies and cinema (Blackboard).

4. Reference to the introduction to Eric Hobsbawm’s The Age of Extremes to give your discussion additional historical context or perspective. You should do this even if the films you selected are not set in the twentieth century.

5. Reference to one external source (do this only if you feel that your analysis requires it).


Unless I specify it in the question, you may only use readings from the course to complete this exam. External sources are not allowed.

Responses must be typed in 12 pt. font (Times), double-spaced with 1-inch margins.

Your response to the essay portion of the exam must include an original title (not simply, "Paper" or “Essay”), and page numbers.

All direct quotations and references to other authors' ideas require citations. In the case of this exam, this means citing Mark Cousins’ or Hobsbawm’s book. My preference is for Chicago Style when citing all sources (this is required of History Majors). Please refer to the website of the Chicago Manual of Style Online for details on how to cite sources in Chicago Style. You may use the following link to get there: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citation.... Please note that there are two different ways of doing your citations in this style, one is the “notes and bibliography” style and the other one is the “author-date” style. You may use either.

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Explanation & Answer

Attached final. Cheers contact if need be good bye'stay safe


American Cinema Essay



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American Cinema Essay

Discuss the extent to which American cinema changed its approach to war between the
1950s and the present’.
This chapters talk of “sex and melodrama, European new wave, New Directors New Form,
American cinema of the 70s, and movies to change the world," and they follow each other
respectfully from chapters 6 to 10. The different chapters contain films fitting the title topics that
are analyzed in these chapters. The chapters show how different filmmakers are affected by
historical events in time and by one another. Chapter 6 looks at how sees and melodrama has
dominated the world and the growth of movie-making.
Chapter 7 looks at works of influential film directors and the "French new wave movement" and
the wave of filmmakers in Spain and Italy. Chapter 8 looks at when the new wave entered the
cinema and gave rise to the new film makers' generation. Chapter 9 discusses the film in 3 types:
“assimilationist films that rework old studio genres with new techniques, satirical films that
mocked society and the times, and dissident films that challenged the conventional style of
Chapter 10 discussions are based on the structure of the film, stylistic devices, social and
political themes of the film's period. He criticizes different films made in different eras and
produced by diff...

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