Concorde Career College Small Group Stages Formats and Culture Powerpoint

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Business Finance

Concorde Career College



For this assignment, you will create a slide presentation about small group stages, formats and culture.


  • Analyze small group stages, formats, and culture.
  • Describe how idea generating, sharing, and problem-solving small groups operate.
  • Explain the three main types of small group members and the membership skills of each type.
  • Discuss the concept of leadership and the role of culture in small group communication.


  1. Create a seven to ten slide presentation by addressing two of the following:
    • Small Group Stages: Formats and Culture
    • How Idea Generating, Sharing, and Problem-Solving Small Groups Operate
    • The Three Types of Small Group Members and Their Membership Skills
    • The Concept of Leadership and the Role of Culture in Small Group Communication
  2. This presentation should be engaging and information.

Assignment Submission:

  • The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in current APA format.

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Explanation & Answer


Small Group Stages, Formats
and Culture.
Student’s Name

Idea Generation
❖ Idea generation is a creative process or procedure that a company uses in order to figure out
solutions to any numbers of different challenges.
❖ It involves coming up with many ides in a group discussion selecting the best or ideas working to
create a plan to implement the idea and the actually taking that idea and putting it in practice.
❖ Idea generation is fueled by consumption not creativity,
❖ Captures ideas when they come, speak your ideas as a bold, ask more questions.
❖ Make their thoughts visible.

Sharing of ideas;
❖ Schedule regular team brainstorm session into the weekly to monthly.
❖ It creates a culture of open engagement...

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